Carbon tax and families – July 2011

How does the carbon tax affect you?  How much will it cost you and your family per week? Will you be ok under the new system?

Envirosafe Solutions outlines the impact of the new carbon scheme on Australian families. Will it be financially negligible as the Labor Government will have us believe, or is it, as Tony Abbott describes, a “new socialist tax” that will unfairly target those who cannot afford it?

Eco Friendly, Eco Friendly Liquid Products, Extreme GreenSince the release of the specifics of the carbon tax on July 10, the media has been frenzied, reporting on the two sides of the debate and the real impact for Australian families. Regional newspapers in Lismore and Toowoomba, as well as other papers in South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria, are decrying the new tax and its impact on the hip pocket of average families.[1]

But one easy way to get the facts is to log onto the Australian government’s new site and use the cleanerenergyfuture household estimator. This will feed back comprehensive data based on the individual circumstances you enter into it. And it will give you the details you need to decide how the new tax will specifically affect you.[2]

Household Estimator[3]

The estimator is a clear guide that helps you to comprehend the affect of the tax on goods and services and the assistance that given to Australian families to cover this added financial burden. Enter your statistics and family household type details into the estimator and you will be given information that most closely fits your circumstances. While these are only indicative, they give you a close profile of what you and your family can expect once the carbon tax takes effect in 2012. The estimator process takes about 5-10 minutes and is possibly the best way for you to obtain information you need about your own family circumstances.

Envirosafe Solutions has compiled some important main details from the package. These may also help you understand the main features of the carbon tax:

  • Half the money from the tax will go back to assist households.
  • 90% of households will get tax cuts and payments to help
  • 4 million households will get assistance over and above the tax cost to them. (20% extra)
  • 6 million households will be assisted to meet the average cost of the tax.
  • 8 million will get some form of assistance

Case studies

You can also access case study scenarios on the cleanerenergyfuture website that may also help you. The following case studies are profiled to help you:

  • Two adults both working, with 2 children
  • Aged pensioners – two elderly pensioners receiving full pension
  • Self-funded retirees
  • Disabilities and carers
  • Student assistance
  • Low income assistance[4]

Envirosafe Solutions supports the need for a green future. Change and evolution can sadly come at a cost. Righting the wrongs and ignorance of past environmentally harmful practices requires stringent measures now, to ensure safety for the future and for our children.

Support the green revolution. And use products that will help you to reduce your household’s carbon footprint. For more information call Envirosafe Solutions on 1300 889070



