Tourism operators going green for climate change

Rust Converter, Dishwasher Powder, Disinfectant,Rust RemoverClimate change poses a significant threat to Australia’s tourism industry. The view from a high-rise apartment would be far less appealing knowing the lower floors were under water. Equally ski trips without snow and rivers without water offer very little for the holiday maker. Little wonder many Australian tourism operators are joining the green revolution.

There are tell-tale signs everywhere that tourism operators are going green.

From the little signs in hotel and resort bathrooms advising guests to save water and reuse their towels, to automatic lighting, environmental cleaning products and guest recycling points.

There are plenty of ways to reduce your environmental footprint and help reduce the effects of climate change.


Consider purchasing energy from a clean energy provider and monitor energy consumption to help identify opportunities to reduce usage.

Simple steps can be effective in reducing energy costs and minimising greenhouse gas emissions, including:

  • Installing energy-efficient lighting such as LEDs;
  • Installing sensor-lighting in outside areas;
  • Using a key card system so energy is only used when rooms are occupied;
  • Installing solar hot water systems or solar panels for energy generation;
  • Planting trees and garden beds to provide natural shading.


According to the Federal Government’s Climate Change Guide (Mitigation and Adaptation Measures for Australian Tourism Operators) Australians are the world’s second highest producers of waste. As a nation we throw away an alarming 3.3 million tonnes of food annually – this represents one quarter of the country’s food supply!

Where possible avoid and reduce waste and where necessary recover, reuse, recycle. The following tips may help:

  • Purchase food and environmental cleaning products in bulk (and use refillable dispensers for guest amenities such as antibacterial hand wash)
  • Use recycled paper products;
  • Create prominent recycling drop-off points for guest waste.


Measures to reduce water consumption and preserve water quality (including using non-toxic eco-friendly liquid products) are critical.

In addition to installing low-flow appliances (taps, showerheads, toilets) the following steps can help conserve this precious resource.

  • Re-use grey water from the laundry on gardens and reserves. Switching to environmentally friendly liquid laundry products with low phosphate content will ensure grey water is safe for reuse.
  • Encourage staff and guests to be aware of their water usage by placing signs in bathrooms, kitchens and laundries.
  • Use biodegradable eco-friendly liquid products instead of traditional harsh chemicals.


The guide recommends tourism operators use environmentally-friendly chemicals and “give preference to suppliers who supply environmentally friendly products”. It also suggests:

  • Keeping an updated database of hazardous substances;
  • Phase out ozone-depleting gases found in older refrigeration and air-conditioning units;
  • Using automatic dosing (such as automatic handwash dispensers) to ensure correct amounts of chemicals are used;
  • Train staff of safe chemical use and handling.

Australia’s tourism industry is built on a diverse, clean, healthy environment and adopting green practices promises Australia will remain a top tourism destination. For more information on reducing toxic chemicals at tourism venues, contact leading Australian environmental cleaning products company Envirosafe Solutions on 1300 88 90 70 or email
