Green offices save planet, health and bottom line

From paper cuts to cancer clusters, office workplaces are affecting the health of Australian workers. In recognition of the hazards facing indoor workers, today we turn our attention to the green revolution underway in Australian offices. It is no coincidence that measures to improve the health of the environment also improve workers’ wellbeing and the company bottom line.

Green revolution, environmental cleaning products

Everyone from the boss to the office cleaner can benefit from a green, healthy, low-impact workplace. Reduced costs, improved staff wellbeing and morale and of course a healthier planet are benefits which come hand-in-hand with sustainable office practices.

Measures to reduce the ecological footprint of corporate Australia have gathered momentum across the country. Progressive companies are showing their environmental conscience by investing in green energy. At Perth-based Envirosafe Solutions, two percent of all sales is donated to Carbon Neutral, an Australian not-for-profit organisation working to reduce carbon emissions.

From switching computers to energy-efficient settings to substituting harsh, solvent-based chemicals with environmental cleaning products, there are a myriad of simple steps which improve workplace conditions.

Cost savings of going green

Reducing paper use and cutting energy consumption can quickly save thousands of dollars. Eliminating exposure to toxic chemicals – many progressive workplaces insist on eco-friendly liquid products – as well as minimising vehicle use and encouraging healthy morning teas costs nothing but fosters a nurturing, safe workplace environment. Boosting staff health and morale has been shown to have a significant effect on productivity.

Simple steps to a better future

Some of the best tips for joining the green revolution at work can be implemented with very little cost or effort. These include:

  • Redesign the workplace with recycled, ergonomic office furniture and make use of natural light and ventilation. This will not only improve staff comfort and indoor air-quality but will also reduce reliance on expensive artificial heating and cooling;
  • Install energy-efficient hot water units, consider investing in solar panels and remember to switch off lights and heating or cooling in unused rooms.
  • Reset the thermostat each season – workers dress according to the seasons so there is no need to keep office temperatures constant all year round. Increasing the air-conditioning temperature from 18 to 24 degrees in summer will instantly save energy and cut power bills.
  • Adjust computers to energy-saving settings and remember to shut them down at the end of the day. The use of ‘stand-by’ power – including printers, scanners and faxes – consumes considerable energy;
  • Despite the digital age of email, text messaging and social network message boards, paper use remains high. The greenest paper is in fact no paper, so where possible cut back – think twice about printing out emails and back-up computer files electronically to reduce paper filing;
  • Choose recycled paper (but remember this still uses energy, water and chemical resources). Recycle and reuse office paper and packaging and print double-sided;
  • Carpool, use public transport or cycle or walk to work if you can and think twice before getting behind the wheel to go on a coffee-run – just think how much better the fresh air and exercise will make you feel;
  • Use sustainable materials including biodegradable anti-bacterial hand wash and dishwashing liquid. Not only do these environmentally friendly liquids reduce the chemical pollution in waterways, they improve health conditions for staff;

The green revolution underway in Australian offices has not only the planet breathing a little easier but has saved business money and improved health conditions for office workers.  Envirosafe Solution – a proud supplier of Australian-made environmental cleaning products – has been leading by example in implementing sustainable work practices. For more information on its sustainable workplace initiatives or its range of eco-friendly liquid products contact 1300 88 90 70 or email
