Dump fees tipped to rise under carbon tax

Hard Water - Laundry Liquid, Porta-Loo Treatment, Marine Glass Cleaner, Radiator CleanerDump fees have been tipped to rise when the planned carbon tax comes into effect from July 1 next year. The landfill industry claims dump operators will be subject to the $23-a-tonne tax and will be forced to pass it on to users, including councils, businesses and households.

The cost of dumping rubbish is set to increase.

By July next year all those old papers, cardboard boxes, empty containers of glass cleaner or industrial hand cleaner and other corporate waste will cost more to leave at the dump.

If you haven’t done so already, catching up with the green revolution and recycling as much office waste as possible will help avoid being caught up in rising dump fees.

Choosing bulk office products (such as those giant tins of coffee for a start) and concentrated cleaning products (make sure they are environmentally friendly liquids) will save money and give the environment a helping hand.

Each tonne of rubbish send to the dump from July next year could rise by $36, according to dump operators.

TheLandfill Owner’s Association has predicted this cost would be imposed on households through increased council rates. Businesses and individuals which take loads of rubbish direct to the tip will also face increased costs.

Federal Climate Change Minister Greg Combet said landfill waste produced methane gas for up to 20 years. He argued the carbon tax would provide an incentive for landfill sites to reduce gas emissions by capturing methane and turning it into electricity.

The environmental costs of landfill sites include:

  • The release of methane, carbon dioxide and other hazardous compounds from organic waste;
  • Groundwater and soil contamination from solid landfill waste;
  • Land degradation including loss of vegetation and habitat.

Minimising waste involves reducing consumption, recycling and purchasing products in concentrated form and in bulk containers.

The following check-list can help businesses make greener product purchases and reduce waste:

Be informed

Know what you’re buying. There are green alternatives for everything from electricity to office furniture and cleaning chemicals. Buying sustainable products will not only help the environment but will be better for the health and productivity of staff.

Buy the best you can afford

There’s a lot of truth in the saying ‘we’re too poor to buy cheap’. Good quality products generally last longer, are made from more sustainable materials and are better for the environment.

Avoid excess packaging

Excess packaging is just a waste. Buy in bulk if you can – office cleaners (especially eco-friendly liquid products) are available in concentrated form in larger containers. Perth-based environmental cleaning products company Envirosafe Solutions supplies its non-toxic, biodegradable Extreme Green range to the corporate and industrial sector. Its products can be diluted and decanted into smaller, reusable containers and spray bottles to reduce waste.

The big tip for business wanting to avoid rising dump fees is to reduce waste and recycle. Make your next order of office chemicals environmental cleaning products by calling Envirosafe Solutions on 1300 88 90 70 or email info@evss.com.au.


