Check Up On Your Eco Solutions Team

Fabric Conditioner, Laundry PowderMany large companies have eco solutions teams to help them keep their operations earth friendly and to reduce waste and their impact upon the environment. However, there are many ways in which even that move may not fully pan out into the full potential that it could be. What are some ways to round off your company’s eco solutions team and what do we mean by telling you to check up on them?

Not all divisions of your company are synergizing. With every company, you will find that there are divisions or sections of the business which are not quite as in sync with the rest of the business as you believe they should be. When this happens, organize an education of each division by their comrades so that everyone understands their own jobs and the responsibilities of others, and everyone is working together, instead of apart.

Especially make sure that the accounting department and the eco solutions teams are working together and are aware of each other’s initiatives. This is especially important regarding any tax breaks or cost reduction or financial incentives which are being handed out by your local or federal government at this time. If the account department is aware of your eco friendly efforts, then more money can be saved, more of our wonderful planet can be sustained, and more revenue can remain within your business.

Make sure that your eco solutions team is modern. This is especially important if new incentives have recently been introduced or if new technology is renovating how companies, especially large international companies, are reducing cost, reducing fuel and emissions, and increasing self sufficiency. One of the most important reasons to remain self sufficient is to maintain a durable competitive advantage over your competition, i.e. other businesses in your industry and competing industry markets.

Use discretion. Keep an eye on your eco solutions team’s progress and planning for new agendas. This is not to say that you should require notification about every small step, but talk to individual employees, especially management, about current projects once a week, and make sure that you are being kept in the loop on a fairly regular basis.

Envirosafe Solutions offers one more way to keep your company as effective and as eco friendly as you can make it. Our eco friendly waste removal kits, absorbent spill kits, industrial degreasers, and industrial strength disinfectants are available for shipping today. Call us today and ask us about our 30 day money back guarantee: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Brazilian Forestation and Agriculture

Environmental Cleaning ProductsDeforestation occurs when a wooded area is so overworked by lumber mills, work groups, and development that the trees or forested area does not return to its natural state and is unable to achieve equilibrium and regain its previous growth or even intermediate growth. Brazil is finding that, while many of its parts are becoming deforested, they are becoming so because of the need to continue and grow agricultural endeavors. While Brazil’s economy is booming off the local agricultural prosperity, this deforestation is causing concern among many native and foreign citizens. Which is best, to preserve Brazilian rainforests or to preserve the country’s agricultural integrity?

This is a decision which affects any city developer or wildlife preserve or fundamentalist. The process of balancing human endeavors with natural organic growth and the resulting wildlife fluctuations is something which is decided constantly, from day to day, and any decision made will affect focus groups in different ways. What can be hoped to be achieved when humans themselves almost seem to get in the way of this precious preservation of our natural resources? What can be done about this and what is a good mentality to adopt when dealing with these decisions?

Rather than shakily attempting to achieve some sort of arbitrary balance between the two worlds, it may be a good idea to simply attempt to merge them. Many shopping malls have been built around a famous tree or endanger plant, many resorts build guard rails which separate visitors from the local wildlife, and many native plants fruit the best under agricultural conditions. It is a merging of the two worlds, taking the best of each, and blending them successfully together which will achieve the highest amount of adaptability from animals, humans, and wildlife. It is this mentality “both,” rather than “either/or” which can make new ecological developments possible.

Envirosafe Solutions seeks to bring in our eco friendly glass cleaners, disinfectants, and hand sanitizers for your benefits, successfully blending human ingenuity and earth’s natural resources. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Bamboo Cathedrals: Green Fine Art

Dishwasher Powder, Rust RemoverThe bamboo cathedral in question is, in fact, not a cathedral, although the shape is similar and thus it acquired the name. It is a cacao bar manufacturer in Indonesia, the first chocolate bar maker of its kind in that country, and the entire operation uses only 50% of non-renewable energy. In fact, the owner pulled in an old factory grinder that used to grind cacao beans and he now uses it for his cacao beans. The 50% of renewable energy comes from vegetable oil, and he is looking to install some type of solar rooftop device which will power the plant entirely and take his entire operation off of the grid. Talk about renewable resources.

The operation is in Indonesia and, when watching the video, it seems as if the building is not exactly air-tight, so it begs the question of how much rain the area receives and whether or not there are inner paneling which can be sealed up in times of wetness. The CNN report did not cover that, but the building does seem to offer well ventilated areas and plenty of dry sunshine to warm and help the grinding process stay consistent. The video may have also been showing the building during construction, which would have definitely shown air in between the basket-weaving effect of the bamboo walls.

The owner of the cacao bar company discusses with the CNN reporter how his operation is as eco friendly as possible, and how he used new and innovative ideas and simply implemented them, even though his company is the first of its particular kind in Indonesia. Apparently, cacao is shipped out as a raw material or as a finely ground powder. His company completes the bars on site, so that more local resources are used and his products are as high quality as possible.

Envirosafe Solutions offers eco friendly chemical cleaning and rust removing solutions, not to mention eco friendly lubricant and fuel treatments. Our entire operation is a eco friendly as we can make it, and all of our products come with a 30 day money back guarantee, so that you can test them out and make sure that we live up to our high standards of production. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Are Wooden Skyscrapers Safe?

Environmental Cleaning ProductsAre wooden skyscrapers safe? This will almost be the newest global question, since a brand new cacao factory in Indonesia built its very first headquarters made entirely out of bamboo, and half powered by plant oil. In the near future, they will be using solar paneling to take their manufactured bars completely off the grid. Their bamboo structure is very strong and resilient, and they have no reason to think that will not last for many years into the future. So how possible is construction with bamboo instead of steel? Can bamboo really replace such a high commodity quality, light and affordable commodity such as steel? This is an excellent question.

The foundations of skyscrapers must be poured deep, since so much leverage is required to counterbalance the top end. A certain amount of flexibility is required in the structure in order to make it wind resistant. Just as grass bends before the wind, instead of breaking, so skyscrapers have a certain amount of flexibility built into their structure to give them or rather allow them movement if they need it.

Michael Green, an engineer consulted about the feasibility of using bamboo instead of steel, confirmed the definite possibilities which are here. For example, he listed bamboo as being very strong and the larger bamboo plants are quite tough and resilient, being very difficult to break. It is like having a large number of long wood fibers clumped together. It may be easier to shape and cut than steel, but it is extremely difficult to break, while maintaining the flexibility of movement which is so necessary for tall buildings like skyscrapers. Bamboo is considered to be the construction material of the future because of how fast it grows and how sustainable it is. While plans for much larger buildings are being drawn up in Vancouver, so far the largest bamboo building today is only five stories high. However, new innovations and ideas for making this the new steel of the future are already in play.

Envirosafe Solutions offers cleaning, degreasing, and problem removing chemicals for both your industrial and domestic needs. We offer eco friendly solutions for concrete and steel, as well as alternative building materials, and our products come with a 30 day money back guarantee. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Alaska and Oil

Fabric Conditioner, Laundry PowderThe debate continues in the United States over what to do about potential oil and gas production in Alaska. This is a steep endeavor in the first, due to leasing so much land which is currently protected for the sake of several species of wildlife, and due to how expensive laying so much pipe line would be. Fortunately, neither side has gained a permanent upper hand as of yet, since this is such a sensitive issue and has the potential for benefitting both humans and wildlife in the future. What are the two issues at stake here, and how can the decision be best agreed upon?

To begin with, if Alaska does indeed possess vast amounts of oil and gas resources, then this would be a worthy investment, especially considering U.S. issues with oil production, shipment and prices that are affecting them today. However, one must also consider the enormous expense of laying all of that pipe line, and whether or not the resources would be better than the money spent, if the two would balance each other out, or if more money would put into the endeavor than benefits received from it. Unfortunately, this information is not as readily accessible, since it requires engineering and the work of private oil prospecting companies to determine the actual cost of production and shipment.

On the other side of the issue lies the preservation of an incredibly vast expanse of Alaskan wildlife, water areas, and natural beauty which is considered one of the last frontiers for exploration and preservation available in the U.S. today. Some of the biggest oil drilling and rigging operations exist in Texas, the second largest state in the U.S., and these have had little impact on the immediate environment surrounding the drilling operations, but this is a different eco system, altogether. Much of Texas’ resources lie in dry plains and desert-like conditions, and this contributes to the hardiness of the local eco system regarding these drilling operations.

Envirosafe Solutions offers heavy duty industrial degreaser, which is also eco friendly and safe for our environment, and we would love to hear more of your thoughts on this subject. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Green Jeans

Dishwasher Rinse Aid, Fabric ConditionerThe luxury magazine, Robb Report, recently published a notification of a new, eco friendly jeans company which literally recycles old jeans, mixes the pulp from their recycled jeans with organic (and sustainable) cotton thread, and creates a very soft, slightly grainy, and very luxurious feeling “green” jean. The company is Nudie, and their Post Recycle Dry jeans are perfect for feeling casual, fashionable, and 100% eco friendly, all at the same time. The jeans are a limited edition (and numbered) set, five hundred in total, and may be a trial run to see if there is a market for this luxury jean that is so earth friendly.

This concept is an interesting one. Many companies are starting up which are entirely earth friendly and create sustainable cotton clothing. Most of this clothing is likewise expensive, but the prices are dropping as more and more people are insisting that the fashion industry make eco friendly and sustainable clothing available to the mass market. Many ecologically conscious people are outraged that first-world companies are still using cheap labor from third-world countries to reduce costs, both depriving the local economy of jobs and revenue, and exploiting unsafe working conditions or terms overseas. However, sustainable materials, such as cotton and hemp, can be grown and manufactured locally, and sold globally to individuals who are willing to pay a little more. If this practice becomes even more widespread, as with all new innovations, the more the price will drop and lower-middle class citizens will be able to buy sustainable, organic clothing which supports earth friendly practices.

As with many enterprises, the consumer holds more power than they believe they possess. After all, the entire market is based upon the needs and desires of the consumer, and as long as fashion promotes “green” clothing, the consumer will demand what editorials tell them looks good. Advertisements do not have to be detrimental or cause problems to self esteem or someone’s view of their current income. Advertisements can actually serve the eco friendly companies which exist today, making them visible, common, and therefore, less costly.

Envirosafe Solutions offers earth friendly laundry detergent, in both powder and liquid form, and fabric softener for your eco friendly clothing. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.


Environmental Cleaning ProductsArchitizer, a highly rated and globally read architecture innovation blog, recently did a cover story and pictures on Eco-PERCH, an eco friendly, pre-fabricated one family home which can be delivered and set up in a tourism or travel site within just a matter of a few simple days. This is, of course, subject to site preparation, but this is a convenient, aesthetic and eco friendly solution to the needs of the eco tourism sector, especially in instances where families wish to vacation for months at a time, or have a summer residence set up to spend time away from their busy lives.

College students are the latest and most diversified unit of the eco tourism sector, attracting any type of student from liberal arts majors to design engineers. In many cases, the need for temporary or get-away reliable housing for the vacationing student or the research graduate holed up with their books is more necessary than just a small desire. Attracting, and making eco friendly pre-fabricated housing available to, college students is a major step in ecological development, for this is building up the interest of future generations who have the techniques, skills and knowledge to make a sustainable earth an actual reality. In many cases, educated young adults are tempted with lower quality project design and not as many opportunities, since they may not be a target audience for donations and funding. They are, however, the target audience for actually completing the work and making completely sustainable living a reality.

Architizer shows pictures of Eco-PERCH’s pre-fabricated housing, both on the ground and off the ground, showing that the houses can be modified for terrain and individual tastes. Indoor views of the house show simple but complete living situations, where the accommodations are made from recycled or sustainable materials, and the waste disposal and heating and cooling are built efficiently into the house, without using excess energy.

Envirosafe Solutions attracts both experienced business partners and young professionals, since our technology is both practical and eco safe. We specialize in earth friendly soil treatments, fuel treatments, radiator liquids, and sanitizers. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Eco Friendly Holidays

Dishwasher Rinse Aid, Fabric ConditionerFor the earth conscious individual or family, taking a holiday may seem like an expensive and unnecessary waste of natural resources. However, there are options available to you and yours when you wish to preserve our planet and recreate at the same time.

1. Limit carbon footprint through use of public transportation

Bus systems, trains, subways and ferries all can be taken to and through scenic areas, around an ancient city, and as part of tourist groups. They are also a great way to find out more about the local area, as well as the natural resources thereof.

2. For extra altruism points: go on a volunteer holiday

Volunteer holidays are mostly designed for couples, but individuals and families can also participate. Helping out a local area, serving the residents, participating in construction projects, and installing community necessities are all things which green-hearted holidayers can do. In fact, many honeymooners do this in order to start their life together in service and submission, and often grow closer through shared work and efforts to improve the lives of others.

3. Stay in green luxury

Many hotels and holiday resorts are designed to accommodate eco friendly living. They use all sustainable materials in their construction, format and design, including materials for sleeping and recreating. In addition to this, environmentally friendly hotels may also prohibit motorized vehicles or petrol consuming products on site, in order to maintain their goal.

4. There is nothing quite like camping in the great outdoors

Nothing will inspire you more than spending a holiday outdoors, and nothing will give you more respect for natural habitats. Be sure to follow park rules when camping in a national park, and be sure to follow all guidelines regarding wild animals. Pack accordingly. Always make sure to bring biodegradable waste items on your camping trip and clean up your site after eating, or it will attract wildlife which may wish to feast on you next!

Green holidaying is a definite possibility. Whether you are on holiday or are staying at home, Envirosafe Solutions offers quality fuel treatments, lubricants and radiator liquids for your transportation needs. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Eco Friendly Museums

Rust Converter, Dishwasher PowderEcological safety and preservation is not just a new inventive technology. Being ecologically sound is an art form of keeping what we have and getting rid of what we no longer want. Just as there are museums devoted to art, music, torture, specific periods of time, machinery and petroleum/oil, there are museums and exhibition devoted to ecology. You can learn about different periods of time when ecology developed further, and you can learn how common household items which we use today improve over a decade or a century in the past. These are great learning experiences and a great way to immerse yourself in new and old ideas concerning ecological development.

The Living Museum – San Francisco

This bubble-shaped museum in San Francisco, California has a flora covered roof that acts effectively as insulation and as ventilation in one. Home to an aquarium, a planetarium and a living rainforest with free flying birds, this museum builds a deep appreciation for interaction with wildlife, plants, and our environment, not to mention the education you can get there.

Museum of Science and Industry – Chicago

The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Illinois has a wonderful exhibit on its grounds, called The Smart Home. This exhibit shows an ordinary home, made of recycled and recovered materials from old government offices, and features new and innovative ways to live eco friendly in the twenty-tens. Guided tours are available for extra charge, outside of museum entry fee.

Zayed National Museum – Saadiyat Island

The Zayed National Museum on Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi is extraordinarily made, featuring flexible, moving wings which allow the building to be ventilated and save on both heating and air conditioning. The structure itself is a landmark and gives the skyline an amazing and dramatic flourish.

Museum Victoria – Victoria

The Museum Victoria in Victoria, Australia houses a deeply rich variety of ecological studies, including extensive marine taxonomy. Taxonomy is the study of classification of organisms, and Victoria Museum has a vast collection of marine invertebrates, crustaceans, worms and fish and also studies how these creatures change over time and how ocean projects along the coasts of Australia affect marine life and sustainability.

The study of ecology is one in which one enters a world of former documentation and future invention in order to understand how changes and emerging patterns affect earth ecosystems which we wish to keep intact. Envirosafe Solutions distributes eco friendly and safe dishwashing liquid and powder, industrial strength degreasers, and septic safe toilet treatments. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Green Home Keeping

Green home keeping is such a beneficial way of keeping your family and our planet healthy. From laundry detergent to dishwasher fluid and from disinfectants to sanitizers, your home is filled with harsh chemicals which you and your family may use even on a daily basis. While chemical compounds are good and can be used effectively to keep your home in working condition, it is a pretty good idea to check out the labels and warnings on the back of your bottles and packages. Chances are that prolonged contact with these chemicals causes damage and if that’s the case, then perhaps short-term contact with your body (not to mention your plumbing!) may also not be as beneficial as it could be.

Respiratory problems in children

A study done on household chemicals describes how contact, especially prolonged contact, with chemicals can cause respiratory, breathing and wheezing problems in children, particularly from infancy to the age of seven years old.

Green chemicals can help through many methods

For instance, chemicals on the floor can be touched by playing children, or even ingested by infants or pets. Chemical residue on counters, lavatories and tabletops are no less dangerous, especially for toddlers who frequently pick up or touch objects and then put them in their mouths. Chemical irritants on otherwise normal clothes can cause rashes or abrasions, particularly in family members who suffer from even a minor allergy. Eco friendly household chemicals can reduce this damage and reduce the likelihood that children or adults will be affected by ordinary cleaning products.

Envirosafe Solutions has many eco friendly cleaning products from which to choose

For your laundry needs, we carry fabric conditioner, as well as hard water laundry liquid and powder. For the kitchen, we have dishwasher liquid and powder, as well as a rinse aid, and a commercial kitchen degreaser. We carry Extreme Green Disinfectant, which handles all of your household sanitizing needs, and we even have our special eco friendly toilet bowl cleaner.

Eco friendly products are safe and just as easy to use as your regular harsh household chemicals. Call Envirosafe Solutions today for your green cleaning products: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Green Funerals

Many highly eco supportive people are aware of their daily contribution to the needs and the waste of the planet. They live their lives being aware of and measuring their every move, making sure that they are leaving behind as small of a non-sustainable footprint as possible. For these strong supporters of ecology, a green funeral at the end of their days may seem like a just and correct way to leave this earth. How does one go about having a green funeral and is it complicated or simple to do?

Planning ahead and keeping up-to-date

It is considered a courtesy to those left behind to have your estate in order before you go. This includes making funeral plans, if you choose to have a decision in that process. If you wish to have a green funeral, it is a good idea to go ahead and make these arrangements yourself. In addition to that, it is also a good idea to make alterations to this plan as you learn more and better ways to be eco friendly and have a green funeral.

Pick a cemetery

Some cemeteries offer straight burial without a casket, but these are few and far between, and that is illegal in some countries. However, it is possible to more easily find a cemetery which allows you to present a biodegradable casket and to be buried in all of your biodegradable glory.

Pick a burial method

In the case of direct burial, this is of course the most earth friendly way to go if that option is available to you. However, some people may still choose to use a casket just for the “ick” factor of being more readily accessible to underground critters. Whichever path your choose, remember that even eco friendly burial caskets are not as sealed or odorless as regular sealable caskets, so you might keep this in mind when choosing your funeral ceremony. This may also be significant with regard to how deep you are being buried, since some wild animals may still be able to discern a scent.

Plan an eco friendly funeral

You may wish to not be too fussy with regard to your funeral arrangements. This is especially true if your family member have expressed concern about you using an “alternative” casket. You never know what may offend or surprise someone. It may be a good idea to keep it low key and relatively low maintenance out of consideration for your survivors.

Rest assured

Now that you have made the arrangements to leave behind as small of an impact as possible on your environment, you can return to the land of the living and continue your earth friendly practices up here. There are many ways to live a green lifestyle, but one of the most significant is investing in truly effective and eco friendly purchases.

Envirosafe Solutions offers safe, earth friendly kitchen dishwashing liquid and rinse aid and laundry powder and liquid and fabric conditioner. Live a greener happier life today through the use of our fine products. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Examples of Green Architecture

Green architecture exists both to inspire sustainable ideas and ways of living, and to act in a functionary capacity, to reduce heating and cooling costs. Some green architecture is entirely manmade, but uses an ecological lever, such as solar panels, to stay efficient. Some architecture uses actual plants as part of the decorating theme, and some ecological architecture uses plants as part of its living, breathing functionary capacity, such as with green roofs. Solar panels and wind turbines, as well as batteries to save extra collected energy, can all be used in architecture in an aesthetically pleasing and architecturally sound way.

Green Roofs

These examples of green roofs are perfect for the do-it-yourself builder, craftsman, or starting architect. One of the main problems with manmade architecture is that it only serves as a barrier, and does not react to outside temperature changes and can also be quite stuffy in both winter and summer due to its static form. Green roofs take the guesswork out of this, forming a dynamic atmosphere within, while reacting appropriately the environment without. Live roofs can reduce cooling costs during summer and heating costs during winter, taking it a step further than just ordinary tile and tar roofs and just ordinary insulation.

Beautiful Solar Energy

One of the greatest problems with using solar energy is how it can appear from the outside. Nobody wishes to have those great big honking ugly industrial looking panes on top of or sticking out of their roof. Fortunately, the invention of better solar panels also came with another bonus. Stunning, beautiful looking solar panels, which can be arranged and patterned on the roof, even made to look like part of the roof tiles themselves, are the latest technology in solar paneling. This must have been the creative of an art student turned architectural design major.

Wind and Speed

When you are racing down the highway at night, it is a cool thought that you might be able to turn that speed into more energy to light your way. Number five on the blog linked below depicts turbine highway streetlights, which are designed specifically for high-wind areas. This is especially useful for areas which are already powered by wind turbines, as the wind is not used up just because it made the turbines move or rotate. On the contrary, these highway wind turbines can use heavy fast traffic and high wind areas to light your way, even if other wind turbines are in the area.

Envirosafe Solutions is an example of green chemical architecture, in that we have made all of our products earth friendly, very effective, and even sold complete with a 30-day money back guarantee. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Eliminate Greenwashing is a site devoted to investigating and portraying companies which are claiming to be eco friendly, but which are actually just trying to improve their green image and pull in ecologically concerned customers. Their motto is “clean up your act, NOT your image.” While this is all very well and good, one wonders what the average person can do to prevent themselves from falling into the greenwashing laundry cycle? It is not just a matter of researching companies. It is a matter of paying attention, all the time.

Greenwashing stems from poor products and poor advertising. When a company has a great product, then word-of-mouth is likely to help them get it off the ground, but poor advertising can make sure that they fall back down again. Vice versa, poor products with a great advertising campaign still do not have a good reputation and soon advertising funding runs out. Typically, companies which have poor services and poor advertising are desperate for a good image to spin to the public.

Greenwashing stems from big ideas combined with poor money management. Individuals who have great ideas for starter eco friendly companies may not possess a realistic view of the money involved or of how they should utilise the money they have in order to make their dream a reality. The result is good advertising of a good idea, but of what will end up being a bad result.

Greenwashing stems from incompetency in product manufacturing. When a company owner understands how a high quality product can be manufactured to produce a low priced and extremely effective service, then they do not need to spin their green image or even use the slightest amount of advertising deceit, because they will always be in business, no matter what. Poor manufacturing, new manufacturing costs, product recall and product redesign can bankrupt someone who is not savvy with numbers and has a working knowledge of successful manufacturing techniques.

Envirosafe Solutions offers eco friendly degreasers, sanitisers, and lubricants, along with a 30-day money back guarantee, so that you can find out for yourself just how effective our products really are. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Eco Friendly Furniture

Whether you are planning furniture for your office or your home, it is always a good idea to keep the health of our planet in mind while doing so. This is for several reasons. First of all, you probably do not wish to expose your skin or your respiratory system directly to objects which may still bear traces of harsh chemical cleaners or dyes from the manufacturing process. Secondly, you may wish to contribute to the health of our planet through your monetary donation, in which case you can do this through regular everyday purchases which you are making anyway. Lastly, if you are an enthusiastic environmentalist, then you are probably always looking for a great way to decorate and fill your home with eco friendly, biodegradable products.

There is the really useful kind of furniture.

Philips Design Probes has completed a fully functioning closed ecological system, called Microbal Home. There is a table, above which is a garden and a larder, and a paternoster which uses bacterial enzymes to help with recycling, right in your home. There is a methane digester, which uses human waste solids, as well as kitchen vegetable waste solids, to create methane gas which can power a set number of functions in the home. There is that much more off of your energy bill each month! Everything is based upon bacteria and the manner in which it breaks down matter to create energy, as well as how the entire system fits together to create this enclosed ecological environment.

Then there is the upcycled furniture.

Upcycled furniture just means that when an object loses its value in its original function, it can still be used for a different function while gaining back some value. For example, you can upcycle a bureau dresser into a desk. A Vespa scooter was turned into an indoor laptop display stand and book stand. Parts of tables can be turned into an elaborate and elegant looking set of shelves for a small enclosed space. Vintage tea packing crates can create an interesting effect for the fronts of cabinetry and drawers in your kitchen. Even an old suitcase can be dismantled, stuffed and upholstered to create a fascinating chair or stool as an accent piece in your home.

Finally, there is just the plain old recycled furniture.

After all the materials have been reclaimed and all of the furniture has been upcycled into something new, and finally everything has broken down and is no longer usable, you can still recycle the materials so that everyone can still enjoy the beauty and splendor (and good conscience) of using our earth’s natural resources well. After all, good stewardship is the primary goal of being eco friendly.

At Envirosafe Solutions, we love responsible, caretaking behavior which keeps the resources of our beautiful planet in mind at all times. Learn more about our safe, eco friendly cleaners, corrosion treatments and lubricants by calling us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.


Eco Friendly Cruises of the Future

As citizens of earth, the consumer market is not only based upon the principles of supply-and-demand, but also on the principles of successfully maintaining current or better qualities of lifestyles. This becomes a problem when earth sustainability is in direct conflict with a particular habit or lifestyle practice, such as taking vacations. Now, travelers everywhere are looking up eco friendly vacations, volunteer vacations, and green cruises on search engines, and their options are few and far between. However, in order to create a demand to later supply, we must first know what we want out of a green cruise. Here are some ideas:

1. Green cruises should use 100% bio fuel. Bio fuel is combustible, usable fuel which is comprised of organic material which can be harvested and planted at any time. In other words, bio fuel is made out of sustainable material.

2. Green cruises should have 100% cotton or sustainable bedding. This is especially true for any type of cruise ship or resort which handles massive amounts of bulk materials on a regular basis.

3. Green cruises should offer visits to ecologically sound ports. Many a traveler has been gypped out of their hard earned money by spam tourist attractions, and this principle also applies to supporting local economies.

4. Green cruises should use renewable energy. Now, on a cruise ship, energy must be renewable to a certain extent in order to accommodate the massive amounts of electricity used for entertainment, filtration systems, and electronic equipment.

5. Green cruises should make travelers aware of their eco friendly efforts. There is no point in setting a good example, if nobody knows about your example. This will cause passengers to think about what else it would take to make a good green cruise.

6. Green cruises should be transparent. Many business practices are able to be transparent economically by revealing basic accounting information without revealing specific trade secrets. Passengers or potential passengers will have more faith in a cruise ship which strives to make them feel comfortable, both in luxury and in ecological donations.

Envirosafe Solutions is, fortunately, not a company which has yet to be invented, but a business which currently specializes in earth friendly kitchen products, laundry products, and sanitizers. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.