Long-Term Danger to Workers Using Harsh Chemical Products

Glue Remover, Industrial Hand Cleaner, Mineral Deposit RemoverWhen employed in an industry where high corrosives are regularly used, workers must be careful that they do not experience symptoms of long-term contact with hazardous materials. Short-term health defects can range anywhere from headaches to vomiting or falling into a comatose state. This is a result of physical contact, oral ingestion, or breathing of concentrated toxic fumes. Long-term exposure to harsh chemical compounds can lead to central nervous system damage, kidney or liver failure, cancerous tumors, chronic inflammation, and respiratory problems. This is why Envirosafe Solutions only distributes eco friendly, safe, biodegradable solvents and other cleaning products. We believe that environmentally friendly cleaning is human friendly cleaning.

Inhalation of hazardous fumes can lead to spasms in muscles surrounding the lungs, causing breathing difficulty or complete cut off of airways. Chemical pneumonia and asthma are symptoms of petrochemical inhalation. Over long periods of time, repeated exposure to petrochemicals can result in loss of coordination, loss of memory, confusion, inability to correctly process information, or chronic coughing due to depression of the central nervous system. Upper respiratory symptoms are more immediate and involve pain and coughing and hoarseness. Lower respiratory symptoms are long term, or the result of too much short term exposure to petrochemicals, and can also involve asthma or chemical pneumonia.

Pesticides and petro solvents are hazardous materials which can penetrate unbroken skin at the time of physical contact and enter the bloodstream. These chemicals are likely to reveal their presence by affecting the brain first, the respiratory system second, and the central nervous system third.

Environmentally friendly cleaning products, rust removers and converters, and dust suppressants are available and can be stored safely for long periods of time, or even indefinitely under the correct storage conditions. Rather than accidental spills or human contact causing brain damage or nervous system failures, our Extreme Green products are just as effective as their non-green counterparts, and they are biodegradable and safe to be used around all of your workers.

Your business is designed to deliver effective products and services while keeping your employees safe. Extreme Green cleaning products are designed to continue to keep your staff safe, while providing odour dissolving, degreasing action for your worksites. Call Envirosafe Solutions today and ask us for more examples of surfaces and projects on which you can use our ‘green’ cleaning: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

“Understanding Hazardous Chemicals.” Waukesha County. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2011. http://www.waukeshacounty.gov/defaultwc.aspx?id=39993.

“Health effects from hazardous chemicals – Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.” Department of Justice and Attorney-General. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2011. http://www.deir.qld.gov.au/workplace/subjects/hazardousmaterials/definition/effects/index.htm

Locally Produced Eco Friendly Fuel in Africa

Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Glue RemoverIt is one thing to use eco friendly fuel. It is a whole new level entirely to use locally made, eco friendly fuel. Locally made fuel is one of the biggest financial savings that a nation can utilize to fund its transportation. Not only is fuel shipped from out of the country costing non-biodegradable fuel to ship into the country, but it is also a hazard if leakage or spillage should occur. In fact, many environmental groups are zeroing in on the fact that oil rigs and petroleum based shipping accidents are causing harm to the ocean and our beloved creatures therein. This is why it is to be applauded that Zimbabwe, Africa is using 10 percent eco friendly, locally made fuel in the petrol tanks of its capital city. This project is available through the use of refurbished sugar cane fields, which is fortunate, since land is freely available for that use in their region. The project has also created over 4,500 jobs for a previously semi-poverty stricken area. Things are still in the beginning stages as motorists come to trust and rely upon the cheaper petrol for their daily needs, but supplies are well on their way to being sold in massive amounts. The price is competitive, but also the sustainability means that further innovation could produce further cuts in petrol costs.

This project is precisely why we need to make use of our innovative skills and research and develop ways to use sustainability within our planet’s eco system. This is part of other massive projects on the horizon, not only for fuel reduction, but also ideas for making completely biodegradable plastics and computer-ware. Envirosafe Solutions has joined the throng of new technological innovators in biodegradable, eco friendly product design and we offer a wide range of earth friendly degreasers, laundry products, bio waste spill kits, industrial strength cleaners, and fuel treatments. One of our top rated bargains is that everything we sell comes with a money back guarantee, so that you can try our products for yourself, without any possibility of losing money in your experimentation. We would love to teach you more about what we can do for our earth and what we can do for you. Contact us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.


Getting Together Over Recycling

Fabric Conditioner, Laundry PowderWhile some companies or places of residence strongly recommend recycling individual’s waste products, not everyone does it. People who are not used to recycling, who do not think of it as important, and who believe it to be too complicated are not likely to employ recycling bins, even when they are readily available. Sometimes, it helps to find out of tenants are needing a cleaner area in which to dispose of their trash, have specific needs regarding recycling, or if they have questions about recycling different or questionable materials.  Management of apartment houses and living centers should be ready to answer any questions which tenants may have concerning this, and they should also make recycling something desirable, rather than an extra burden.

Nicky Mee and Debbie Clewes performed a case study on the influence of effective corporate communication on recycling behavior. They wanted to see how corporate communication and effective management-tenant communication affected residents’ attitudes about recycling and whether or not their behavior toward recycling actually changed over time with changes in these communication strategies. The conclusion was that productive communication between corporate and management and communication between management and tenants can rapidly affect tenants’ attitudes toward recycling in general, and their own disposal habits in particular.

In advertisement, recycling is often touted as a virtue which you either possess or you don’t possess. Very little is said about how you recycle, what you recycle, what your attitude toward recycling should be, or why you may not care that much if you don’t recycle. This is very interesting, since recycling is part of planet care, and planet care is almost necessarily a social activity. Communication about recycling and discussion of that topic is more likely to increase personal interest in actually doing it. The case study by Mee and Clewes illustrates how communication and making recycling a social activity and a socially discussed activity is very likely to increase personal awareness of how positive it can be. Many people who think little of recycling do so because they do not think that their small individual contribution will make much difference. However, when they see other people doing it or talking about it, they see the contribution as much larger and more noteworthy.

Envirosafe Solutions understands how contribution to the sustainability of the planet should be as large as possible, which is why our eco friendly liquid cleaners, degreasers, laundry products and kitchen products can also be ordered in bulk supply by companies or large businesses. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

“Emerald | Corporate Communications: An International Journal | The influence of corporate communications on recycling behaviour.” Emerald. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2011. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=858102&show=abstract.

Dehydration and the Dust Bowl

Dust Suppressor, Environmentally Friendly Liquids , Soil WettaFrom 1930 to 1936, the Canadian and U.S. prairie lands suffered major ecological damage through heavy wind erosion. This was known as the Dust Bowl, and it would cause massive amounts of earth to be carried off by the wind, inhibiting breathing and preventing crops from growing and preventing basic human habitation. Many individuals and families living on prairie lands could not breathe unless they tied damp cloths over their mouths and noses, and the cloths would typically by muddy by the end of the day. In some extreme cases, the dust was so bad that the cloths would be muddy within an hour, and had to be replaced. The Dust Bowl was a major ecological phenomenon which resulted primarily from poor or nonexistent crop rotation, and secondarily from drought. The drought took advantage of the rootless soil which was easily blown away in the wind when it was so very dry. The more the wind was able to pick it up, the larger the amount of soil which was carried off at any one time. Crop rotation is essential for maintaining healthy lands and allowing the soil to rest and recuperate after being harvested. Organic material and roots help to hold the soil in place and vast, untouched prairie lands often have long, wild, dehydration-resistant grass to keep everything together.

Dehydration does more than cause difficulties for human habitation. Dehydration erodes good gardening soil, drops planar elevation in uneven areas, and it prevents healthy plant and human cells from taking up enough nutrients to feed the cell and help it to properly reproduce. We have all read the warning signs on cigarette packs, telling of the danger of pregnant women giving birth to smaller babies due to smoking. This is partially due to the severely dehydrating effect that smoking and alcoholic drinking both have on both the body of the mother and the body of the fetus. The same thing occurs in organic plant life. It is not simply a matter of the plants needing enough water. Water enables them to uptake nutrition from the soil and they literally starve if they are unable to do so. This is why using biodegradable and eco friendly soil treatments is so important. Envirosafe Solutions offers completely effective and earth friendly soil treatments for your garden, crops, or your agricultural operations. We offer both Soil Wetta and Dust Suppressant for your agricultural needs. Contact us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Corporate Recycling and Economy Sustainability

Dishwasher Rinse Aid, Fabric Conditioner, Laundry PowderIn businesses all over the world, recycling has taken a back seat in comparison to recycling and returning former end-of-life products to the workplace. Corporations which can maintain this high level of organization are able to measure how much product usage and waste can cost them financially and environmentally. Instead, they are returning recycled products to their own offices by creating a closed system in which they can dramatically reduce costs of new products and replacement products. This creativity and innovation is best mimicked when a minimum of 70% of end-of-life products are returned to these businesses. Financially, environmentally, and creatively, this is an excellent way to be eco friendly, portray your company as effectively “green” to your customers, and to help reduce product turnover costs, which can be high when added up.

Roland Geyer and Tim Jackson investigated supply loops and their various constraints, showing how recycling and reuse can be one of the best ways companies can make their systems cost effective and eco friendly. This is called creating forward supply chains. You are pushing your innovative creativity into future supply chains by breaking down used materials and creating recovery of value and usefulness to be turned around and put back into the business. This idea is not only a safe business decision, but it’s also good for our earth. One of the concerns which might be presented in implementing these steps is: how are we going to do that?

Many companies exist today which take your recyclables and turn them into value-added products which you can use again in your business. A lot of these organizations are local businesses which can service your business specifically, rather than your city or state regulated recycling efforts. This can save you a great deal on buying new products and, while there is a  cost in doing this, it can still be a great deal cheaper than taking care of old waste and buying new office supplies. It is certainly worth a little bit of research to find organizations which would provide this service for your company.

Envirosafe Solutions offers liquid cleaners, corrosion treatments, and lubricants, all of which are environmentally safe and completely biodegradable. While you are searching for a good recycling and “up-cycling” organization, also check out what we can do for you: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

“Supply Loops and Their Constraints: THE INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY OF RECYCLING AND REUSE | Mendeley.” Free reference manager and PDF organizer | Mendeley. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. http://www.mendeley.com/research/supply-loops-constraints-industrial-ecology-recycling-reuse-1/.

Bio Waste Management

Anti-Bacterial Hand Wash, Industrial Hand CleanerAn article published by Ralf Otterpohl, Matthias Grottker, and Joerg Lange discusses how different types of bio waste can be managed differently to allow for purification and redistribution when it can be done. The article suggests that grey water can be purified and used again, rain and storm water can be collected, tested and purified, and various other methods set up to help the end of line waste systems which we take for granted so often to be reused in another form and redistributed to increase productivity. The articles goes on to say that artificial fertilizers in the agriculture business are now obsolete and that there is a possibility of turning black water into alternative fertilizer production for the agriculture industry.

This presents an interesting idea. Many people think of human grey water and black water as being the end of the line and solely a waste product which cannot be reused in another form. Incidentally, artificial fertilizers lack the true biodegradability of organic waste products, and so this could be a double opportunity for completing the cycle of waste and growth. In nature, many eco systems complete a full cycle, where the death of one organism or life form feeds another and those small transitions are part of a much larger macro eco system which is self sustaining all on its own. Humans find it incredibly difficult and advanced to form an artificial life cycle or eco system from our own resources, but the above quoted article may be part of at least implementing human innovation into the natural cyclic systems.

When it comes to sewage systems, again, it is most commonly thought to be a necessary storage of and removal of waste. However, if bio waste, organic material which can be returned to the earth and used for something productive, can be utilized efficiently, this would be a major step in reducing carbon emissions, facilitating sustainable plant growth, and alleviating the buildup of unnecessary storage and contamination. If a simple, effective system can be implemented in major cities worldwide where waste is offset by useful growth in the agriculture industry, this might correct several problems at one time.

Envirosafe specializes in environmentally safe and biodegradable bio waste spill kits, corrosion treatments, disinfectants and sanitizers. Contact us today for more information: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

“ScienceDirect – Water Science and Technology: Sustainable water and waste management in urban areas.” ScienceDirect – Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027312239700190X.

Are All Plastics Biodegradable?

Eco Friendly, Anti-Bacterial Hand Wash, Fuel ConditionerIt seems that the consumer market is either filled with expensive biodegradable plastics or cheap, affordable non eco friendly plastics. Is it worth the cost to pay more for the better material? You bet it is. Studies have shown that companies are carefully evaluating how well their products are doing in the market and what factors affect sales, including consumer interest in environmentally friendly products. Even businesses which are notoriously in the market targeting low income household and multiple child families are conscious of how their products are perceived by the ecologically sensitive classes.

Unfortunately, many customers believe that companies would rather make an extra dollar and will not care what their choices are in eco friendly consumer products. This is not true. Even if low income households switched temporarily to more expensive and more environmentally friendly goods, the statistics would reflect this and business owners would begin reevaluating how they approach their changing markets.

Fortunately, this may not even be all that necessary. Modern plastics companies are still focused on making low cost plastics, but their primary aim is in making sure that all target audiences are satisfied, especially the ‘green’ audiences. Their goals reflect a sincere desire to develop a newer, smarter, lighter weight, more durable plastic which can be used in many different manufacturing venues, from computer products to grocery goods to children’s toys.

Today, not all plastics are biodegradable, but we are coming remarkably close to a world where the majority of mass produced plastics are durable but also eco friendly and safe for our planet. Today, companies are acting solely upon the needs, expectations and desires of their customers, and their customers are demanding more, demanding better, and demanding safer products. Plastics are actually just a small part of this global movement to reduce our carbon footprint and create greater sustainability. Envirosafe Solutions is dedicated to producing high quality and eco friendly kitchen products, laundry products, and toilet treatments. Our goal is to fully contribute to this effort in making our planet a happier, healthier place to live. Contact us today to order: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Agrochemicals Turned Earth Friendly

Fabric Conditioner, Laundry Powder, Dust SuppressorThe agriculture industry encounters a very specific problem when using artificial agrochemicals. Sometimes the plant is negative affected by the chemical directly, and sometimes, when releasing the toxin, the plant stunts the growth of neighboring plants of the same species or plants from a different species. By the way, this toxic release and the resulting growth suppression is called allelopathy. Interestingly enough, researchers are attempting to find ways to harness this toxic release and turn it into something positive. Biodegradable and healthy agrochemicals are one solution, but the plant’s release of these chemicals can potentially be used to stunt neighboring weed growth, as natural herbicides. This phenomenon is not a new occurrence. In fact, all living things take in what nutrition they can and then expel the waste or non-nutritive substances, using a variety of elimination techniques. For example, humans are capable of eliminating waste not only through urinating and defecating, but also through sweat, tears, bleeding, vomiting, and by collecting liquids or hard substances and merely pushing them through the skin. Using a plant’s natural abilities to release chemicals and impact the environment around them could be advantageous. After the chemical has been somewhat altered by the plant and then released, it’s effect upon the target weed could be used to kill it. These altered agrochemicals are called microbial secondary metabolites.

Sanjai Saxena and Akhilesh K. Pandey wrote an article published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. This article discusses using microbial secondary metabolites in conjunction with biodegradable and eco friendly agrochemicals to achieve the desired result: turning them into environmentally friendly herbicides to destroy weeds which grow among healthy crops.

While these technologies are being improved upon, there are other technologies which are already developed and effective. There are many types of agricultural products which are safe, earth friendly, and highly effective. Envirosafe Solutions offers completely eco friendly dust suppressants and soil wetting agents for your agricultural needs. Stop by our website, read our reviews, ask us any questions which you may have, or contact us by phone today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

“SpringerLink – Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Volume 55, Number 4.” SpringerLink. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2011. http://www.springerlink.com/content/rp19gtrqcp4fhqnc/.

Video Game Mentality

Rust Remover,Radiator Coolant,Dishwasher Rinse AidFor the past three years, researchers have found that the most effective and the fastest way to absorb information and increase motivation for learning and new adaptations to your lifestyle is through video games. Sometimes, these games are first person explorer based, and sometimes they are creative world based. Researchers have found that the reward system within your brain especially responds positively to the ranking up of, the challenge of, and the creativity inducing effects of these games. As you progress through each level, you become more fixated on increasing your abilities and knowledge and skill level so that you can move more quickly and more efficiently through increasingly complex systems. This highly addictive and yet highly effective reward system has been and can be used for educational purposes. How can we harness this incredible power to increase knowledge and awareness of our planet, and work together to achieve goals which further protect ecological systems?

Using the video game mentality, an education based learning initiative can be placed where individuals receive factual, real world based information as part of a leveled hierarchy of education. They can receive rewards, goals and points as they progress and they can do further research or information gathering in order to gain higher rankings in the game. This can be a socially based game, where individuals are able to see their own ranking with respect to their friends and thus foster a little competition in the learning initiative if they so choose to engage in this.

Socially based sites are already using experimental data and uploading of videos to share information about how best to grow plants in your apartment or use highly efficient hydroponic systems in small spaces to induce further sustainability in your home food consumption. On these sites, people from all over the world are able to upload videos and share information about how best they achieve sustainability results in their specific part of the world, depending upon the weather, soil type, and temperature.

Envirosafe Solutions distributes degreasers, sanitisers and hand cleaners for anyone who wishes to use eco friendly and safe products in their normal, everyday routines. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Unsafe Mining Conditions: What Can Be Improved?

Rust Converter, Dishwasher Powder, DisinfectantChina suffered the second fatal mining tragedy in one week, in which 34 men died and 9 were trapped. In the past year, China has lost over 2,500 reported workers in mine fatalities, and it is considered very likely that a great many more were killed but the accidents were not reported. Why is this such a problem and what can be done about it?

China’s economy is growing at an exponential rate

Mining is struggling to keep up with the growing demands of China’s economy, and it simply is becoming unable to do so, especially when trade from China is also growing just as fast. When this occurs, mining companies seek to loosen the rules and get as much work done in as fast of a time as possible. Unfortunately, they may break rules and protocols set in place for the safety of the workers while doing so. This is both illegal and immoral, since illicit mining practices can endanger human life.

Mining companies which were previously shut down are now operating without permission

Whether this is initiated by the distributor, the manufacturer, or the company owner, illegally run mining companies are still operating in China so that businesses can take advantage of the growing demand for consumer products and the booming economy. Not only are mining companies not following safety and chain-of-command protocol, but they are operating outside of environmentally friendly practices. This is dangerous and possibly lethal for both humans and the earth on which we live.

Further investigations still need to be carried out

It is difficult to justify rampant investigation into illegal mining practices when, even with the “underground” mining operations in play, there are not enough mining operations to satisfy the needs of a growing economy such as China’s. Unfortunately, this may mean that growth needs to be slowed down, or at least partially checked, in order to satisfy safety demands. If products, or manufacturing thereof, are costing human life, then purchasing nations or companies are more likely to find safer and less controversial distributors from whom to buy. Slowing progress and making human safety a primary factor are good practices for any business, especially international companies which receive a lot of publicity.

The mining industry is a wonderful and practical tool for everyone to exploit. Envirosafe Solutions offers cleaners, degreasers, rust converters, and fuel treatments for every industry, and our products are eco friendly and available with a money back guarantee: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.


U.S. Begins Serious Eco Friendly Aviation Moves

Industrial Hand Cleaner, Mineral Deposit Remover, Rust ConverterEver used fuel made from algae? As bizarre as that may seem, United Airlines, based in the United States, just completed its first flight from Chicago to Houston using a blend of normal petroleum based jet fuel and some eco friendly fuel constructed from genetically modified algae that feeds off of plant waste. In other words, this fuel is not only biodegradable, sustainable, and eco friendly, but the algae that produces the oil for the fuel actually feeds off of organic plant waste.

This is not the only U.S. based flight company which is using and experimenting with combinations of eco friendly and petroleum based fuels. Alaska Airlines has scheduled 75 flights using up to 20 percent bio fuel derived from cooking oil. These are no small flights, either. The first flight was from Seattle, WA to Washington, D.C. and the second was from Portland, OR to Washington, D.C. Both United Airlines and Alaska Airlines are promoting their rebranding efforts through the use of mass social media and allowing users, passengers and anyone else to post or comment concerning these flights and their basis in environmentally friendly plans.

Now that passenger flights are beginning to regularly use alternative fuel sources, the steps toward achieving a safer, more sustainable, and greener planet are well under way. What was inconceivable or put down as impossible ten years ago is being produced and effectively used in real life today. These are amazing steps toward the growth of the transportation industry, as well as reduction in cost of travel and in facilitating better international relations. One of the major costs of travel is the underlying cost of fuel. In fact, this became such a problem in the past decade that airlines were sometimes losing money in an entire quarter. Now that eco friendly and cost effective fuels are being tested and produced, this will reduce the overall cost of travel and help ease lifestyles which have been under strain since the global financial problems began to take their toll on private citizens.

Envirosafe Solutions is supportive of effective products which are sustainable, safe and environmentally friendly. We specialize in disinfectants, corrosion treatments, lubricants and absorbents which are highly effective, backed by our money back guarantee, and biodegradable. Contact Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

“First Passenger Jet Using Green Fuel Takes Off | Do Your Part.” Do Your Part for Everyday Green Living. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. http://doyourpart.com/eco-news/first-passenger-jet-using-green-fuel-takes-off/.

“The Green Skeptic™: Alaska and United Make For Greener Friendly Skies.” The Green Skeptic™. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. http://www.thegreenskeptic.com/2011/11/alaska-and-united-make-for-greener.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+thegreenskeptic/takr+%28the+green+skeptic%E2%84%A2%29.

Solar Panels and UV Rays

Fuel Conditioner, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Glue RemoverMany individuals are using solar panels on their homes, not only to reduce electricity costs, but also to facilitate better heating and cooling of their homes. Solar panels can potentially have multiple uses, and many private construction and building contractors find creative solutions to frequent problems, such as how to store extraneous, unused solar energy so that it is not wasted and can still be used in the maintenance of the home. This is not simply true for households, although it is a lot more common that you might think due to ease of installation and widespread availability. Businesses are also using solar powered roof panels to cut down on electricity costs and to promote a green image in their consumer marketing strategy. Interestingly enough, the sun’s rays were not always seen in a positive light.

For many years, UV rays have been touted as the leading cause of melanoma and other skin cancers. This is supported by the fact that many people buy sunscreen of various strengths and regularly use it, as well as taking special precautions to protect their eyes and skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. In reality, your body converts sunshine into energy much as a manmade solar panel does. If the individual combines frequent trips into sunny weather with improper diet, frequent sterilization of the tissue through overuse of antibacterial products, and especially high stress, the energy derived from sunshine can just as easily quicken the pace of a cancerous process which had already begun. This means that sunshine acts more like a catalyst of both positive and negative chemical reactions within the body, rather than a perpetrator of skin disease.

Both sunshine and wind are exploited through the use of solar panels and wind generators to bring us an alternative and renewable source of fuel. Currently, these fuel generators are somewhat expensive but, like every other piece of technology, the more they are used they will become more affordable and available for everyone to use. Contact Envirosafe Solutions today to find out more about eco friendly glass cleaners and corrosion treatments: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Probiotic Earth

Eco Friendly, Dishwashing Liquid, Anti-Bacterial Hand WashProbiotics and probiotic organic materials are used every day to help facilitate the thousands of tiny eco systems on our planet, including the systems within our bodies. Probiotics are essential forms of good or positive bacteria which actively work against and protect against negative or bad bacteria. The flora in our human stomachs is one form of probiotics. Protective layers of algae is another form. When gardeners use small types of worms to eat compost and produce refined excrement of nutrients for their soil, they are using a tiny man-supervised eco system to make better compost for their plants. Probiotics have many uses, including eradicating species of parasites, eliminating plant disease or parasites, and protecting against creatures which normally would steal or eat farmer’s crops.

In the eco friendly world, probiotics are often used instead of harmful, hazardous, or non-biodegradable chemicals, especially regarding anything organic or which may come in contact with humans. Florists sometimes use natural, eco friendly stabilizers and plant food for their blossoms in order to protect any customers who may be sensitive to chemicals or who may have allergies. This is part of increasing global health, but it is also part of maintain positive relations with their customer base.

Even such simple actions as filling up a nearly empty milk jug with water and using the milky solution to water your plants in your home is a form of probiotic use. You are using the natural lactobacilli (milk bacteria) to facilitate break down of organic matter into nutrients for your plants. The same process occurs in your body when you drink acidophilus. Probiotics found in nature include dead and decaying animals and plant material, fungus, the nutrients derives from a mother’s milk, and simply being slowly and carefully exposed to an outside member of the ecological system until tolerance is developed and plants and animals adapt to include the newest member to their world. This is sometimes referred to as the survival of the fittest. Whoever and whatever can adapt to changes in their environment the fastest and the best are the organisms which are most likely to live the longest and die the hardest.(+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Landscaping for Our Environment

Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Glue Remover, Rust ConverterLandscaping companies and contractors worldwide encounter specific challenges and tasks which are identical across their industry. Their main task is to find a suitable compromise and a win-win situation between their clients’ needs and desires and what they have to work with on the property.

Some common tasks include dealing with location specific textures and contents of soil, depth and quality of soil, weather concerns for a specific area, which plants are native and therefore more hardy to that area, and the balance between purely aesthetic visual appeal and obtaining shrubbery and plants which require less water and less long-term care. Of course, depending upon the hired groundskeeper and caretaker of the estate, certain plants with more visual appeal but which are more taxing to take care of may be an option. Some gardeners take their jobs seriously enough that they welcome a challenge in keeping difficult-to-care-for greenery in perfect condition. It is an effective team that consists of a high quality initial landscaper paired with a passionate long-term groundskeeper.

Many companies, businesses, estates, and individual or family clients require that their building and property upkeep follow in the same footsteps as their normal, environmentally friendly business practices. In these cases, landscapers must be well versed in which products are not only safe for the earth, but are also high effective to use in a multitude of situations. This is why Envirosafe Solutions offers a 30 day money back guarantee on all of our products. We want our clients to test our products, evaluate their effectiveness, and draw their own conclusions, without having the pressure of monetary loss if our standards are not up to par. That is how confident we are that our eco friendly soil treatments, disinfectants, and problem removers are both ecologically sound and highly effective as consumer products.

Landscapers must juggle what will work with the condition of the property they are in charge of and what will be most pleasing to their clients. Envirosafe Solutions is proud to say that all of our products will meet the needs of both landscapers and their clients. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Knowing How to Care For Your Plants

Eco Friendly, Dishwashing Liquid, Anti-Bacterial Hand WashWhether you own a gardening company, a produce company, or you are simply looking to meet your personal plant care needs, it is important to fully understand all of the ways that your plants soak up nutrition, release oxygen into the air, grow bigger fruit, and produce healthier compost.

The first thing to consider is what type of herbicides and pesticides you will be using on your flowering or fruiting plants. This is important not only for the sake of human health and human exposure, but also for the sake of biodegradability and earth friendly compost and organic break down. When you use eco friendly agricultural and gardening products, they get the job done, but they also contribute to the process of organic decay after the plant has died or been harvested. This organic decay is essential in maintaining a healthy crop next year or next season, since it puts nutrients back into the soil for future plant growth.

The second thing to consider when caring for your plants is their soil treatment. Roots require both air and water to grow, and too little of either can be detrimental and cause puny development or even cause the plants die off if they do not receive enough of either resource. This is why even basic, small gardening pots contain specific potting soil which allows air to be trapped in the soil and aerate the roots, as well as providing moisture from watering. Many first time gardeners have made the mistake of digging up soil from their back yard to put into their gardening pots, but this soil does not always contain enough air for deep root growth and the initial shoots often die off before they even become full grown.

Lastly, one must consider how current plant growth can contribute to and affect future generations of plants or crops. This means that crop rotation must be carefully planned and executed, especially in consecutive dry seasons when not a lot of extraneous moisture is being returned to the soil, and it means that what you treat this season’s crop with must be adaptable to both the soil and next season’s crops. This means that biodegradable agricultural products really must be used from beginning to harvest time, or you may have unwanted leftover chemicals which will work their way further into the soil. Contact Envirosafe Solutions today for more information about eco friendly soil treatments: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.