How Green is Bamboo?

Dishwashing Liquid, DisinfectantIn recent years, bamboo has been touted as the eco friendly substance of the future, and many home renovations and clothing and furniture are being made out of bamboo in order to seem eco friendly. How true is the legend that bamboo is better than wood and more sustainable than many other materials? After all, if we are more likely to buy something because it is made of bamboo and appears to be more eco friendly, then it would be wise to investigate the motivations behind our intent to buy.

One of the greatest cons of using bamboo is the fact that many products, such as flooring, cannot be made out of bamboo without also using highly toxic chemicals in the mix in order to make the product more reliable and more durable. Many things which are made of bamboo, especially highly used and easily scratched surfaces, must be treated in less-than-eco-friendly ways in order to live up to the hype of being reliable and high quality. Clearly, bamboo is not more eco friendly in these instances. In addition to that, many bamboo crops are grown in China and shipped around the world, making it less green per pound of petroleum which is necessary to ship it overseas. Perhaps a local plantation would be best for that.

Fortunately, bamboo does also have some positive and green traits, one of the largest being that it is easily grown and grows very quickly. While wood from trees takes really long time to grow and is then chopped down and used up quickly, bamboo can be replanted and replanted and the time of growth is very short. It is a bit like making things out of cotton, which can be planted as a crop and is very sustainable. Bamboo can grow up to four feet in a single day, is cheap to produce and to use, and is versatile in a high number of uses, from the bark to the grass to the foamy white insides.

Envirosafe Solutions offers earth friendly laundry products and floor cleaners, which are eco friendly and safe to use, no matter what type of materials or flooring you have: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Utilizing Dry and Wet Mulch

Glue Remover,Rust ConverterDry and wet mulch are both different types of fertilizer and soil treatment which can be organically made and sustained. Mulch is comprised of many different things, including dead leaves, decaying and rotten vegetation, including old groceries, twigs, tea, water, soil, Styrofoam, paper, wood shavings, and other organic materials, such as animal feces and snake skins. Mulch is gathered through household elimination of raw foods and outdoor rakings of leaves, twigs, and other biodegradable products. Mulch is designed to cover plant beds, and collect and sift rain water, allowing the nutrients from the wet, decaying material to act as food for the plants. Many agricultural companies use extraneous material from their harvesting to grind up and convert into a compost-like mulch for their own use or to mix in with other organic matter and sell for gardening use.

Many gardens and farms can reuse old and dead material as mulch by gathering it up, piling it across a part of the land which is unused, and allowing it to further decay under the influence of rainwater and worms, which break the material down into soft, nutrition rich soil. Many worms are available for sale to accomplish this type of breakdown and to produce fine rich earth. The worms eat the decaying matter and defecate the remains out, which produces much more refined mulch. These worms can be bought and placed in a container of mulch or simply allowed to work their way through a large outdoor pile of mulch. It is important to make sure that you understand how to handle these worms, in case there is a potential need to only use them in a container.

In all cases of decay, the mulch must be wet and broken down to a reasonable degree in order to decay in any kind of a timely fashion. If you need dry mulch from your garden, the decayed mulch must be spread thinly in the sunshine to dry out first, but the decaying process itself requires moisture at all times. Dry material does not break down very quickly.

Envirosafe Solutions offers eco friendly dust suppressant and Soil Wetta, both of which contribute to the organic growth process of plants. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Soil Aeration

Fuel Conditioner, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Glue RemoverThere are some basic gardening tidbits which newcomers to the world of plants must learn. Plants do not need simply water and sunshine in order to grow. In fact, many plants do not need sunshine at all, because they are designed to grow in full shade as ground cover and are usually found on the edge of forests or are part of forest beds, meaning that they receive little or no light at any point. What all plants do need, however, is water and oxygen. If you are new to gardening, you might have noticed that potting soil is different than regular soil that you find in your back yard. Earth soil can be very compressed and not allow any air in. Your new plants will grow to a certain height and then they will literally suffocate and wilt, even if they have plenty of moisture and required light. Potting soil is designed to “hold” air within the soil, and typically there are also little bits of foam in the potting soil, which also contribute to breaking up the soil and allowing air to reach the roots of the plants.

In organic and eco friendly gardening, you must be especially careful not to allow pollutants to enter your soil. Since your soil soaks up the air above, it can also soak up pollution and that can get into flowers and vegetables that you are growing. Many people have difficulty in picturing how the earth, the ocean and the air can exchange pollutants, but this occurs quite easily. The earth and the ocean both contain air, and the air and the earth both contain moisture. This is a great incentive to be careful about how your vehicle, motor oil, antifreeze, pesticides, herbicides, rodent poison, and harsh chemicals affect your soil and your lawn and gardening plans for your home. If you choose to use poisonous or toxic chemicals, be sure to store them in a tightly sealed container away from children, and be sure to use them where they will not be rinsed away into the ground.

Envirosafe Solutions uses very eco friendly solvents, degreasers, and sanitizers which can be used in household plans and also come in bulk quantities so that they can be used for industrial purposes, as well. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.


Rice Duck Farming

Fabric Conditioner, Laundry PowderChina produces the most rice in the world and it also consumes the most rice. This high supply and demand is a great way to jumpstart an economy, but they do not seem to be in much need of a jumpstart any time soon. However, a couple of threats may be looming on the horizon of this great market. First, genetic engineering, while helpful for growing pest-free plants and in the agricultural industry, can be harmful to both human health and the health of our environment. One of the primary environmental effects may be a disruption of delicate, but important, ecological systems. Second of all, harsh chemicals are being used enthusiastically, and the result can be dangerous for humans, for external plant life, and for the health of our planet. It is important that organic material be allowed to properly rot and decompose. If it does not, then the buildup can cause problems. Not only can harsh chemicals adversely affect non-targeted crops or vegetation, but they can also preserve harvested or dead plant life and delay the natural decomposition process.

Ancient China used rice duck farming, but it is rising again. This is an old form of sustainable growth. Agriculture could gain a lot from this particular tool. Rice duck farming ducks are raised and live right on the rice paddies and they eat their daily meals from the weeds and the unwanted pests or critters which target the rice. The ducks are very sustainable, since they can be bred for this and can live their whole lives on their rice paddies. They also eliminate the need for both herbicides and pesticides because they eat both weeds and problem insects.

There are some additional minor benefits to having ducks on your rice farm. When they paddle through the water, their webbed feet create bubbles and stir up the water, bringing more oxygen down to the rice, so that they grow stronger and healthier than otherwise. In addition to this, duck droppings are natural and plant and insect based, so they feed the rice paddies in the form of fertilizer. It is sort of like having a small mill which turns all of the rice-eating pests into fertilizer for your paddies!

Envirosafe Solutions offers eco friendly hand cleaners, sanitizers and disinfectants for all of your home or business needs. We are committed to making our earth more sustainable in every way possible. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Researching Green Movements in Your Neighborhood

Dishwashing Liquid, Toilet Bowl CleanerIt is hard to make your life entirely green-friendly when you are not aware of all of the ecological resources available in your local community. For this reason, we have put together a list of ideas and ways in which you can research eco friendly movements in your own area, no matter where you live!

Call your local chamber of commerce

Every city has a chamber of commerce or a local chapter for business affiliations and this an excellent place to start when looking for an established company or business operation which specializes in or includes eco friendly practices and environmental help.

Practice your social networking skills

Whether or not you are a whiz on Facebook or MySpace or Google+, social networking will get you into direct contact with fellow “green” followers who want to make a difference. Subscribe to the feeds of local eco friendly organizations and people who are passionate about the earth, and you will receive live feed of all the latest developments and ways in which you can help sustain your local economy!

Network in person

When you go out to a rally, pick up all of the flyers which are available and talk to all of the organizations which are represented. Become actively involved, if not in the movement itself, in learning about ecological advances and in hearing about what each person can do to improve earth sustainability and fuel efficiency and biodegradable products! When you get home, take out your notepad and list all of the organizations involved. Then, make a separate list of all the features you would like in a charitable organization that you would donate to financially. Make phone calls, email representatives of each group and find out which are the most suited to your charitable abilities and interests!

Ask everyone

When you go out to eat or go to the symphony or the opera or you simply have a business meeting, ask people around you what they do to help protect the environment and about their own participation in local organizations. That way, you can hear about and judge different operations without having to spend a great deal of time and effort exploring each one individually, one after the other.

Envirosafe Solutions offers eco friendly cleaners, disinfectants, and lubricants. We offer a 30-day money back guarantee, so that you can try our products and see how effective they really are, with no danger to your initial investment.  Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Raising Kids to be Earth Friendly

Rust Remover, Fabric ConditionerWhen thinking about preserving our earth, it is vital to consider the next generation of green activists. Without proper information and real life experience with being “green,” kids may not be as appreciative of this subtle art as you are. What are some things you can do?

Develop proper attitudes within them

A study about how eco friendly attitudes affect eco friendly behavior describes how this is important. Things like taste, and later on, price, determined whether or not students in college were likely to partake of organic foods. These attitudes are instilled within people as children, especially by example. When you eat delicious fresh raw organic fruits and vegetables, obviously enjoy them, and teach your children this enjoyment, they are likely to continue this behavior as adults.

Set an example

The strongest influence you can have is through example, and this is not just a famous quote by Huston Smith. Many parents learn that talking requires a great deal less effort than action. However, when they show how important something is by always following through on their words about the subject, they are respected by and an example to their children. Eat everything you feed your children. Wear eco friendly clothes. Care for the environment, as you have taught them to do. Go over and beyond what you consider necessary for them to see you doing something right.

Avoid becoming overwhelmed

“Eco Friendly Families,” an e-book by Helen Coronato, describes how parenthood brings out the best in you and makes you want to make your work a safe place in which your children can grow. She describes how, all of a sudden, those tricky little questions about environmentally safe products, biodegradable products, and non-petroleum-based products can sometimes give conflicting answers. This book can be a great deal of help for “green” parents who are constantly bombarded by messages about what is and what is not good for their children.

Tap into your strengths

A 2008 study on environmentally responsible division of labor between spouses in marriages talks about how sometimes husbands and wives treat eco friendly behavior differently. Women were far more likely to be interested in and actually implement and follow through on “green” practices that benefitted their households, whereas men intended to follow through, but were more likely to be innovative and come up with original ideas for how things could be changed. If you find yourself irritated with your spouse when implementing eco friendly practices within your own home, remember that basic progressive thought processes between your genders may be disrupting your creative flow. Simply recognize that different people contribute to the sustainable practices of the household in different ways, and plan accordingly.

Envirosafe Solutions offers eco friendly hand cleaners, laundry products and kitchen products, not only for the safety of your children, but for the safety and sustainability of your entire home. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.


Plant Life in the Oceans

Rust Remover, Fabric ConditionerJust as our terra, or earth, has living eco systems on land, the oceans have their own delicately balanced eco systems which preserve all life and growth under the sea. Just as in a forest fire or other natural disaster on land, oil spillages and fuel emissions which are spilled or thrust upon the ocean leave temporary long or short term defectiveness. Petroleum based fuels and carbon in the air both get into our oceans and kill off plants and fish through absorption. Again, this temporarily throws multiple eco systems off balance and only time will allow these living things to flourish once more. Unfortunately, if we continually allow these unnatural products into our oceans, then there is never even a chance of recovering this former abundance.

Petroleum is still used in massive quantities today, so it unlikely that it will be out of supply for some time. Many offshore drilling plants exist around the world, and even just transport across the ocean can be spilled and affect the ocean life.

Interestingly enough, offshore petroleum platforms in the water act as artificial reefs and rock for fish and plant life to be cultivated, and this in turn can attract ocean life that would normally be highly dispersed. Marine fishermen often use this fact to acquire fish and ocean mammals in water that is safe. These artificial creations which attract fish and marine life also manipulate currents, offer temporary protection, and a quick bite to eat along the way for passing ocean life. This is seen as a small benefit to our oceans regarding petroleum platforms, but this is not due to positive attributes of petroleum itself, but rather positive attributes of manmade structures under the water.

Petroleum spills can cause deformation of seagulls, fish, amphibians, coral, and mammals. Wastewater contamination is also a problem, because massive amounts of algae spring up in otherwise unpopulated areas, and feed on human excrement, then die off as the source of the wastewater dies off. The dead algae depletes the ocean in that area of oxygen and fish can literally suffocate to death.

As you see, our oceans can be affected by many things in many different ways. By doing your part to keep our oceans and our sewers clean by using eco friendly chemicals, such as the ones found at Envirosafe Solutions, you are contributing to thriving sea life. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.


New Ways of Shipping Products Overseas

Fabric Conditioner, Laundry PowderAfter the many oil spills and shipping accidents which have occurred and threatened vital ocean life and eco systems, it is a good idea to take extra caution when shipping products overseas. Our environment must be protected and transportation is one of the major industries in which emissions can be reduced and sustainable fuel can be implemented and tested out. This is a wonderful opportunity to implement the green movement through use of biofuel and sustainable fuel in mass transportation of international goods.

In 2008, the sea conservation supporter, Earthrace, used their powerboat to completely circumnavigate the world on 100% biofuel. This indicates that it is possible to travel and transport across the ocean using nothing but safe, effective, sustainable fuel that is both biodegradable and safe for humans. This is part of a revolutionary movement which is focused primarily upon replacing all carbon based fuels and petroleum based products.

Now that we know that ocean transport is possible using 100% biodegradable and sustainable fuel, it becomes necessary that we learn more effective ways of making the transition from our current fuel engines to newer ones. In fact, some engines designed for petroleum based fuels have been able to burn a combination of biodiesel and petrol, and this sometimes requires a modification or addition to the engine. However, replacing carbon based fuel engines with something greener is not only highly expensive, but it also is a monumental task, considering how many engines for cars, airplanes and ships exist today which only function with non-sustainable diesel.

Biomethane is a liquefied natural gas which is becoming increasingly popular and appealing to the shipping industry today. This may be part of the transition to more eco friendly times while old engines are being used up and replaced by engines which can run entirely off of biofuel or biodiesel. These are just a few of the options which we have available today in order to make our planet a safer, greener place to live and increase sustainability of our lifestyles.

Envirosafe Solutions offers eco friendly corrosion treatment, radiator liquids, fuel treatment, and rust removers in bulk form so that you can use them in all of your industrial operations. Call us today to find out more about our 30-day money back guarantee on all of our products: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.


Natural Insecticides

Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Glue RemoverWhether you own a small farm, do your own private gardening, or are heavily into agriculture, natural insecticides offer a wide range of benefits for your planting needs. They do not harm living plants, they do not prevent breakdown of organic material, and they are not toxic when soaked into the earth. Natural insecticides are a great way to get rid of critters which are feeding off of your fruits, vegetables and other plants, without having to worry about touching harmful chemicals or potentially entering the food supply. What are some natural insecticides which are currently used today and how do you apply them?

Homemade Insecticides

Homemade insecticides are used to help keep critters off of things like private gardens or vegetables or flower beds. In many cases, they are cheap and easy to make, but typically people make them in order to avoid using potentially harmful chemicals in the first place. In addition to homemade insecticides, many gardeners use what is called “companion planting,” where they plant desired plants together with plants which tend to repel unwanted insects. For instance, gardeners often plant a two-foot wide band of marigolds around their vegetable and fruit gardens, because marigolds repel a wide variety of bugs, insects and even some pest animals.

Neem Tree Insecticides

Some people who do not have success using a variety of insecticides against aphids or spidermites find Neem Tree insecticides to be helpful in getting rid of the more hard-to-kill or hard-to-repel types of critters.

Application of Organic Insecticides

Before you begin mixing and spraying homemade or store bought organic insecticides, be sure to test a small area of your plants first. Coat the leaves of a couple of plants with the substance you will use, on both sides of the leaves and as much of the stalk as possible. This ensures contact with the unwanted pests. Then, wait a couple of days to see if this negatively affects the plant itself before spraying all of the remaining plants.

As with humans, one of the best ways to repel unwanted insects is to be strong and healthy. Bugs, insects, parasites, and viruses are all heavily attracted to diseased or rotting vegetation and weakened or unhealthy plants.

One of the best ways to keep both your humans and your plants healthy is to never attack them with unnatural or harsh chemicals. That is why Envirosafe Solutions takes our eco friendly policy so seriously. We want our products to work, and we want you to find them safe. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.


Mainland Soil Erosion

Rust Converter, Dishwasher PowderSoil erosion is the cause of overgrazing, water desalination, reef degradation, and lack of vegetation and wildlife to keep the soil fertile and therefore seeded and dug. Australia is not the only coastal environment where soil erosion has been caused by excessive industrial operations and inadequate agricultural planning. Desertification can occur anywhere, and is especially likely to occur where crop rotation has been neglected or industrial operations have driven out wildlife which is necessary to the ecological balance of the land. In other words, when the nutrition of the soil has been depleted to the point where plants cannot put down long roots to hold the soil in place, and therefore wildlife leaves, which removes the composting ability of their feces and plant gathering, then the land can quite realistically become a desert.

Nutrition is transferred from water through rainfall, rivers, and lakes. It also is transferred when animals urinate at any point, releasing chemicals back into the soil and upon the plants and grass which utilize this nutrition from animals, many of which are herbivores and actually contribute the same nutrition back to the soil which caused the plants they ate to grow in the first place. It is a cycle, and in local areas, it can actually be a continuous cycle which feeds and waters itself ad infinitum. However, when eco systems are not taken into account during land renovation, industrial projects, or over hunting and over grazing, this can affect more than just a few animals or a few blades of grass. In fact, if the entire eco system cycle is dependent upon itself alone, introducing new components to the cycle necessarily means that new balances must be considered and made available to both plants and wildlife. If socially conscious developers and engineers are not aware of these complex and delicate life cycles, then desertification, along with other earth damaging effects, can occur. Therefore, it is important to always research and be aware of the original habitats and geological structure of a coastline, plain, or wooded area before moving modern practices into the cycle.

Envirosafe Solutions is careful to consider the earth and how we can contribute to its sustainability when we design our laundry detergents and kitchen cleaners. We are devoted to doing our part for the greater good, while bringing you the best in green solutions. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Luxury Hotel Cleaning Services

Rust Remover, Fabric Conditioner, Laundry PowderIf you own or run a luxury hotel, then your first concern is in maintaining your quality reputation. In order to do this, you must work out every detail of your business plan to such an extent that the program and modus operandi are already planned out and members of your staff only have to carry them out. An example of such planning was given in a recent book on business management. The author had visited a red cedar national park, and had found a hotel tucked away in the mountains at the end of the day. He was tired, so he decided to stop there for the night.

At the front desk, the author was asked his coffee and liquor preferences, and whether or not he would like a reservation at a nearby restaurant, which was within walking distance of his room. When he returned from the restaurant that evening, the fireplace in his room was already lit, the coffee maker was set for the morning complete with his favorite brew, and his preferred liquor was opened and ready to drink by the fire.

Recently, at a luxury hotel, I encountered similar quality regarding the housekeeping services in our room. Not only was the housekeeping thorough, immaculate and privacy oriented, but eco friendly practices were also implemented. Obviously, cleaning the room when it was not requested or desired to be clean can waste resources and materials, such as water and chemicals, so a gift card was given out at the front desk for anyone who wished to trade in their housekeeping services for a day. This was meant to reward “green” behavior in hotel guests, because of resources which would be saved. In a hotel of over a thousand guests, this saving can really add up, for the sake of the earth and for the sake of hotel and guest expenditures.

Envirosafe Solutions also offers green friendly cleaning solutions, degreasers, laundry products and sanitizers. Our goal is to be effective and to be earth friendly, and we believe that we have accomplished both of these goals. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.


Locally Available Alternative Energy

Dishwashing Liquid, Toilet Bowl CleanerAlternative energy in Western Australia is important for several reasons. First, it is a sustainable source of fuel or power so that we may continue our current lifestyles indefinitely. Second, it produces fewer carbon emissions, which helps retain our solar/ultraviolet balance. Third, it better for our planet as a whole, since it reduces toxic waste put into agriculture, our food supply, our water supply, and keeps unnecessary waste from polluting our oceans. What are some locally available alternative sources of energy?

Perth Seawater Reverse Osmosis Plant

Desalination is an excellent way to convert massive amounts of seawater into drinkable, usable fresh water for human consumption. The Perth Seawater Reverse Osmosis Plant is an efficiently run desalination plant, which draws electricity from the Emu Downs Wind Farm, bringing the renewable energy cycle to completion. This allows Perth and Western Australia to treat seawater appropriately, while renewable energy to accomplish this task. This is an excellent example of human needs being met fully by alternative energy cycles.

Griffin Energy and Stanwell Corporation

Griffin Energy and Stanwell Corporation have a joint venture on Emu Downs Wind Farm, which is capable of producing 80 megawatts of power, enough for fifty thousand homes, at peak performance. Wind energy is an excellent source of power, since it is ever present and can create electricity which can be stored in batteries and electricity storage plants for use during low periods of wind. This is a great way to skim the cream off the top of the milk, so that all produced wind energy is used. Griffin Energy and Stanwell Corporation also have a joint venture on Badgingarra Wind Farm, which is set to be commissioned in late 2012 and will have a proposed capacity of 130 megawatts, capable of powering 80, 000 homes at peak performance.

These are only a few example of how local alternative energy is being used to facilitate the lives of thousands of Western Australians. Not everyone is aware of locally available alternative energy and what initiatives are ecological to support. This is a great way for young Australians to learn about the energy of the next generation. Envirosafe Solutions is part of this ecological movement, and we offer eco friendly fuel treatments, hand cleaners, radiator liquids, and soil treatments for your green projects. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Viruses Making Batteries Non-Toxic

Did you ever think that a biological virus could innovate the battery industry and make batteries non-toxic? MIT biology researcher, Angela Belcher, and her team engineered a virus which can replace the workings of a lithium battery. The virus connects specific molecules together and conducts electricity, making the storage capacity of the new batteries the same as ordinary lithium batteries. This is an innovative breakthrough in how batteries are used and stored and thrown away.

In the past, lithium batteries have been a problem when it comes to disposability. Ordinary lithium batteries are toxic on the inside and must be disposed of properly in order to not be hazardous to people or to the environment. The waste content of lithium batteries alone, multiplied by how many batteries are thrown away each year, is an ecological nightmare. Fortunately, new batteries are being created which can be rechargeable and some of which are being engineered in safer and less toxic ways. In the past, the best way to cut down battery storage and disposal toxicity was to simply buy batteries which could be recharged and reused as many times as possible, in order to reduce waste.

Thankfully, this virus-powered battery is specifically designed to reduce costs in making batteries, as well as highly toxic chemicals necessary in the production process. If this virus can be designed to increase the battery power to current lithium battery power capabilities and it can be mass produced at a much lower cost per battery, which is already being developed and tested, then it may revolutionize the cost of battery powered energy as we know it today. Unfortunately, the term “virus” has a negative connotation, so many people will need to be educated on how the organic and non-organic technologies have been fused. The cost of educating the public on this can be quite expensive, so this new and improved battery may be delayed in public production.

Envirosafe Solutions is very interested in using greener, safer energy, and that is why many of our products are earth friendly and designed for greener, safer industrial use. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Greener “Unprinting” Techniques

Ever since lasers replaced messy inkjet printing techniques, researchers have been looking to use lasers in other ways, as well. Well, finally, you can vaporize ink, words and images on paper through the use of lasers, something which is very eco friendly and saves on a lot of paper and recycling. It simply undoes the process on the same piece of paper, conserving both paper and extra printing and developing costs. Toner is mostly made of plastic polymer and carbon, and it is the polymer in the paper that is heated up to such an extent by the laser that it is vaporized. This technique is not ready for mass production yet, but it has successfully been used for removing words and images from ordinary paper, so it is simply a matter of continuing to test and evaluate the process before it is ready to mass market.

And how does the paper look after the ink has been removed? The BBC article shows a microscopic image of the paper where the image has been vaporized and the paper fibers are slightly indented because of the removal process. This would hardly be visible to the naked eye, however, and the image does show how the paper is certainly intact and quite resilient after the process is complete. It has a very small simple crater-like effect upon the paper, on a microscopic level, which is most likely due to the ink having been imbedded slightly in the paper before it was vaporized and removed. This would save on costs spent producing and replacing paper, it would save on recycling, and it would save on ink, printing and electrical costs. Obviously, it is just a small step in the right direction, but it is certainly an effective one!

Envirosafe Solutions specializes in earth friendly corrosion treatments, degreasers, and disinfectants. We want to contribute our efforts and our research to the cause of making our planet as sustainable as possible. Many of our products are septic safe, some are completely biodegradable, and all of our materials are eco friendly. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Green Rewards for Good Behavior in France

France is going green in ways that other countries have not yet fully incentivized. For example, France’s site, CitéGreen, is offering real-time rewards for doing little eco friendly things throughout your day, like recycling or carpooling. Then, through CitéGreen’s partners and community organizations, a microchip is installed in your recycling bin (or whatever tool you are using) to track how much of your behavior is eco friendly every week. The beta version of the site allows participants to simply register on the site for free and then select which activities they would like to receive rewards for. These reward points are redeemable for gifts and discounts, and can be redeemed at any point, depending upon your minimum balance in the account. This is a new, fresh, innovative way to incentivize citizens to keep their planet green, while also rewarding consumers with up to approximately EUR 200 of extra purchasing power annually. This is quite a reward system. However, is the site new or the system new?

You see, CitéGreen is using what many people are already quite familiar with: the gaming trend. By using gaming rewards, where simple everyday tasks are rewarded with points and prizes and extra opportunities, today’s consumers are able to receive the endorphin “high” for acting responsibly, much like the high they receive for incentives in a gaming environment. The site is simply making the old system new again and highly innovative and effective by integrating these reward points into daily tasks. Now, there is a small concern about privacy, since microchips will be used to track your daily responsible actions, and those who believe that the system can be hacked and tracked will probably not be implementing the new reward system any time soon. However, it is certainly an interesting and thought-provoking idea, which can be turned into high ecological benefits and can clean up France’s pollution in a very short time if used by even fifty percent of the population.

That is precisely why Envirosafe Solutions offers eco friendly rust remover and rust converter. We want to help you with your cleaning solutions, but it is also important to us to make our planet a more sustainable place, as well. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.