Charity Contributions and Tax Deductions

Not all charity contributions are tax deductions, but many of them are, and it is worth some investigation to find out what benefits you can bringCharity Contributions and Tax Deductions to yourself by donating money to certain eco friendly companies. For instance, we have a very high fondness for either giving money a charity and then ignoring it completely or, the other option, donating our time and effort and energy to the running and successful management of an eco friendly project or organized plan.

It might be in your best interests to find out if your business is making charity contributions to eco friendly companies and, if not, why not. You see, you can make the earth a better place, not by spending more money, but by re-allocating the money you already plan to donate each year from your company.

Chemical products like hard water laundry liquid, rust remover, and antibacterial hand wash are all part of a steady line of products put out by Envirosafe Solutions. More than that, though, we provide high quality business-to-business care for your company. We provide all of the chemical solutions which you may need to make your company run smoothly and without a hitch. These are items which your purchasing order agent may already by buying, but all you have to do is allocate them to Envirosafe Solutions, instead.

We believe that there is not much more you can do for your planet to than incorporate eco friendly ideals into every single part of your business and business plan. That is really something to think about. There is no greater aspiration you can rise to than that. People need to know that they are contributing to the good of mankind and, as long as your business is already spending the money, do so in the name of ecological safety and sustainability. Rust converter, dishwasher rinse aid and laundry powder are all a part of the chemical solutions we provide to every different kind of company in Australia. We provide these business-to-business solutions on a regular basis for your edification and business maintenance.

To find out more, call Envirosafe Solutions or visit our website and be sure to check out our other eco friendly liquid products: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Art of Relaxation

Art of RelaxationThe art of relaxation is something which few people search down its fullest depths. We are all part of communities in which we work hard, play hard, sleep very little, and only vacation every once in a while. The art of relaxation is touched upon, but not fully dived into, and that is a real shame.

When people devote their lives to being eco friendly, they are far more likely to understand the art of relaxation, at least more than most people, if not to the depths to which they could. There is an inherent responsibility to the earth which, in turn, teaches responsibility to ourselves.

It is also much easier to indulge in physical rest when we have labored in the sustainability and protection of our environment. Any settler, homesteader, or frontiersman can tell you that.

Today, we pay for relaxation. Yes, we actually pay money to “be relaxed,” as if it’s done by someone else. Today, we have little sight for what regenerating ourselves means. Well, it is very simple. It means getting back in touch with your own very deep roots, and that often requires alone time in the wilderness, or a cup of coffee in solitude in your garden, or just plain physical labor working on your lawn.

By preserving our earth, we learn how to actively and attentively preserve ourselves. Even if you are just using our environmental cleaning products in your business, there is still an inherent understanding that what you are doing is best for the earth and, in the end, best for you.

Mineral deposit remover, dishwasher rinse aid, fabric conditioner, and laundry powder are all examples of the high quality eco friendly industrial liquid we have available for business-to-business selling. We provide the materials for cleaning, rust removal, and maintenance, and your business can do so without having to worry or even think about how toxic the chemicals you are using are. That really makes a difference when it comes to how you view your own stewardship capabilities. No one should have to think about the damage they are doing while they are, at the same time, being constructive. Order eco friendly chemicals from us, and eliminate such unnecessary worries: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Water Pollutant Technology

When it comes to polluted water, there are some third world countries which have citizens dying by the thousands every year just due to drinkingWater Pollutant Technology unclean water. Well, the human body has enormous potential to handle bacteria and to kill off viruses, but when water is contaminated, and there is no clean water to take its place, then the entire immune system is gradually lessened and weakened until it is thoroughly undercut. This means that, even if the person only gets a little bit sick, that could be enough to kill them.

Now, there are several organizations which provide water filtration systems, easy portable water filtration systems to these countries and these needy people. However, it is necessary to spend money on these systems. Some water filtrations products are easy and cheap, and this is where these organizations provide the most good. However, not everyone can get to them and they are not worldwide yet, as is the case for many other good things which are meant for needy people.

Water pollutant technology was developed by companies which had a vested interest in both improving their company and improving the planet as a whole. Nowhere does it say that you have to live a frugal, hardship life in order to be good to the planet. The combination of eco friendly systems and business practices has been going on for several thousand years. Even the Egyptians were adept at using the yearly flooding of the Nile to water crops which were miles away from the river.

Today, we have modern companies doing the same thing, companies like Envirosafe Solutions. We provide eco friendly and completely planet safe marine glass cleaner, radiator cleaner, fuel conditioner, and other environmental cleaning products to businesses all over Australia. Our purpose is to turn our already very eco friendly country into a top notch earth saving machine. Our goal is to bring eco friendly, planet safe solutions to businesses all over the world someday. Australia is our first market, since this nation is already so eco conscious. To learn more about our various products, like our rust converter, please feel free to phone us up soon and ask any questions you may have: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Three Steps to Water Reuse

Three Steps to Water ReuseWater reuse is the reusable properties of gray water (kitchen sink, shower, gardening water) which can be put to good productivity throughout your business site and land. For instance, you may find that your gardeners or landscapers spend a great amount of water on keeping the grass green and the place having aesthetic appeal, but a lot of gray water from workplace lavatories and workroom sinks can be reused in this manner.

Step 1. Make an appointment with your business’ plumber. Make sure that they have a full schematic of your building, that they are totally informed of the intention of calling them to your office, and that they have full and free access to the plumbing system of your entire workplace environment, both indoors and outdoors.

Step 2. Think outside of the box and be creative. Just because something has never been done before doesn’t mean that it’s not an awesome idea! Be innovative, ask your plumber a lot of questions, talk to the architect, and consider all of the ways in which you can make water reusable in your business.

Step 3. Run the numbers. If you are particularly eco conscious, then the same cost for reusable water in your business may be enough for you. However, many people also seek to reduce their water usage and therefore their overall cost. Run the numbers and make sure that, in the end, the amount of water reusability is making up for the cost of setting up these eco friendly systems. Also, be sure and account for expenses in setting the system up initially in the first place. While the end result may be very cost effective, you may run into high costs of starting it up that you may or may not be prepared for.

Envirosafe Solutions products high quality chemical solutions which are safe for the planet, including diesel bug killer, antibacterial hand wash, and rubber remover. Our environmental cleaning products are made to bring ease of use and chemical cleaning to your worksite, while also being earth safe and sound. For more information or to place an order, call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

The Moon, One Step at a Time

They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. First of all, we would like to encourage you to avoid taking a journey of a The Moon, One Step at a Timethousand miles purely on foot. That would be very difficult, indeed. That said, it truly does take millions of little steps to get where you have covered a great distance in life.

Imagine a world where everything is purely eco friendly. Sustainable energy is the only fuel source, for both power and transportation. Fields and pastured are managed effectively so that the ground is replenished of its nourishment on a regular basis. Meats and vegetables are organic and whole. Peace reigns. Everyone has more than enough to eat and a wide variety of food to choose from. Abundance reigns, instead of starvation, violence, and bitterness.

If you’re going to the moon, start walking a moonbeam, one step at a time.

If you are looking to investigate the world of eco friendly business practices, don’t sink millions of dollars into a new program. If you’re just starting out, start with a single step. That’s all. We’re talking about just one step.

Envirosafe Solutions produces the environmentally friendly liquids which make our world function properly. From radiator coolant to laundry powder, and from diesel bug killer to rust converter, we carry a chemical for just about every need. In this way, we have made our products well known and highly useful to people like you. You just want to explore eco friendly behavior. You want your company to continue in these efforts. All you have to do is to switch out your chemical solutions which are harsh, toxic and not always septic safe for our clean, bright, eco friendly solutions. Our products are varying degrees of septic safe (look at individual product pages on our website for septic safety and biodegradability stats for each specific chemical), but they are all planet safe. Environmental cleaning products are needed on this earth, and we have filled this need. By our standards, our products shine like stars.

You don’t have to make your company over to accommodate ecology overnight. Just start with one step, one product, at a time. Call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Paperless Statements and the New Organization

Paperless Statements and the New Organization

Today, businesses all over the world are using paperless statements and bills to interact with their customers. It is really important to always know exactly what your customers are doing and to keep excellent records on both sides of the transaction. However, now that computers and the internet have taken over the business world, paperless statements and paperless interactions have reached a new high, and all of this is saving a ton of trees.

Eco friendly liquid products by Envirosafe Solutions attempts to do the same thing, chemically. You see, we have designed ordinary household and janitorial and maintenance chemicals in such a way that they are also eco friendly. While we cannot make them out of thin air, and thus cannot make them “paperless”, so to speak, we can at least make sure that the chemicals which we all know and use are safe for the planet.

What do we carry? Well, we provide you with a super wide variety of options, including but not limited to marine glass cleaner, mineral deposit remover, and disinfectant. All of our chemicals are environmentally friendly liquids and they are just as effective, if not more so, than their harsh non-eco counterparts. What more can we say to convince you of this good decision?

The new organization of companies has brought about an infrastructure which has enabled eco friendly options to be widely used. Going paperless is a revolution, not just in efficiency and convenience, but in ecology. In this day and age, we should embrace the solid ease of use which we have found through computer based technology. Envirosafe Solutions has designed a complete line of environmental cleaning products. What will you and your business do for this world?

Let us help you reach your financial and planetary goals by combining them in your cleaning and janitorial needs. Envirosafe Solutions provides high quality chemical solutions for any company looking for eco friendly industrial liquid. In order to make our appeal more known, we enjoy posting articles about eco friendly endeavors, news, and information all over the world. After all, if each of us doesn’t lift up a tiny portion of the social fabric, how can entire nations become as eco conscious as Australia has become? Call us today to order: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Marine Industries and Certain Precautions

When you have any piece of machinery which is constantly exposed to the ocean, you have a situation where the moisture in the air can cause aMarine Industries and Certain Precautions lot of water damage and where the sea salt can deposit in a lot of ways, too. That is why, when Envirosafe Solutions began distributing environmentally friendly liquids to the whole of Australia, we knew that we needed some marine glass cleaner in addition to our regular glass cleaner. We knew that we had to cover other contingencies, as well, so that is why we produced our mineral deposit remover.

Of course, we provide many other things which would be effective for machinery that is water based, such as our radiator cleaner, rust converter, and sanitiser.

When you are looking at your marine based operation, remember that all of your products must be tailored to the water and to the sea air. You must use products which are specifically tailored to your needs, to the climate, to the weather, to the salt and to the ocean. That is a lot of specifications, but Envirosafe Solutions has products, many of which will be perfect for your marine machinery, ships, buildings, etc. In fact, there is such a scarcity of truly eco friendly marine based chemical solutions that we urge you to browse our website several times over and make sure that you have received all of the options which apply to your situation.

Naturally, Envirosafe Solutions, in order to be ecologically sound, must provide eco friendly industrial liquid which is safe for the water and the air, not chemicals which will damage eco systems on land or at sea. Therefore, we have a large need for products which are not just generally environmentally sound, but very tailored for water non-pollution and air non-pollution. That gives you the freedom to wash as many of these as you like down the drain and into the ocean without a care or a thought as to how much damage it might be doing. That’s right, we have all bases covered. Now, whenever you use our chemical products, you can rest assured that you are having just as much impact on the eco system as the day you were born. Well, except that you’re breathing more oxygen: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Inviting Pests In

Inviting Pests InIf you study nature purely through the scientific method, you will no longer see such things as pests and problems. You will only see how each critter contributes to the life and death, safety and wellbeing, destruction and food of every other critter. It is all natural and normal and to be expected.

Of course, we do not normally encounter situations where we feel good about having pests around. Nobody wants a mouse in the house, nor do they want roaches infesting their garages. This is basic human decency, with a care for cleanliness and hygiene. Of course, if you live out in the woods, things like mice and creepy-crawlies really don’t bother you. They are in their natural habitat, so it is natural to see them in this habitat.

Of course, there are places and times for pests. For example, pigeons can be used to carry messages across battle lines in times of war. Wild dogs may befriend and protect a lonely traveler. And, that bacteria you hate so much, well it could be good for you. You see, even lactobacilli are used to help reinforce the natural stomach flora growing in your tummy. Even spiders are used to get rid of unwanted flies, mosquitoes, and wasps. There are many places for a pest, even in civilised society. Therefore, you must be careful to always use pest control with care and with forethought about their real function in the universe.

In the meantime, wipe everything clean and keep bacteria away with solvent free degreaser, sanitiser, disinfectant, and glass cleaner from Envirosafe Solutions. We provide eco friendly liquid products for all of your cleaning needs. We also provide other liquid solutions, such as fuel conditioner and diesel bug killer. These are really important to the transportation industry. Now, to round off our discussion, remember to get rid of pests only if they are a danger to you, liable to infect you or someone you know, or are rabid in some way. Just kidding, if the pest is that size, you may wish to eliminate them by default. Keep away all types of pests, from critters to bacteria, by using environmentally friendly liquids from Envirosafe Solutions: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Industry Norms and How to Break Them

Industry norms for any industry can include a set of regulations enlisted by governing agencies or they can simply be adopted as safe practiceIndustry Norms and How to Break Them techniques which make all worksites easy and safe to navigate. Breaking industry norms must never include any illegal activity. You must always bear the law and safety practices in mind before you go about breaking industry norms.

Eco friendly liquid products are often used in companies which have some sort of strong connection with green sustainability. Naturally, other companies use our products, as well. Envirosafe Solutions provides a wide variety of earth safe chemicals, all of which can be used in place of common solutions. Our listed items include but are not limited to antibacterial hand wash, fabric conditioner, rust converter, rust remover, and industrial hand cleaner. Of course, in order to take advantage of these great options, you have to browse our website and decide for yourself.

Naturally, you will want to see if anyone else in your industry is using our products. If not, you may want to set a higher standard for your customer base by using our chemical solutions. If so, then you may wish to see how their use of eco friendly liquid products affect their sales, customer service, cleanliness of their buildings, and if they advertise their use of our products. Then, you may just wish to place a fairly large purchase order with us. Before you do, though, we request that you order sample sizes or a small amount of a lot of different products so that you know for sure which chemical solutions with which you would be the most happy.

Eco friendly products like ours can make or break industry norms, but you can be assured of one thing. They will be remembered by your customer base, by your employees, and by your competition. Use that competitive edge of yours to make your company even more earth safe than it was before. Contribute to the beautification and sustainability of our planet, regardless of whatever else you may be doing to contribute to it. At the very least, you have our products at your service. For more information, contact Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Good Reputations and the Spirit of Preserving Them

Good Reputations and the Spirit of Preserving ThemLet’s face it, we all know someone who just doesn’t seem to ever care about their own reputation. Then, they are surprised when people think less of them than they do of those with better reputations. Reputation is pretty important because it is not only how others see you, but it is how others assume you want them to see you. So, therefore, reputation has to do with outside perception of you, but also it has to do with how other people think you want to be perceived.

That is why people who act in slovenly or careless manner are treated in the same manner. Ladies are treated like ladies and whores are treated like whores. People who are easily offended happen to find themselves around people who offend them easily, sometimes on purpose. Those who ignore other people are easily ignored themselves. It all has to do with your relationship with the world around you.

Now, when Envirosafe Solutions first set up business, we knew that we wanted to have strong and continuous business-to-business relationships with companies all over Australia. We wanted people to try our eco friendly liquid products, keep using them until they had their fill, order more, be delighted with those as well, and set up an ongoing purchase order with us. Unfortunately, there is a great deal of work to be done in order to make that dream a reality, but we are on our way! Our chemicals speak for themselves. Not literally, but that would be nice if they could do their own advertising, too.

In the spirit of preserving our own reputation, we have set up a couple of things for you. First of all, our individual products pages list specific information and clearly defined explanations for your so that you can pick the best chemical for your needs. For example, each product page lists septic safety levels, any biodegradability if that product is partially so, and it lists the main information about working with that specific chemical. We provide anything from marine glass cleaner to solvent free degreaser, and from mineral deposit remover to dishwasher rinse aid. We are the chemical company which looks after the earth: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Campaigns for Social Help

All over the world, people campaign for the social help that they want to give to organizations, charities, protests, and causes. Of course,Campaigns for Social Help campaigns for social help can be highly judgmental. People criticize you for joining the campaign, and they criticize you for NOT joining it. Social help can be hindered if these campaigns become violent, controversial, or fraught with emotion.

People need help. The earth needs help. Those two things we know for sure.

However, campaigns are run by humans and they can, unwittingly, slow progress by making people choose one of two lifestyles, as opposed to gradually getting people used to various lifestyles.

Mineral deposit remover, glue remover, and glass cleaner are just three of the environmental cleaning products available through Envirosafe Solutions. Fortunately, we don’t have to have a campaign for our products. Our methods involve gradually easing our name and our eco friendliness in to your homes and offices and worksites until, voila, you are already using our products on a regular basis.

We know that it’s sneaky, but it’s remarkably effective.

Our fake campaign involves stating openly that we are an eco friendly company which produces environmentally friendly liquids, but in secret, we make our products so effective that you will want to replace your current chemical solutions with ours. You get just as much cleaning done, but the earth is better for your purchase. Now, we know, using stealth methods to gain your trust is a little underhanded, but if our chemicals didn’t work, you wouldn’t be buying from us!

So, of course, we have to make them work.

On top of all of this devilry, we also provide an easy thirty day money back guarantee, so that your financial investment in us is thoroughly sound. All you have to do is to send the containers back to us, even if they are empty and dry as a bone, and we will thoroughly refund your money or issue you a store credit. Yes, we are very sneaky when it comes to acquiring new customers and holding on to the ones we have. But, in our defence, it’s in our natures to do whatever it takes to make the planet a better place. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Adding the Numbers When You Travel

Adding the Numbers When You TravelWhen you add the numbers while traveling, you can have a whole range of benefits. First, you are acutely aware of how much you spend, so you don’t overspend at the beginning of your vacation. Second, you are aware of how much fuel and resources you are using to get from one place to another. This enables you to keep track of better and better ways to travel in an eco friendly manner in the future. Thirdly, you can keep track of where you are and the people with whom you associate, which is important because some cultures highly value creative skill and eco friendly or sustainable practices. If there are a lot of wise elderly people in your travel group who have experience with being eco friendly, then you can learn from them and add to your own private database of ecological information.

Adding the numbers when you travel also gives you the opportunity to be extremely aware of how the flow of humanity and the different layers of the service industry really interact and work together to bring their patrons a quality travel experience. Unfortunately, it is not a good idea to look at the underbelly of the service industry too much, or the “magic” is lost in your eyes. One of the primary reasons why luxury or private vacations are so popular is that all of the work behind the scenes is never visible to the people for whom it is done. That is very valuable.

Now, the same situation applies in your office or your worksite. The cleanup crew, whoever they may be at the time, has to use chemicals to further the cleaning and disinfecting process, but the truth is that if you add the numbers, you will see that you can have an eco friendly supply of chemicals, a lot of different chemicals the ones your crew normally would use, which are all safe for planet earth. Now, that is one of the primary reasons why we encourage you to dump the products you are currently using, try our non-polluting sanitiser, disinfectant, and mould rid, and try very hard not to look smug when you keep ordering from us while your competitors still use that harsh, sticky, filmy stuff which makes their work so much more difficult.

Try our eco friendly liquid products today, and check out our radiator cleaner if you have machinery in your business. Call Envirosafe Solutions to place your order: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Community Gardens and Local Economies

Community gardens often spring into existence for one of two reasons. First, a liberal, eco friendly neighborhood is seeking to become moreCommunity Gardens and Local Economies sustainable, and second, our youth are learning prize business skills and community responsibility by volunteering in the gardens after school.

Now, a lot of people believe that both scenarios are worthy of creating a community garden, but usually, these gardens come into being for one of the reasons.

When it comes to our youth, there is no better place to instill a sense of moral fiber and community growth than in a neighborhood garden. Gardening includes a lot of basic virtues with which we would like our children to be endowed. For example, hard work, planning, patience, the scientific method, pest control and eradication, bookkeeping, community event sponsoring, and loads of other business skills are learned in the involvement of a community garden.

However, more than the youth are helped in these places of growth. The local economy becomes significantly, measurably, more independent by setting up a community garden, especially one in which the neighborhood youth volunteer. Supermarkets can display the extra food outside, people who are hungry can come and volunteer and take home food as a payment, and less time and money are being spent upon external resources being brought in to feed the population of the community.

On top of that, Envirosafe Solutions can make the community garden even more eco friendly by providing earth safe porta-loo treatment, solvent free degreaser, and antibacterial hand wash for anyone who would like to buy only green chemical solutions for work in the community garden. The whole picture is safe, effective, and highly productive.

What more could you ask for?

Envirosafe Solutions carries other products, too, such as mould rid and hard water laundry liquid, all of which will contribute to a safer, cleaner, better maintained earth. If Envirosafe Solutions grows, then our eco friendly liquid products can replace a large number of the harsh chemical solvents on the market today, thus making the earth even greener than it is now. Improve your local and your worldwide search for sustainability. Buy products from Envirosafe Solutions: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

City Parks and Urban Scavenging

City Parks and Urban ScavengingIt has become a pretty unique fad among the eccentric power elite to engage in “urban harvesting” or “urban scavenging.” This involves going throughout the city in which you live and picking fruit from the trees and harvesting small, city gardens of their fruit. It means that you find fruit and vegetables in the most unlikely of places and that you scavenge whatever you can get your hands on. You have to go a long distance to get a lot of food, but it is certainly a way of surviving and demonstrating eco social responsibility if you live in a large city.

Of course, not everyone wants to shy away from their weekly trips to the grocery store. After all, it saves time and physical energy which could otherwise be used to scavenge in the city, and what you have gathered may not cover all of the energy you burned throughout the day. In this respect, scavenging may actually end up costing much more than it gives, but it still contributes majorly to using our planet in a responsible way.

In fact, many people do not realize how each individual action they make impacts a total of ten people outward from their circle of influence. That is ten layers deep for every tiny action a person creates. That is huge, and it really adds up over time. What many people do not realize is that, even if their actions are done in private and nobody sees them, they still impact ten layers deep of people around them. We are all creating this world around us at the same time. We are all using our influence to affect the world in which we live, even if the initial action was done in private.

At Envirosafe Solutions, we understand the nature of private actions adding up to big social change. You probably won’t advertise to your clients that you use eco friendly toilet bowl cleaner from Envirosafe Solutions, but the fact that you spend money on and invest in the environment makes huge social change. More actions create more waves. To learn more about the impact of Envirosafe Solutions on your business, call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Celestial Seasonings and the Tea Bag Factor

Celestial Seasonings is a tea company which provides herbal tea and a few select caffeine teas to people and businesses all over the world. Their Celestial Seasonings and the Tea Bag Factorgoal is to bring good quality tea to anyone who values and has a taste for herbal tea. However, when it comes to eco friendly, renewable sources, Celestial Seasonings does a lot more than just bring you good tea. It takes eco friendly to the next level. If you have ever used their teas, then you know that they do not use strings and tags on their tea bags. In fact, research has shown that their lack of tabs and strings saves several hundred thousand tons of paper every year. And we all know that tea bags rarely make their way into recyclable containers. After all, there is organic matter in there, too.

So that means that, in order to be eco friendly and sustainable, you’d have to not drink any tea. And yet, there are entire civilizations which are based around the drinking of tea, such as the Japanese, Chinese, Tibetan and South American cultures.

The fact that Celestial Seasonings is able to provide their customers with eco friendly tea bags with no strings or tags means that you can continue this worldwide cultural tradition without being concerned about the impact on paper products around the world.

Envirosafe Solutions brings this tradition back to today, though. We believe in helping people when help is needed, and our entire company is built upon the fact that environmental cleaning products must be designed by researchers and made that way. In today’s world, anything which is not well designed will not necessarily be safe for the earth, since all chemicals and materials must be absorbable by the earth if they are to be truly environmentally friendly, and many materials need to be made out of renewable resources if the entire process is to be made eco friendly. Try out our extreme green line of products, such as our mould rid, our hard water laundry liquid, or even our diesel bug killer. Be sure that when you look for chemical solutions, you look at Envirosafe Solutions: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.