Production and Devolvement

Diesel Bug KillerWhat constitutes being productive? No, really, what is the ultimate result of that elusive word, “productivity”? Well, to answer that question, we must understand how production and devolvement relate with each other, and they are applied in different people’s lives.

An estate manager will have been productive if they appropriately hired and used workers to keep the lawn and grounds of the estate. However, if the same estate manager was not competent enough to keep reliable hired hands available, then he or she would have to devolve down to the level of doing the yard work themselves. That would be one example of the difference between production and devolvement in the same person.

If a man finds it soul sucking to mow his lawn, then he would be productive in hiring someone else to do the lawn mowing for him. However, if a different man was never strong enough to do his own yard work, he might find the same task to be a responsibility which he really desires to possess. If, one day, the second man is finally strong enough to do his own yard work, albeit slowly, then that would be productive in his own eyes.

As you can see, production is completely subjective and to each person, productivity forms a very different picture.

We can all agree that the planet should be made safer, with less waste and pollution. Many of us, though, have no idea how to actually pull this off. In addition to this confusion, if that weren’t enough, each of us has very different ideas of what is productive and what is devolving to the planet. Often, these conflicts are resolved by simply joining a group whose views you support, and you volunteer along with other likeminded volunteers.

We provide high quality environmental cleaning products, and we do so because cleaning and maintenance are necessary in any business and on any worksite. Therefore, we have a plan to replace all harsh chemicals with our eco friendly industrial liquid. It is better for the world, and of course, it’s better for us, too! If you would like to support our cause, or would simply enjoy to give us money, please contact us: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Planning to Fail, Planning to Succeed

Rust Converter“If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.” It is an oft quoted phrase meant to give people motivation to get things done, not just when they are supposed to be done, but in their minds, ahead of time. Environmentally friendly liquids are part of this planning, because they all have a part in how your company will use resources in the future world.

For example, picture your company effectively reusing around sixty percent of its resources and being able to ecologically produce over eighty percent of its energy. Now, run the numbers for how much energy you would be saving, how little everything would cost you, and how much higher your business revenues would be in the first year. Then, on top of that, run the numbers for how much these figures would add up over the course of ten years.

Now, we are not guaranteeing any such numbers as sixty or eighty percent, but we are very interested in your business’ ability to reduce its carbon emissions and to effectively use eco friendly liquid products on a regular basis. You see, that is our business.

When you are successful in your planning, then you are planning to succeed. Hard water laundry liquid, marine glass cleaner, and other environmentally friendly liquids are a part of this program of green products which we bring to your company on a regular basis.

What more could you ask for?

Half of the planning is already done for you. The only remaining work you have left to do is to effectively use our environmental cleaning products on a regular basis, incorporate these extreme green chemicals into your regular business activities, and you are already actively and effectively using planet sustaining formulas in your business today. That’s not only easy, but it is highly effective, as well.

Think about how much damage harsh, non-eco friendly chemicals are doing to your company’s septic system. Think about how much more effectively your workplace could be kept cleaned and maintained without all of these extra chemical degradations. Fortunately, you have come to the right place. We provide high quality eco friendly liquid products, and we do so at a reasonable price. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Out of the Ashes

Dishwasher PowderDuring the Dark Ages, men, women and children led peasant lives, with very little education or understanding. This included hygiene or any knowledge of parasites, and there was a great deal of superstition in order to make up for this lack of scientific understanding. However, there was a great deal of practical knowledge about chemical household tasks, such as making soap from the lye of ashes from the fire.

In essence, we can clean our bodies from the fire. Yes, that was just a joke.

Many civilizations around the world have understood the precept of creating lye from wood ash, and making soap from the lye. Now, the lye gets really hot, and it has been used to burn flesh off of live humans when poured from walls…and this has been done in hundreds of wars.

It is very interesting what comes out of the ashes: basic household and body cleaning, as well as highly effective war weapons.

Today, we have far more sophisticated chemical compounds, such as the eco friendly industrial liquids distributed by Envirosafe Solutions. We carry sanitiser, mould rid, and hard water laundry liquid. Our fuel conditioner and radiator coolant are safe for the planet. In fact, our whole line of products is free and clear of earth dangers. Now, that is what we call service to our business clients.

When your workers are pouring bulk quantities of solvent free degreaser on a particularly messy floor, remember that it is not only doing the job for them, but it is eco friendly. Do you see how just about anything can be created and destroyed and recreated again? Even wood ash, seemingly unusable, is collected and utilized for basic needs. Even the ashes from the fire still have function and ability to make our lives better than they were before. There is no such thing as the end of a life cycle. Life cycles continue, and they keep going long after our death. Now, we have chemical solutions which serve double duty for our daily maintenance. When you are looking to send off your next purchase order, remember that we are here for you. We are here to fulfill your eco friendly needs: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

New Developments in Oceanic Research

Toilet Bowl CleanerThe news all over the world is spattered with reports of how the earth’s magnetic fields have a third interlayer of magnetism between them, how the oceans are revealing detailed information about the core of the earth, and how understanding the oceans may be the key to developing sustainability on land.

Oceanic research does a lot for the world, much more than people give it credit for. The new developments being discussed are nothing compared to what oceanic research reveals on a regular basis. Study of oceans results in understanding how air travels over the face of the earth, it reveals starting conditions of weather which occurs on the other side of the world and all around it as it spins. It reveals examples of how wildlife adapts in one part of the world when it accidentally gets transferred there from another part of the world. Most importantly of all, oceanography can reveal things about the chemical reactions occurring at the core of the earth which adapt to and respond to global warming.

In other words, it’s not just people who adapting to a warmer environment. The rock, molten lava and everything else in the heart of the world is adapting to it, as well. And that’s a comforting thought.

Marine glass cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, and various other chemicals like mineral deposit remover must be kept eco friendly for the sake of our ability to study the ocean. When the water becomes polluted, we are not able to fully ascertain the conditions of the original oceanic data. When oceanic wildlife die off, then we cannot correctly ascertain how creatures under the sea truly behave. By using environmentally friendly liquids, you are helping to make sure that the earth is a safe place for everyone to live, not just humans. Envirosafe Solutions has products from dishwasher powder to rust remover which are planet safe. That is something of which to truly be proud. It is not every day that companies can provide ecological assurance for their chemical solutions. Pay attention to the new developments in oceanic research, use chemical solutions from Envirosafe Solutions, and feel confident in the difference which you have made: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

National Forests and What You Can Do

Toilet Bowl CleanerAll over the nation, and really all over the world, national parks and forests are part of the earth’s efforts to give wildlife a habitat and to preserve the plants and growing things of the planet earth intact. Many of these state or national parks are also named after famous or heroic people to memorialize them.

When you are visiting a national forest, it is important to be a good guest. This includes doing a wide variety of things, such as always picking up any trash you leave, picking up any trash you see lying around, and helping any injured animals make it to the park office. It is also necessary to not disturb the natural habitat of too many living things. For instance, if you stumble upon a nest of birds or other animal babies, very quickly and immediately back away. It is important for the mother of those babies to not return, smell human scent on her young, and then abandon them. It is very important that you not touch young animals for the same reason. In fact, if some animal groups or herds smell you on their members, then individuals can be left behind and abandoned for that reason. There are so many different characteristics in the animal world that it is very difficult to remember or even to know all of them.

When you are at home, you can contribute to these national parks and forests by NOT contributing to the pollution of the water and air by harsh chemicals. That is where Envirosafe Solutions and our Extreme Green line of chemical solutions come in. In fact, we are so confident in our eco friendly liquid products that we invite you to try out our products without any financial risk. We have a thirty day money back guarantee which enables you to use our sanitiser, mould rid, industrial hand cleaner, and all of our other products, and then return them if you are not satisfied, even if the containers are empty. That is how confident we are in our eco friendly industrial liquid. For more information, please call us today at: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

NASA Temperatures Lower

Marine Glass CleanerWhen people think of quantum mechanics, they may think of quantum jumping, the ability transfer between one parallel plane of existence and another, time travel, instantaneous distance travel, and so on.

On a fundamental level, all of these suppositions could very well be true…and the scientists at NASA are determined to find out for sure. Forget theoretic physics proposed by Einstein back in the day, when you can create the real thing at the International Space Station in real life!

At temperatures near zero, the difference between gases, liquids and solids disappear. Instead, particles form into a wave like pattern, like waves of ocean being separated by thin strips of space. It is quantum mechanics, and it can be simulated or duplicated at extremely low temperatures. Scientists wish to duplicate these scenarios which occur in other solar systems and galaxies by lowering temperature to a fraction of a degree above zero temperature.

Today, Envirosafe Solutions can help the earth the same way. NASA scientists are looking to understand other space phenomena where amazing things occur at these unbelievably low temperatures, and they may even find ways in which to help the environment. Envirosafe Solutions bring eco friendly chemical solutions to your workplace, and by incorporating regular chemicals, such as toilet bowl cleaner, graffiti remover, antibacterial hand wash, and rubber remover into your business care and maintenance, you can make sure that your company is operating as efficiently as possible. But, more than that, you can incorporate environmentally friendly liquids, like ours, into your business. That makes a huge difference.

When it comes right down to it, Envirosafe Solutions is being actively involved in caring for the world and maintaining our standard of living and working without compromising the earth’s resources, as is so often the case with less eco friendly liquid products. Scientists are embarking on new horizons with explorations into quantum mechanics, and these explorations may mean huge changes in the earth in the future. It means that people may be able to do things far beyond technology in the near future. Whatever the case, Envirosafe Solutions still has your environmentally friendly liquids for your business and personal use. If you would like to know more, call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.