Solar Energy Leading the Way

Environmental Cleaning Products, Dishwashing Liquid, Glass cleanerIt’s no secret that the sun provides the energy that drives the earth and for many years the use of solar energy to produce electricity has been touted as a viable alternative. The true shift however has come only in the last 10 years with solar energy becoming finally more accepted and more widely used by mainstream Australia. It is seen as an alternative that can help our nation reduce its marked dependence on fossil fuels.

One of the obstacles to mainstream embrace of solar has been a lack of understanding about how solar actually works. Individuals have had a notion of solar that is lodged in the solar hot water roof panels of the 1960’s an d 1970’s which were considered aesthetically unappealing and intrusive in terms of home design and the house-proud sensibilities of middle Australia. Many also viewed the panels as expensive with returns not worth the initial capital outlay expenditure.

Matured Technology

Over the past decade however the technology has matured and the price of solar equipment has fallen markedly while the cost of electricity has actually risen more than in a century. Even in Australia, where competition and deregulation had led to more choice in terms of electricity suppliers, the cost remains markedly higher than twenty years ago. More powerful batteries have also been developed and there is groundbreaking research into new battery storage technology at the University of New South Wales in Kensington, Sydney.

How Solar Power Works

In order to take advantage of the power generated by the sun, solar cells, or photovoltaic cells, are struck by the sun’s rays and turn that sun power into electricity. Since one cell doesn’t produce a whole lot of electricity, several cells are joined together in what is called an array. These are connected to a regulator, much like the one used in your car’s battery charging system, to prevent the battery from becoming overcharged.

The power generated by the solar cells is transferred to a battery where it is stored for the time when the sun is not shining.

Power is used throughout the charging period as well and when the stored power in the battery dips below a reset level, more power is sent to the battery for recharging, by the use of the regulator. If no power is used during the sunlight hours, nothing is sent to the battery once it is fully charged, but at night when there is no sun, any power used comes directly from the battery.

Solar Energy Brings Power to the People

Solar energy has become increasingly popular for those wanting to save money as well as those in areas where the power grid may not be accessible, such as in remote areas of Australia. There are numerous designs that most people can install on their own to take advantage of this renewable energy source and not be dependent on the power company to provide their electricity.

Envirosafe Solutions understands the Australian conditions and the need for alternative energy sources and systems. These modes actually complement the philosophy of Envirosafe Solutions and its Extreme Green range of eco friendly liquid products. These are fully outlined in the new 2012 Extreme Green PDF brochure that can be found on the Envirosafe Solutions website. For more information about a range of products including environmental cleaning products and environmentally friendly industrial liquids telephone  1300 889070


New Research into Ammonia as a Green Fuel

Eco Friendly, Environmental Cleaning Products, Dishwashing LiquidAmmonia can clean your tiles, windowpanes and now, can power up your vehicle or motor as well. When Ammonia burns, it produces Nitrogen and water vapour. Nitrogen and vapour are both environmentally friendly because both can be used by plants. Using Ammonia to power up your vehicle or motor can therefore be a win-win situation for the vehicle and the environment.1

Research at Texas Tech University

Another advantage of Ammonia is that it can be easily stored in liquid form and does not require expensive infrastructure for transportation. Professors and students at the Texas Tech University are developing a stand-alone prototype ammonia-generating machine using the Haber-Bosch process that can be easily installed at gas stations. Powered by electrical current, the ammonia-generating machine will first break water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

Hydrogen is then converted into Ammonia by combining it with nitrogen from the air. When ignited, the hydrogen molecule is burnt in the ignition chamber of your vehicle or motor and nitrogen along with water vapour is released back into the atmosphere. Since nitrogen was already in the air, the only thing that ammonia adds to the atmosphere is water vapour, which is 100% environmentally friendly. 2

Once water is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen through the process of electrolysis, nitrogen is added and a standard gas compressor is used to compress hydrogen and nitrogen. Simultaneously, an iron oxide catalyst is used to heat the gas and generate Ammonia. Ammonia is then cooled down to about 75 °C below zero. At this temperature, ammonia turns into a liquid and can be stored or transported anywhere using standard pressurized tanks. The entire process of making ammonia is further rendered environmentally friendly because during the cooling process, mechanical energy is recovered and ploughed back into the system to help significantly reduce energy consumption. 3

Cheaper Alternative

The prototype ammonia-generating machine could easily generate between 4 and 40 Kilolitres of ammonia. The ammonia is generated at the gas station itself, in a very self-contained unit. You could therefore have an ammonia fuel pump next to an oasis in the middle of the desert powered by sunlight. The cost of producing ammonia using electrical power from the grid is currently around $0.20 per litre. If solar or geothermal power is used the cost could reduce to $0.10 or less per litre. Cheap fuel for your car that is produced in an environmentally friendly way and one that does not pollute when burnt – what could be better?

The armed forces are already keenly awaiting the technology because it would mean they could setup a fuel station in any part of the world without having to first transport any fuel. Since the vehicle will not be producing any fumes or smoke, the soldiers will not suffer from breathing problems associated with working around a large number of fuel guzzling vehicles. 4

Research has also begun into ways and means of generating hydrogen in a cheap and environmentally friendly manner. If hydrogen can be generated without the use of water or electrical power, then the cost of making ammonia could come down to $0.05 or less per litre. The day is not far when instead of viewing ammonia as “a stinky chemical”, people would view it as an environmentally friendly wonder fuel.

Envirosafe Solutions supports the future use of ammonia as an environmentally friendly liquid.

You can speak with an Envirosafe Solutions assistant about the full range of eco friendly industrial liquids and environmental cleaning products. 1300 889070

Footnotes and references:

1. Ammonia:

2. Haber-Bosch process:

3. Making Ammonia:

4. Ammonia as a clean environmentally friendly fuel:

Green Job Growth Opens Doors to Employment

Environmental Cleaning Products, Disinfectant,Rust Remover, Radiator CoolantNew industries always seem to provide employment opportunities for those with the willingness to learn new technologies or new trades. While the basic renewable energy sources have been around for many years now, resources such as solar, wind, and water power have been slow to develop because of a reluctance to shift away from traditional energy sources. However, with a global push to reduce the use of fossil fuels and the dependence on oil, these industries are finally seeing a surge in growth resulting in a growth in jobs in the green industry.

Even as the nation suffers high unemployment, industries associated with alternative energy are looking for those that understand the ethical basis and technological advancements that are now driving the push towards alternative energy modes. Because this sector is relatively new and still very much evolving, a groundswell of experience and an historical blueprint for various methodologies is not actually available. Certainly tertiary institutions have begun to embrace new areas such as Environmental Science or Green Accounting, for example. Other faculties such as architecture, engineering and science are also developing new courses that herald a new era of employment and work.

Solar Energy Installation Issue

One of the biggest opportunities in the green job industry in 2009-2010 in Australia was for installers for solar energy in residential and commercial applications. In Australia this scheme took hold with incredible gusto and was supported wholeheartedly by the Federal Government under Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. The solar energy industry boomed, with various rebates and discounts available to Australian business and families ready to move with the new scheme. The industry boomed and became an incredible growth area, but in 2011, the Gillard government put an end to the Solar Credit Scheme and the industry virtually stopped overnight. One solar installer, Ged McCarthy, who is also chair of the Solar Energy Industries Association said the government support and then withdrawal of credits and rebates highlights just what can be done for green employment and what can be undone for green employment and industry when a government offers and then retreats from committed support.[1]

Wind Farms Offer Work

Another form of alternative energy generation is wind energy and the construction of the new Wind Farms  has developed into a new green employment area. According to a recent paper delivered by The Australia Institute, Wind Farms, The Facts and the Fallacies, wind farms and wind energy “ is competitive with all other sources of renewable energy. The evidence indicates that if electricity generators were required to internalise the cost of pollution, it would also be competitive with coal and gas fired power stations, particularly by 2020.”[2] As the sector grows, so shall the opportunity for employment and training.

In 2009, Fast Company stated that the job market would reach a point of extreme contrasts. Some jobs would be eviscerated while others face worker shortages, and yet despite the global financial crisis, there would still many green jobs on the horizon. According to Alison Doyle, “green jobs are arriving in two breeds; some will be at specialized firms that reduce human environmental impact, like environmental consultancies, while others will simply be jobs at environmentally friendly companies.”[3]

Envirosafe Solutions is an environmentally friendly company supplying eco friendly liquid products to Australian families, businesses and organisations. We support green employment and the need for constructive change to industry, business and the Australian community with regards to green issues. For more information about the Extreme Green range of liquid products  1300 889070.





It’s Easy Living Green

Disinfectant,Rust Remover,Laundry Powder, Dust SuppressorToday, Envirosafe Solutions takes a quick look at what it really means to be living green. How can we as businesses, households and industries, really embrace the changes that are now a part of a new world approach to the environment? How can we each play a part and do our bit?

Living green is not just about replacing a few incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient LED bulbs, or using biodegradable wrapping material or paper – it goes far deeper than that.

Here’s an example of living green: Supermarkets and malls buy massive quantities of vegetables which are trimmed, washed and packaged. The trimmed residue is dumped into the garbage bins and goes into the nearest bio-waste dump site. Instead, what if we shredded it and sent it off to the nearest cattle farm? What if the heat generated by air-conditioning equipment and air conditioners were to be redirected and used in areas where heat was required? Think about it; we could heat water for our own use or boil water, generate steam and from it generate electricity.1 Wouldn’t that be wonderful and more importantly, wouldn’t you feel nice about it?  Obviously, living green involves quite a bit of advance thinking and a lot of recycling.

Another instance of living green (this one much nearer to us), would be our own house. When we build a house if we were to make use of sunlight as well as heat retention techniques to lower our heating costs in the winter and then use cross ventilation and natural winds in the summer to reduce our cooling costs we would be totally into a ‘living green’ lifestyle. 2

Living green not only makes an excellent social and business and lifestyle statement, but most importantly, it also has a significant impact on the environment. Typically, living green lowers your energy consumption. Chances are the energy your house would have otherwise consumed would have come from some coal fired or nuclear plant. The energy you save by living green can be utilized by some other consumer. Living green also has the potential to cap the total amount of energy that the country needs to be produced. 3

Living green is also synonymous with sustainable living which essentially means recycling to whatever extent possible with the intention of lowering our consumption of the Earth’s natural resources. 4

If you are an industrialist then the time to invest in living green or green lifestyle equipment is now – there is money to be made in green lifestyle equipment.5 Thanks to increasing energy costs, more and more people are adopting ‘green’ environmentally friendly equipment. Increasing numbers are becoming aware that the Earth can no longer sustain human greed and are eagerly turning to living green lifestyles.

The government too needs to step in, be proactive and promote the concept of living green more vigorously than it has been doing to date6. One area that can immediately catch on is sustainable tourism. The government could actively promote sustainable tourism wherein the tourists on nature tours could live with nature rather than in super luxury resorts. It would not only enhance their experience, it would also increase their understanding of nature and perhaps convert them to living green activists.

Being a relatively recent development, living green not only has potential for industrialists, it also has tremendous job potential and potential for environmentalists to become consultants for promoting eco-tourism, sustainable tourism and living green products.

The Envirosafe Solutions Extreme Green range of liquid products harmonises completely with the new green living approach. For more information on these excellent products please telephone the sales team on 1300 889070 who can assist with all your enquiries.

Footnotes and references:


2. Living green: building an energy efficient home:

3. Gadgets and ideas on living green:

4. Sustainable living explained:

5. Living green is catching on like wild fire:

6. Living green policy initiatives:

7. Meaning and overview on sustainable tourism:

Article and data by the US government on sustainable tourism:

El Nino and Australia

Glue Remover, Rust Converter, Dishwasher Powder, DisinfectantToday Envirosafe Solutions, suppliers of quality environmental cleaning products, delivers fascinating information on El Nino and its impact on Australia.

Australia might look small on the globe but its total area encompasses 7,686,850 square kilometers. Obviously, an area that large has very diverse environmental conditions. Some areas of Australia are dry, others wet and the terrain itself is equally diverse. Of late however, the Australian environment has become extreme and harsh. The droughts have become more severe and the bushfires more frequent that people can remember. In fact, as far as the Australian environment is concerned, nothing seems to be ‘normal’ any longer. Ever year brings with it some new surprises.1

Australian Droughts

The El Niño currents have a very strong influence on Australian environment especially the droughts. The El Niño currents mix with warm water in the east coast. The change in water temperature dramatically alters the Australian environment. In fact, scientists believe that in 1791 stronger than usual El Niño currents nearly wiped out the first settlers from Europe. Without the El Niño effect, droughts in Australia do not last more than a year. Of late however, the El Niño effect seems to have affected the Australian Winter crop as well. Every time Australia experiences an El Niño effect, the environment alters significantly enough to lower the crop yields by as much as 50%. Worse, apart from the winter crop, the sheep pastures too seem to be adversely affected. 2


Strangely enough, the El Niño effect seems to be having a positive aspect as well. For example, a few months after the devastating bushfire of February 2009, which claimed 173 lives and a vast number of homes, there was a lush carpet of green moss on the forest floor. The El Niño effect, which results in high atmospheric moisture, seems to have done the environmental miracle. 3

Controlled Burn

Once the government authorities understood the El Niño effect on the Australian environment, they began the process of the controlled burn. Before the El Niño takes effect, the local authorities burn the dry leaves and dead twigs and trees. The burn done under controlled conditions ensures that the fire does not get out of control nor does any damage to property. 4

Lake Eyre and the El Niño dance

For those who have not been there, 200 million years ago, Lake Eyre in South Australia, was once a shallow sea that separated the two parts of Australia. Today it is just a massive environmentally sensitive flood plain. When El Niño strikes, Lake Eyre turns into a dry, fly ravaged barren land. In fact, it looks so desolate that you would be forgiven for assuming it devoid of life and yet, nowhere is the miracle of life more evident than at Lake Eyre. One rain shower and life springs up almost in the blink of an eye. Lake Eyre and El Niño have been dancing the dance of life and death for a very long time. 5

From an environmental point of view, there is little that Australia can do to stop the El Niño currents. However, much can be done to prevent adverse effects of El Niño and use it to our advantage.

Envirosafe Solutions supplies Environmental cleaning products to industry, businesses and organisations and homes. Telephone 1300 889070 for more information about quality environmental cleaning products.

Footnotes and references:

1. Australian environment:

2. Draughts in Australia:

3. Bushfires in Australia:

4. Controlled burn:

5. Lake Eyre:

Effect of climate change on the marine ecosystems of Australia

Glass cleaner, Fuel Conditioner, Toilet Bowl CleanerThe economy of Australia to a certain extent depends on the marine products. Fishing is the main occupation since Australia has an extensive coastal line. It forms one of the major fishing sectors of the world. The recent studies have shown that the productivity of this fishing zone is drastically decreasing. The scientists attribute this situation to an increase in temperature, changes in the ocean current, acidification of the ocean and changes in rainfall and winds. These changes are caused by change in climate due to pollution and global warming.

The impact

The impact caused by changes in climate and temperature on marine ecosystem are:

  • Changes in the distribution of species. Animals start to move in the southward direction to avoid increasing temperature.
  • The timing of the various events in the life cycle of an animal gets changed. This result in delayed hatching of eggs, changes in the time of migration of fishes, changes in the blooming time of algae etc.
  • The physiology of animals will be changed due to increase in temperature. The animals will show increased rate of metabolism, reduced reproductive and respiratory rates.
  • The marine animals with calcareous outer shell are at risk due to increased temperature, as calcification requires longer time.

Changes in ocean currents

The changes in the circulation of the ocean currents in Pacific Ocean and Tasman Sea are causing the modification of these marine environments and ecosystems. It is expected that the temperate fisheries region of Australia will be more affected by the changes in currents and temperature than the tropical areas.

Effect on fisheries

Scientists expect that by the year 2070 the increase in average temperature of the country will have a devastating effect on Australian fisheries and the economy of the country. The West Australian fisheries will be the most affected, followed by Victorian and Tasmanian fisheries industries. The near shore ecosystems are also affected by the increased rainfall, turbidity of the water, inflow of nutrients from land, reduced light penetration and erosion of coastal land.

It has been found that three marine groups are especially affected by climatic change in the Australian marine eco system, they are:

  • Phytoplankton
  • Tropical corals
  • Marine turtles


Phytoplanktons are different species of microscopic plants inhabiting the light penetrating levels of ocean. They form the main food source for whales, fishes, prawns and other filter feeding animals found in the zone. They play an important role in the carbon and oxygen cycles. Any reduction in the Phytoplankton levels will cause food scarcity for the marine animals.

Tropical corals

The coral reefs in Australia provide excellent habitat for marine flora and fauna. It has been found that more than 400 species of corals make the reefs their home. There are thousands of species of molluscs and fishes depending on these coral reefs. Any disturbance to these reefs in the form of high temperature or chemical contents will adversely affect the coral reef ecosystem.

Marine turtles

This is just one group most widely affected by the changes in temperature. the gender of the embryos is determined by environmental temperature: high temperature promote the development and growth of females and increasing high temperatures will mean a significant reduction in male populations which will in turn affect breeding and the reproductive lifew cycle of these creatures. So, to keep the eco systems intact, effective ways should be found to protect these and other species from danger and harm.

One significant way to protect our marine environment is by changing our washing and cleaning habits. You can make a significant personal impact by sourcing eco-friendly products for your cleaning and your industrial uses. Envirosafe Solutions produces quality products that have less harmful impact on the environment. Telephone 1300 889070 for more information.


Burning, Freezing, Drowning

Fabric Conditioner, Laundry Powder, Dust SuppressorClimatic change has happened regularly in the past and evidence suggests that it is cyclic. That’s the old kind….the kind of climate change that happened about 23,000 years ago, when humans were few in numbers, living in caves and hunting animals. 1

Right now, there is a different, man-made climate change occurring and unfortunately human activity on Earth might just have accelerated the evitable.

The last time climate change occurred and the ice melted, it slowed down and weakened the Gulf Stream which is responsible for bringing warm waters to Europe and prevents Europe from freezing over.2 Climate change scientists have already detected large scale melting of ice around Greenland.

Historically, according to scientific data, we should be approaching another ice age. 3 Instead, thanks to the industrial revolution and advances we have not only postponed the ice age, we seem to be heading towards a meltdown and it’s difficult to say which is worse. For its part, Greenland seems to be eagerly awaiting warmer times because the melting glaciers would expose the earth benefit and geologists predict that Greenland might have massive quantities of oil resources waiting to be extracted. 4 Also, melting ice would expose land for agriculture. Regions which until now used to be buried deep in ice might support agriculture.

While some regions of world no doubt secretly welcome climate change for the possible rewards it might bring them fiscally, others dread climate change for the disasters it might bring due to melting ice. For starters, if all the ice were to melt, the ocean water levels would increase by 200 feet. 5 Assuming that just 10% of ice melted and the sea levels rose by only 20 feet; it would still be enough to sink most major cities in the world. Venice would no longer be above sea level at all, and we would lose one of the most unique cities in the world. 6

Effects of climate change however are not 100% predictable. For example, it would be logically correct to assume that melting ice would expose the earth below and raise sea levels. However, if melting ice results in the Gulf Stream coming to a halt, then Europe and the North would instantly re-freeze.

Current individual hot and cold spells however have got nothing to do with climate change and are merely a product of local climate variations. Instead, to detect climate change we need to look at long term data. For example, if historic temperature data is analysed, we would find that the last decade has been the warmest on record.7 Also 2010 has been warmer than 2009 and 2009 has been warmer than 2008 i.e. average global temperatures have been rising year on year – which is definitely not a good sign. With increasing heat, climate change could turn some parts of the world into deserts hot enough to burn exposed flesh while Europe could freeze over and low lying places and entire countries might just disappear under the rising waters of the sea.

Unless we find a way to not only halt but reverse climate change, some parts of our magnificent planet could burn, freeze or drown.

For information about eco-friendly products that respect the environment, phone Envirosafe Solutions on 1300 889070


1. The last climate change:

2. The power of the Gulf Stream:

3. The last ice age:

4. If Greenland ice sheet were to melt:

5. If all the ice on Earth melted:

6. High water level in Venice:

7. Historic temperature data:

How to control climate change

Rust Converter, Dishwasher Powder, DisinfectantThe weather and climate of a place depends on various factors. In the past geographical factors mainly influenced the climate of a place. However, in recent decades, man-made factors have had more of an effect on the climate of a place. The situation is now so untenable that in future, it will be difficult to predict climate as it has become so unstable due to extreme human interference in nature. Observations have proved that the climate of Australia has undergone significant changes currently.

The studies predict that the future climate of Australia will experience the following changes

  • Significant increase in atmospheric temperature
  • Reduced rainfall in certain areas of the country which are receiving moderate rainfall at present
  • North-West Australia is going to experience high rainfall in summer, which is unusual.

The impact of change

The impact of change in climate will be different for different areas of the country. Some parts may experience the change as increase in average temperature and drought. Some may experience it as an increase in precipitation and floods. Some parts will experience desertification and increase in fire dangers. The Australian continent is particularly vulnerable to climatic changes because it is already one of the direst continents on the planet. Because of the coastal ribbon development that hugs the perimeter of the landline, any damage to the coastal area will severely affect the economy, populations, habitation of humans and animals and the success and wellbeing of the entire nation

Methods to control climatic changes

The Government of Australia- while aware of the situation -is trying to come up with a practical solution to deal with the issue. They have created Clean Energy Future plan to reduce pollution and to promote the use of renewable energy. Through this plan, government is trying to reduce the pollution caused by carbon emission from the factories and households.

Using clean energy

The Australian Government particularly promotes the use of clean energy. The Government is investing in doing research and developing new clean energy technologies. This method is expected to reduce the carbon level in the atmosphere at least five per cent by the year 2020 compared to the level of carbon in the year 2000.

Supporting the pollution control actions

Government is encouraging the pollution control actions taken by businesses and factories. This is a method to reduce pollution and to create efficiency in production. The federal government under Prime Minister Gillard has formed a trust to fund innovative clean energy ideas and to provide technical help in establishing clean energy businesses. Training is provided to the youth for working in these clean energy industries. This will help the workers to get qualified in green skills.

Reducing the pollution from households

The Australian Government is especially keen on reducing the carbon pollution produced by households. The Government implemented the Renewable Energy Bonus Scheme to install solar hot water system and heat pump systems in households. They are also promoting the use of energy efficient cooking appliances and the construction of environment friendly green homes and buildings.

Fast action is needed in order to preserve the environment and the natural climate of Australia. In fact, a complete global action is necessary to bring about any significant changes in the levels of carbon pollution and global warming that are causing global climatic changes.

Envirosafe Solutions supports a proactive government and bipartisan approach to climate change. The Extreme Green range of products is a safer and cleaner alternative. Telephone 1300 889070


Australia’s coast and climatic effects on it

Fuel Conditioner, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Glue RemoverAustralia is primarily a coastal society. A majority of its population stay near the coastal regions. These coasts are of major economic, social as well as ecological importance of the continent. It is extremely important for the people of Australia to understand the impact of the climate change that might affect coastal regions. Australian scientists and the experts are making significant analysis and assessments in association with the Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for the expected consequences, which might be unfavourable for the coasts of Australia and the response strategies associated with it.

Serious risks for human settlement near the coasts

Thousands of settlements have been developed along the Australian coastline and the hope is that the structure and the geographical and climate conditions of the near future will not be prone to extreme changes. That can threaten the low-lying coastal populations.

However, with the recent changes in the weather conditions and the extremities of the climate, people are not only scared of the dangers which might affect them but they are also beginning to shift their base elsewhere in the fear of natural calamities.  Residents of Suffolk Park in Byron Bay, Northern NSW recently voiced their concerns about rising sea-levels and the coastal developments of the regions at a local community meeting on climate change.

Estuaries and wetlands expected to be affected

The coastal systems which might get affected the most are the coral reefs, wetlands and the beaches. Lagoons, rivers and lakes might also shift tidal movement inland owing to sharp increase in sea levels.

Such changes in the Australian coastal environments might also lead to minimisation of the habitat for varieties of bird species, which often take shelter in these areas for recuperation, feeding and nesting.

Even the Australian Government along with the Department of Climate Change and Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRCSI) has identified the risks to coastal life and has deduced that low-lying areas are the most vulnerable areas that need attention now.

A sea-level visualization tool has also been applied in order to find out the intensity of the damage, which might be caused due to potential flooding caused due to rise in sea level.

Government strategies for forming imagery

The Australian Government has come up with SPOT High Resolution Stereoscopic Reference3D for appropriate satellite resolution of the coastal regions. The government has also put forth a portal in association with CRCSI and Geoscience Australia for gathering elevation data to assess risks in the Australian low-lying coastal areas. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) had been conceptualised for effective evaluation of coastal risk assessment tasks.

Experts Warn Australia

Various climate experts state that:

  • There may well be a drastic drop in rainfall near the south-west Western Australian coastline due to immense increase of greenhouse gas in the years to come.
  • There has already been an increase in summer rainfall along the north-west Australian coast. This was primarily due to aerosol particles in the air.
  • Less rainfall and reduced run-offs in the southeast Australia seems to be the norm, due to global warming.

Naturally, it has become essential that governmental authorities and institutions take due steps and initiatives to restrict the continent from climatic affects in the coastal areas.  Hence, plans and propositions for safeguarding the coastal areas of Australia has become one of the high-priority tasks for the government.

Envirosafe Solutions supplies eco-friendly liquid products for home and industries and business. Gentle on humans. Gentle on the environment. Telephone 1300 889070


Key Alternatives to Sustaining the Environment

Dishwashing Liquid, Glass cleaner, Fuel ConditionerWhen people talk about sustainability, they are most frequently referring to sustainability of the planet in relation to green and environmental issues.. With more people becoming attuned to a green society, the term becomes more significant with regards to energy use as well as energy production.

Defining Sustainability

True sustainability actually refers to an equal ratio of use and replacement. It translates actively to the fine balance of matching usage with production so that excess of waste, pollution and destruction is minimized. It also refers to the notion of balancing usage with replenishments, so from finances through to natural resources, using more than can be replenished causes a shortage – which has dire consequences in terms of the finite nature of natural resources.

History Demonstrates Habit of Delay

One of the most problematic aspects of the current environmental problem facing the planet is the human capacity for procrastination. This entrenched habit of delaying the inevitable is almost woven into the psyche of humanity and operates as a kind of environmental denial that affords people the capacity to avoid stark realities unless they are immediately and severely impacted. This occurred with the oil shortage of the 1970’s in the United States. The oil crisis motivated the development of cars that utilised alternative fuels and electric power, but once the supply was corrected and oil became obtainable again, the concerted development of alternatively fuelled cars was dispensed with.

Second Shortage Brought New Development

In recent years, the price of oil has escalated once again and petrol have risen  drastically. The current crisis breathes new life into the need for alternative fuels once again and scientific developments in solar power, magnesium powered cars and hydrogen fuel cells have again been on the agenda. Hybrid cars have been developed by Toyota and other Asian automobile manufacturers and the reality of finite oil supply and global warming has pushed the world into action once again.

Support Green Industries and Products

Undoubtedly, the stark reality of the finite nature of oil and fossil fuels can no longer be denied and it is imperative all of us take action to change our behaviours and our business and household practices. Each and every day, Australians need to take heed of the warnings and actually change their behaviours with regard to office and family life, industrial practices and cleaning methods.

Envirosafe Solutions understands this predicament and has developed an Extreme Green range that comprises eco friendly liquid products. Dishwashing liquid, glass cleaner and a complete eco friendly industrial liquid range are all available. For more information contact a sales assistant on 1300 889070


Alternative Power Supplies

Eco Friendly, Environmental Cleaning Products, Dishwashing LiquidTruly going green involves incorporating ways to save the environment by eliminating pollution and your environmental footprint. It involves considerably more than empty rhetoric and can include all aspects of lifestyle and living conditions, as well as utilising alternative energy sources.

Various Alternative Energy Resources

There are different methods currently available to generate electricity that do not require the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas Some of the available alternative energy resources that are gaining popularity in Australia and in other western nations, includes:

  • Wind power
  • Solar power
  • Hydroelectric power

These are best explained as viable alternatives to greenhouse gas causing fossil fuels. However, in spite of the problematic nature of fossils fuels, they are still favoured by many because of their familiarity and because the instigation of alternatives involves considerable cost.

Cost of Alternative Fuel Sources an Obstacle to Full Acceptance

So switching to an alternative energy source is both an issue of price and habituation or routine.

The world has become accustomed to the available and prevailing power supplies. The way individuals in the developed world live their lives is now very much grounded on a dependence on coal, electricity and oil – all of which currently contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. While people may see the need for change from a theoretical standpoint, reluctance sets in when one is confronted by the increased cost issues associated with transitioning away from older modes of energy production towards alternative methods.

However, those willing to embrace alternatives tend to be those groups and individuals looking to a future scenario when the supply of oil, gas, and coal is depleted.

There is little doubt that most people are willing to do their part to stop pollution, but more conservative opponents to climate change often reduce the need for change to a purely fiscal matter of economics. Higher-cost resources that may alter and increase the cost of production have not been fully embraced by multinational businesses and corporations and as a result, government regulation of carbon production has now become the reality and the incentive for shifting practices.

The introduction of the carbon tax in 2012 and the development of Professor Ross Garnaut’s carbon pricing policies may signal the beginning of a constructive move towards the newer technologies.

Changing Practices

Changing practices and educating people on the urgency for change may necessitate the kinds of strategies employed by the Gillard Government – including the carbon tax and all that it entails. While considerable rebates exist for low income groups, the use of a tax to effect change is perceived as perhaps the only way to ensure a future for our children.

Envirosafe Solutions supports the use of alternative energies and believes wholeheartedly in the need to alter our work and home practices. Make sure you consider the new PDF Extreme Green Brochure on the Envirosafe Solutions website. It displays a full range of eco-friendly products that are available for purchase and use.

Telephone Envirosafe Solutions  1300 889070


6 Tips to Save Energy in Your Home

Eco Friendly , Eco Friendly Liquid Products, Environmental Cleaning Products, Eco Friendly Industrial LiquidThe environment needs your help if it is to survive and there are many ways you can help while also saving money at the same time.

The average family spends about 2000 dollars annually on energy. And every dollar you spend causes more power to be generated. If you can reduce your home’s energy consumption you can save money while also helping to cut back on the need to produce more energy.

Here are 6 tips to help you save money and save energy consumption in your home.

Average savings can be between $100 and $300 depending on your abode’s condition and age

1. Conduct an energy audit of your home.

By knowing where the house is losing heat in the winter and cool air in the summer you need to know where the leaks are. You can perform this audit on your own or contact someone from local utilities that often offer this service free of charge. However, if you plan to apply for government incentives for energy savings, the audit will need to be conducted by a professional, certified by the government.

2. Fill in the cracks around doors and windows.

Walk around the outside of your home and look at the seal around all windows and doors. Using acrylic latex caulk to seal all openings can stop warm and cold air from escaping from the home and stop you from paying to try to heat or cool the outside. If you live in an older weatherboard home, make sure the joins are sound and properly sealed. It will make all the difference.

3. Install weather stripping around doors and windows.

With older doors and windows, weather stripping can be installed to stop air flow to the outside, as well as hot or cold air getting into the home from outside. Caulking can be used on the outer frame of doors and windows, but not on the doors and windows themselves. Plastic weather stripping is a cheap and phenomenal way to save on power bills!

4. Add ceiling insulation. Depending on the climate in which you live adding insulation can help save on heating and cooling costs. Check with your local building supply store to see how much insulation is recommended in your area and then add more if necessary. Rebates may also be available in some states in Australia.

5. Replace old energy-hungry appliances. Many choose to only replace their old appliances when they no longer work, mainly due to the cost. However, when looking at new ones don’t let the price be the main selling point. Consider how much energy you can save each year over the life expectancy of the new appliance and see how much money the new one will save you each year. You can see how fast the new appliance can pay for itself by the reduced energy cost alone. Most new Australian appliances now have a visible energy rating displayed prominently. For larger items such as fridges and washing machines, make sure you go for substance as well as style. Take note of the energy rating and source an appliance that is efficient and environmentally sound.

6. Plant trees around the home. Regardless of where you live planting shade trees around the home can reduce the sun’s heating effects on your home. Planting two trees on the west side of the house and at least one on the right will reduce the energy required to cool the home in the summer and heat it in the winter.

Envirosafe Solutions supports all Australian households to cut down on energy usage and heating and cooling costs. These simple steps can really help. If you would like to source eco friendly liquid products that are also sustainable and less harsh on the environment, contact and Envirosafe Solutions sales team member on  1300 889070.


Carbon Sink options for Rural Australia

Multi Purpose Lubricant, Fuel ConditionerEnvirosafe Solutions takes a close look at the CSIRO’s paper on “Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Carbon Biosequestration Opportunities from Rural Land Use”. The report was initially commissioned by and for the Queensland Premier’s Council on Climate Change, but has much broader and wider implications for the whole of rural Australia. Today, we’ll take a quick look at the report’s key findings which build on those of the 2008 Garnaut Review “by examining risks, barriers and uncertainties and by estimating levels of carbon storage and mitigation that are realistically attainable.”[1]

How much greenhouse gas can actually be stored or mitigated by the changes in rural land use in both Queensland and also the whole of Australia? What can be realistically expect to achieve by way of biosequestration and mitigation, and how do we encourage our rural land users to embrace these practices as economically viable and ethically responsible modes of rural production and pursuit?

The CSIRO says that “rural land systems have significant potential to store or mitigate greenhouse gas production and can also offset large amounts of Australia’s emissions over the next 40 years.”[2] And if there is one commodity Australia has a lot of…it is land. Loads of it. Hectares and hectares of it.

Some of the key findings of “Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Carbon Biosequestration Opportunities from Rural Land Use” are:

  • Land can be used over the next 40 years to reduce and mitigate our carbon emissions
  • With concerted research and policy adjustments by Government, huge reductions in carbon emissions are possible
  • The agricultural land systems of the nation, as well as land clearing currently account for approximately “28% of our net greenhouse gas emissions of 597 Mt CO2-e/yr”[3]
  • Queensland alone can offset and negate up to 77% of its current emissions. This figure is also translatable nationally, according to the CSIRO
  • This carbon storage and abatement should be viewed as just one component of a multi-faceted emissions reduction strategy.
  • New forestry and planting could be a significant carbon sinking strategy for rural land holders and users to pursue
  • Rehabilitating overgrazed land could reduces emissions by as much as 26 Mt CO2-e/yr
  • Using renewable biofuels rather than fossil fuels could reduce emissions by a further 9 Mt CO2-e/yr. Producing biofuels is also an important part of the strategy and landholders should be encouraged to do so
  • Many of these strategies will be viable for 50 years
  • Biochar – a stable and usable form of carbon can be added to soil and can also help with storage
  • Policy makers need to fully consider the full range of carbon storage options by the agricultural and land and rural sector and weigh these up carefully and thoroughly[4]

These key findings can assist government and policy makers to begin the process of calling in the agricultural and rural sectors to the issue of greenhouse gas emissions. Envirosafe Solutions supports a proactive and grounded approach to greenhouse gas mitigation and is an active participant in the Carbon Neutral programme. For more information about the eco-friendly products produced by Envirosafe Solutions please call 1300 889070



[3] ibid


Australian coastal line soon to be MIA

Disinfectant, Rust Remover, Radiator Coolant, Dishwasher Rinse AidMany countries with an open sea access have to overcome the issues of coastal line corrosion. As the levels of the sea go higher and higher, authorities confront with the biggest challenge yet: how to stop the giant sea from “eating-up” continents?

Australia and South Australia in particular, must deal with another issue, still related to the coastal line. As the country is fully developed, there have been massive constructions placed straight on the seashore. These represent millions of dollars invested in infrastructure and national development.

As the sea progresses, it is very possible that these constructions will be under water within a few decades. This would translate in massive losses, and will make all investors take their money out of the country, and into a more secure environment.

Perhaps the answer is to be found in developing more sustainable practices and responses to the environment.

Economical impact on sea line corrosion

Nobody would sit back and relax while tons of money and land are lost to nature. Only last year, the Australian government invested over 10 million dollars on a short distance to support the seashore protection. However, it can be said that this amount is insignificant when compared to the $500 millions Australia gets every year from its maritime businesses, such as fishing or trade.

The coastline extension goes far beyond 4,000 kilometers, thus necessitating a lot more investments to be made in order to solve this issue. It is worth mentioning that as the sea expands, it is very possible for the country to lose a lot of money it would have won as a touristic location. With the seashore,losing tracts of land to the sea, fresh investments especially for seashore hotels will see a drop. And the local administrations will have nowhere to build access roads and will face other issues when building fresh infrastructure along the beach.

As it can be seen, this environmental issue is capable of causing other severe problems to the Australian’s economy. Furthermore, the seashore problem is regarded as a constant issue, not only from the past and present, but also for the future. Many still have strong reservations regarding the construction of residential apartments or hotels close to the sea line.

Environmental impact on Australia’s seas

Because of the environment changes, also implying a growth in the human population, it is estimated that many species from Australia will disappear, or their numbers will severely diminish. Scientists state that as the sea progresses, the nutrient stratification will be made in reduced quantities. This will automatically lead to:

  • Changes in fish migration
  • Changes in species distribution
  • Changes in reproduction periods
  • New species invading territories

At this point, it is very easy to assume the connection between the economical and environmental factors. If any disturbance is caused in the ecosystem, fishing and implicit a branch of the Australian economy will be severely affected.

Many of the Australian coastal lines are under “repair”. Authorities continue with various attempts to stop the sea from progressing, and invest in hope of steady seashore. However, it is more than clear that at some point, nature will win. Different studies show that global warming is an issue both caused by nature, and accelerated by people. As the polar ice will continue to melt, so will the sea level keep rising.

Envirosafe Solutions encourages the use of products that are less harmful to the environment. To source their Extreme Green Range telephone 1300 797040


Australia and the coal industry

Extreme Green, Environmentally Friendly LiquidsBecause of the natural reserves found all over Australia, coal represents an important energy generator for this continent. Except from exporting the coal to different countries, Australia uses 0.5% of the energy given by this product.

It is a well-known fact that coal contributes to greenhouse effects, and by its use, future climate changes are bound to accelerate. Coal, belongs to the carbon group and once the coal is ignited, it will release tons of pollutants into the atmosphere, harmful for the environment, as well as for humans.

Coal and Economy

It is very unlikely for Australia to give up this resource. In 2008, the country had 39.6 Gigatonnes of black coal, and 37.3Gt of brown coal. It was estimated that these reserves were enough to sustain production for 500 years.

The exports value for coal comes around to $22 billion, while Australia is utilizing about 30% of the total global coal trade. In world consumption, the country is responsible for 4.6%, thus the obvious needs to be stated: Australia’s pollution with coal extends far beyond the borders of its country.

Large investments, in the form of infrastructure development, have been started in order to purify the air after the use of coal. In 2008 alone, nearly $1 billion was invested in a project known as Coal 21 Fund, which was suppose to prevent CO2 from reaching the atmosphere in large quantities.

In terms of energy production and consumption, we see that Australia uses 53% energy resulted from coal, and produces about 2% of renewable energy.  Also, the country produces only 5% of this green energy, while oil and coal is over-utilized, which is bound to lead to a crisis down the line.

Future, Pollution and Australia

Regarding the matter of coal pollution, the Australian government does not seem to have undertaken any effective measures so far. And this is because of its value to the community, to coal-mining regions and to the economy of Australia. A delicate balance of all issues may in fact be required to come to some solutions that are good for the environment and respecting ot the mining industry.

Authorities estimate that future coal production and consumption, at least on Australian mainland, will increase by 50%. According to extremists, such matters will negate any investments undertaken to protect the environment and in addition, this issue if unchecked will lead to:

  • Climate change
  • Many species will not be able to adapt, and thus will disappear
  • New habitats will be formed affecting the countries natural trade
  • The sea line will continue to progress as the sea levels will keep rising
  • Agriculture will be difficult to practice
  • Acid rains, as a result of the combination of greenhouse gases relished by coals, will be capable of destroying massive agricultural production
  • The soil will become polluted, and thus plants will be very unlikely to grow
  • Many species of vegetables or fruits will not be able to develop

But perhaps a process of arbitration and working together can be fostered and developed between green groups and the coal industry. Let’s hope solutions are not too far off.

Envirosafe Solutions supports a sustainable shift towards a green future and believes both mining and green groups can work together to achieve the best outcomes for the nation and the economy. Phone Envirosafe Solutions to source their eco-friendly Extreme Green range 1300 889070
