Watertight? The Murray-Darling Plan

Eco Friendly, Extreme Green

The Murray –Darling is under threat. Water continues as a hot topic in Australia and around the globe. It is no longer considered an unlimited natural resource – a fluid manna from the Gods– and in this age of environmental concern and global warming, it has been recontextualised as a precious commodity of limited supply that requires thought, planning and government intervention in relation to equitable water management.

In 2010 The Murray darling Basin authority released a landmark plan in an effort to secure the long-term health of the iconic Murray-Darling river system. The plan is in fact the first phase of a 3 tiered approach aimed at addressing the many and varied issues that have plagued the system for decades.

The Murray darling itself covers over 1 million sq kilometres which equates to 14 % of Australia’s total landmass. It reaches across the majority of states and also includes the nation’s most significant food production region which is heavily dependent upon irrigation for its ongoing survival.

Problems addressed?

While recent rains in early 2011 helped to ease the drought and have flushed parts of the Murray-Darling system, ongoing concerns remain, particularly regarding water allocation and state facilitation and allowance of water removal to support farming, agriculture and other concerns along the system.[1] The plan had hoped to recover between 3,000-4,000 gigalitres of water back to the environment from the allocations, but this has been revised (May 2011) to 2,000 gigalitres after pressure from agriculture groups.

Amanda Young, from Environment Victoria has said the reduction will mean there will not be enough returned water to help with improvement and maintenance of the system’s health. “We’re very concerned,” she said, “because we do not believe that amount will restore economic connectivity of these very, very important sites. The Act clearly states the plan must secure the ongoing future health of the RAMSAR-listed wetland sites.”[2]

RAMSAR listed sites are those that are covered by the RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands – “an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources.”[3] Wetlands in the Murray Darling Basin are listed in the convention.

In a recent twist, (June 21 2011) irrigators along the system called for the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Board to be sacked because of new MIB contracts that re-allocate water away from the irrigators and back to the board.  Scientists from the high profile Wentworth Group, including Professor Tim Flannery have also walked away from discussions concerning the Murray Darling Plan because of the 1,000 gigalitre water revision that Environment Victoria also objected to. Professor Tim Stubbs from the Wentworth Group said that the worse-case scenario is “that in 6 years time when we have another drought we’ll be in the same situation as we are no, and we’ll be seeing the same impacts as we have seen in the recent drought. We will have spent $10 billion. I don’t think it is a good outcome for anyone.”[4]

Time will tell with regards to the final Murray-Darling Basin Plan and outcome later in 2011. In the meantime, Envirosafe Solutions supports the need for prudent and responsible research into and management of what has become one of the globe’s most precious resources. Watertight? We will see….

Telephone Envirosafe solutions for more information on their environmentally friendly products and range. Envirosafe Solutions 1300 889070

[1] http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/10/06/3030629.htm

[2] http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/05/27/3228944.htm

[3] http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-home/main/ramsar/1_4000_0_

[4] http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2011/s3224798.htm

UNEP – a global environmental strategy

Eco Friendly Liquid Products, Extreme Green

Over the past few months Envirosafe Solutions has been keeping a watchful eye on the United Nations Environment Programme,(UNEP) which aims to “provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.”[1] UNEP incorporates a number of agencies, advisory groups and partnerships and seeks to combine these in an accessible and proactive manner that serves the global environment and population.  UNEP states that its core “objective is to serve as an authoritative advocate for the global environment dimension of sustainable development within the UN system.”[2]

In 2010, UNEP’s annual report catalogued and announced the beginnings of a new transformative and changing direction. This Medium Term Strategy, as it is known embraces the period 2010-2013 and outlines significant strategic planning approaches in 6 key areas. These are:

  • Climate change
  • Disasters and conflict
  • Ecosystem management
  • Environmental governance
  • Harmful substances and hazardous waste
  • Resource efficiency
  • Sustainable consumption and production

The report also focused on these issues against a backdrop of increasing natural disasters and tumultuous weather patterns which included the Haiti earthquake. It also sought to develop an advisory role for nations keen to evolve towards greener and more sustainable economies.

Harmful Substances

The issue of harmful substances is a fact of everyday modern life, and today, there are over 100,000 different substances in use. These play a vital role in industry, business, production and the modern world, and yet mitigating their deleterious effects is essential given the current environmental issues facing mankind. UNEP has four specific goals that are central to its harmful substances management approach:

  • Scientific assessments  – these are conducted globally by UNEP
  • Legal instruments – assisting governments to “develop appropriate policy and control systems for harmful substances
  • National implementation – methodologies, tools, technical aid to help countries activate, finance and design harmful substance/hazardous waste strategies
  • Monitoring and evaluation – promotion of best practice to help countries monitor and report on their national programme.

The work implemented by UNEP on the global level can only be successful with the proactive cooperation of organisations that are placing environmental change at the forefront of their business schemes and methods.

Many of these key areas are incorporated into the Envirosafe Solutions business model and product approach. Its eco-friendly liquid products and its Extreme Green range are designed and manufactured with the reduction of harmful substances and hazardous waste, climate change and sustainable consumption and production in mind. This green model has been well considered and mapped, and Envirosafe Solutions is proud of its adherence to these issues. For more information on their range of products call 1300 889070 .

[1] http:www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.asp?DocumentID=43

[2] http://www.unep.org/publications/contents/pub_details_search.asp?ID=4186

The Humble Bicycle

Envirosafe Solutions encourages individuals within the community to contribute to a greener and healthier environment. You too can make a difference, and it all starts with the humble bicycle.

Eco Friendly, Extreme Green

You want to make a difference…but you don’t know how. You often think you would like to reduce your own carbon footprint…but you are so busy you don’t have time to really do so. You look at your children in the evening and you wonder what the future will hold for them on their 30th or 40th or 50th birthday. What will the planet be like then? How will they live? How will global warming affect their daily life? What will they eat and drink and do?

It is possible to make a change and make a difference. And it starts with the implementation of  a few small changes in daily life. Simply go out to the garage, dust off that old two wheeler and the helmet hanging on the hook. A bit of oil, a bit of adjusting, pump up a tire or two….

And away you go….

One of the easiest and most effective ways we can reduce our own carbon footprint is to replace motoring with cycling. It does not have to be an everyday all day replacement, and it does not mean one abandons the family car forever. But here and there, it is possible to utilize two wheeler transport and therefore reduce your impact on the environment and your own petrol consumption. And it may also help you to get a little fitter.

Sarah Goodyear, reporting from London states that bikes are beginning to take over the streets as a preferred mode of commuter transport. According to 2011 London transportation department figures “there is a huge boom in the number of two-wheeled commuters.” [1] The Times has even reported that “on Cheapside, cycles now make up more than 50% of commuter traffic, according to official data, and account for up to 42%of traffic on Southward Bridge across the Thames. In one Bristol suburb, more than one in four people cycle to work….”[2]

In Australia, a similar momentum is beginning to build but requires further development and planning. The 2009 Cycling Infrastructure for Australian Cities indicates that the Australian Government has sought advice in the past few years on how best to facilitate a modal shift towards cycling as a viable and sustainable means for commuting. Australia still lags behind Europe and the UK regarding two wheeler commuting.  But the shift is occurring and our country is now “taking heed of the nations that have successfully increased cycling as a mode share as well as the specific strategies, measurable policies, cross-integration of relevant government agencies that have been implemented in those countries.”[3]

Envirosafe Solutions supports the need for greater infrastructure development to support the shift to commuter cycling as has occurred in Europe and the UK.

Their approach to green lifestyle and green industry is steadfast and authentic.

Phone Envirosafe Solutions for more information on their eco-friendly products on 1300 889070

[1] http://www.grist.org/biking/2011-06-21-in-london-bike-commuters-are-the-majority-in-some-pla-outnumbers

[2] http://thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/

[3] http://www.infrastructureaustralia.gov.au/publications/files/Cycling_Infrastructure_Background_Paper_16Mar09_WEB.pdf

Rectifying Rust

Rust Converter, Rust Remover

Rust drastically affects machinery and the workings of many businesses and industries. It is activated and produced when red oxides are formed due to contact with water or air moisture or other strong acids and also some acids. It can also arise when iron and chlorine combine underwater. Most commonly however, it “consists of hydrated iron (lll) oxides andiron-oxide-hydroxide and given sufficient time” these will corrode and flake away, causing damage to your machinery, your structures, and your metal materials.[1]

According to Corrosion Cost – a website dedicated to the economic cost of corrosion, the United States spends $276 billion per annum fighting and dealing with rust and corrosion.  Transportation, utilities, production and manufacturing and Government and infrastructure are all impacted with the largest sector – utilities – comprising 34.7% or $47.9 billion of the total outlay.[2]

It is estimated the annual cost in Australia may be around $13 billion according to some sources.[3] The CSIRO also states that the presence of sodium or salt, will greatly exacerbate corrosion and rust,  and because Australia is a coastal development country, rust is a feature of life in major cities and towns right around Australia from Sydney to Perth, to Darwin and as far south as Tasmania.

The Dangers of chromates

The mitigation of rust and corrosion in a safe and effective manner has been of increasing concern over the past several years because of awareness of the dangers of chromates. These were often used as protective coaters and surfactants, but are now being phased out because of their toxic and carcinogenic potentials.

The Envirosafe Solutions alternative

Envirosafe Solutions has developed a highly effective and Extreme Green alternative to chromates with its Multi Purpose Lubricant. It is a product that is suitable for many applications and is specifically designed to displace moisture as well as penetrate rusted areas and slow down and impede the spread of corrosion. It is especially effective and suitable in any area where salt is present, such as coastal areas, and the mining and marine industries. It contains “no silicones, no kerosenes and no acid-forming compounds and will not dry out in normal use.”[4]

It has a range of specific and more general benefits such as:

  • A reduction in maintenance and upkeep expenses
  • A reduction in downtime due to machine malfunction, servicing or seizure
  • Extremely safe for operators to apply and use
  • An easy application – spray or brush onto areas needing treatment
  • Also suitable as a soaking agent

If your equipment and machinery is unduly affected by rust and corrosion, and you require an effective and sound alternative to the old, be sure to contact Envirosafe Solutions and obtain a list of their rust removing and rust prevention products. Their friendly staff are able to assist with your enquiries. Telephone 1300 889070.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rust

[2] http://www.corrosioncost.com/home.html

[3] http://www.infospec.com.au/

[4] http://www.envirosafesolutions.com.au/productinnerpage.php?cat=18&product=17

Orbital Junk

Envirosafe Solutions takes a close look at the human refuse impact that extends beyond the planet. Yes…sadly it is true. We have even managed to pollute space with a vast array of objects and particles that are now orbiting the earth!

Environmentally Friendly Liquids, Eco Friendly

Humans have not only managed to pollute the earth. We have also successfully managed to rubbish space with a fair amount of debris and space junk. According to The Future of Things website, “The recent collision between a dysfunctional Russian satellite and an American communications satellite illuminates a growing danger that threatens those who dare to venture outside the boundaries of the atmosphere – namely space junk floating above the earth!”[1]

At present, it is estimated there is in the vicinity of over 500,000 pieces of space junk larger than one centimeter are circling the earth in different orbits at speeds ranging from between 20,000 and 30,000 km per hour. And millions more pieces smaller than this size and speeding at phenomenal speeds are also circling.

Neglect is at the centre of the problem. Over many decades, several thousand satellites and spacecraft have been launched with only a small portion of them landing back on Earth or being burned in the atmosphere. Most are in fact discarded and abandoned and are continuing to orbit. Space expeditions have also discarded and cast off equipment, refuse and objects. For example, “astronauts from the MIR space stations threw out over twenty massive garbage bags into space” during their missions, with little thought or concern for the long-term whereabouts or longevity of the space junk.[2] Other lost or discarded objects recorded as space junk even include a lost glove by astronaut Ed White, a camera from the Gemini 10 Mission, a wrench and a toothbrush discarded by Sunita Williams of the STS-116 mission as well as pliers, tool bags and other tools.[3] It’s all floating out there.

CanadianBusiness.com reports that “those pieces of space junk larger than a baseball are floating around the earth and threatening Canadian satellites that provide valuable information. The space junk has even left dents on the International Space Station.”[4] A recent international conference at the Canadian Space Agency focused on the increasing threat with NASA’s Nicholas Johnson (Chief Scientist for Orbital Debris) stating that some of the debris had been circling earth since the 1950’s and that with an increase in the garbage, comes an increased risk of high-velocity collisions which can destroy and damage satellites and spacecraft.

The European Space Agency representative at the conference, Heiner Klincrad, also stated that “two recent collisions in space are a sign of things to come. Satellites will not be able to function at certain altitudes without encountering a certain risk.”[5]

It seems humans are even littering the pace area around the planet, to such an extent we are potentially threatening our own telecommunications and satellite requirements which are dependent upon clean space, in much the same way we require clean air and less litter here on the planet.

Envirosafe Solutions supports a self-responsibility approach to the environment and pollution. It believes individuals, businesses, industries, states and nations can continue to develop eco-friendly practices that serve the planet and our increasingly frequent forays into space. Each one of us can do our bit and “join the green revolution.”

Telephone Envirosafe Solutions for more information on their eco-friendly liquid products on 1300 889070.

[1] http://thefutureofthings.com/column/6513/the-orbital-menace-space-garbage.html

[2] Ibid

[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_debris

[4] http://www.canadianbusiness.com/article/30813–space-junk-conference-hears-how-man-made-debris-is-making-a-mess-in-the-cosmos

[5] Ibid

Hand Hygiene

Envirosafe Solutions focuses on Hands First Foaming Hand Sanitiser and the recent World Health Organisation and national handwashing campaigns that have been activated in Australia in the past few years.

Industrial Hand Cleaner

What is the single most effective and assured method of preventing the spread of bacteria, germs and illness? It’s certainly not taking copious quantities of expensive vitamins, and it is not hiding away like a Howard Hughes germophobe, unable to engage in life and all it has to offer.

Yes…you guessed it. It is the simple and easy practice of washing our hands.

According to Hand Hygiene Australia, “hand hygiene” is a general terms applying “to the use of solution/soap (non-antimicrobial or antimicrobial) and water, or a waterless antimicrobial agent to the surface of hands. And, in Australia, hand hygiene practices have been universally poor among health care workers because of:

  • Heavier workloads – the busier one is, the less likely he/she is to wash hands
  • There is not enough time to wash hands as frequently as is required
  • Hands do not appear dirty and therefore one assumes there are no bugs”[1]

The World Health Organisation also supports thorough hand washing and has issued two posters to highlight the need for vigilance. It also states that “clean hands protect against infection” and has attempted to “embed hand hygiene promotional activities as a national priority in countries around the world,” of which Australia is one.[2] Its ClearingHandsNet Campaign began in 2007 and gained momentum in 2009 with The World Health Organisation’s Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care which made the following recommendations to nations:

  • Make improved hand hygiene a national priority
  • Support strengthening of infection control capacities
  • Promote hand hygiene at the community level
  • Encourage health care settings to use hand hygiene as a quality indicator[3]

Envirosafe Solutions actively supports the WHO program and our own national hand washing campigns, and has developed a quality hand washing liquid product that is alcohol free and non-flammable and non-toxic. Its Hands First liquid handwashing product also contains aloe vera and is fragrance free, making it particularly suitable for those suffering allergies or other sensitivities. It also contains natural ingredients such as grapefruit seed extract and uses Benzalkonium Chloride as its base, which has “long been deemed safe for human use” and has the capacity to kill germs for up to 4 hours after being used.[4]

Envirosafe Solutions Hands First Antibacterial handwash is available in small carry all and counter top quantities (50ml and 200ml respectively) as well as larger quantities of up to 2 litres for sanitiser refills.

Please contact Envirosafe Solutions to order your Hands First antibacterial handwash. Our friendly staff are ready to help you with your order now on 1300 889070.

[1] http://hha.org.au/AboutHandHygiene.aspx

[2] http://www.who.int/gpsc/national_campaigns/background/en/index/html

[3] http://www.who.int/gpsc/national_campaigns/background/en/index/html

[4] http://www.envirosafesolutions.com.au/productinnerpage.php?cat=17&product=60

Coastal Erosion

Envirosafe Solutions considers the natural process of coastal erosion in light of global warming and a subsequent rise in extreme weather patterns and processes. The impact of extreme weather on coastal habitation in Australia is here. What does it really means to specific communities along Australia’s shoreline?

Eco Friendly Liquid Products, Extreme Green

Coastal erosion is nothing new. According to OzCoast, the Australian Government’s online coastal information site, coastal and beach deposits are “dynamic sedimentary systems that experience a natural phasing of erosion and accretion that operate over a range of time intervals.”[1] Here in Australia, we are coast-huggers. We live and play and work predominantly along the coast, and have developed a coastal lifestyle that has largely assumed a kind of stasis when it comes to fixed habitation and coastal development.

Of most concern is the newly considered relationship between coastal development and climate change in relation to global warming. An increase in the frequency of major coastal storms or a rise in relative sea-level can in fact speed up or accelerate coastal erosion, as well as triggering the wearing away of dunes immediately behind a beachfront.  Along the coast of Australia at present, various urbanized areas are under threat, with scientists pointing to a distinct relationship between current coastal erosion hotspots and the projected sea level rises and extreme weather associated with a heating planet.[2]

The battle over what to do about coastal erosion has reached crisis point in Byron Bay on the NSW far north coast, with lawyers for a number of Byron Bay residents actively challenging Byron Shire Council so that residents can deal with the erosion issue along The Belongil Spit. Currently The Byron Shire Council has a policy preventing waterfront homeowners from building walls to stop erosion.[3] Residents of the shire however, believe the recent link between increased erosion and global warming gives them more leeway to erect coastal walls that will protect their properties from what they perceive as the fallout from global warming.

According to The Stern Report, Australia is one of the most vulnerable countries in relation to the effects of global warming and “strategies for mitigation and adaptation must be put in effect to safeguard its future.” [4]

Across the continent in Western Australia, particular coastal erosion hotspots that are of concern are located in the local government areas of Busselton, Mandurah, Rockingham and Bunbury and have the highest level of risk, collectively representing over 60% of residential buildings at risk in WA.  In Busselton alone, “Between 7,900 and 8,700 residential buildings in the local government area may be affected by sea-level rise by 2100.”[5]

Envirosafe Solutions has long supported the use and adoption of environmentally sound business and domestic practices that can help to slow the increase in greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. Clear, sound and eco-friendly habits and practices on the personal and business level can help to serve and respect our environment. For more information on the Extreme Green range of environmentally friendly liquid products produced by Envirosafe Solutions, call 1300 889070.

[1] www.ozcoasts.org.au

[2] www.environment.nsw.gov.au/coasts/coastalerosionmgmt.htm

[3] http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/05/28/2911712.htm

[4] http://www.aph.gov.au/library/pubs/climatechange/governance/foreign/stern.htm

[5] http://www.climatechange.gov.au/publications/coastline/~/media/publications/coastline/5hsection519WA.ashx

Carbon tax and families – July 2011

How does the carbon tax affect you?  How much will it cost you and your family per week? Will you be ok under the new system?

Envirosafe Solutions outlines the impact of the new carbon scheme on Australian families. Will it be financially negligible as the Labor Government will have us believe, or is it, as Tony Abbott describes, a “new socialist tax” that will unfairly target those who cannot afford it?

Eco Friendly, Eco Friendly Liquid Products, Extreme GreenSince the release of the specifics of the carbon tax on July 10, the media has been frenzied, reporting on the two sides of the debate and the real impact for Australian families. Regional newspapers in Lismore and Toowoomba, as well as other papers in South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria, are decrying the new tax and its impact on the hip pocket of average families.[1]

But one easy way to get the facts is to log onto the Australian government’s new site and use the cleanerenergyfuture household estimator. This will feed back comprehensive data based on the individual circumstances you enter into it. And it will give you the details you need to decide how the new tax will specifically affect you.[2]

Household Estimator[3]

The estimator is a clear guide that helps you to comprehend the affect of the tax on goods and services and the assistance that given to Australian families to cover this added financial burden. Enter your statistics and family household type details into the estimator and you will be given information that most closely fits your circumstances. While these are only indicative, they give you a close profile of what you and your family can expect once the carbon tax takes effect in 2012. The estimator process takes about 5-10 minutes and is possibly the best way for you to obtain information you need about your own family circumstances.

Envirosafe Solutions has compiled some important main details from the package. These may also help you understand the main features of the carbon tax:

  • Half the money from the tax will go back to assist households.
  • 90% of households will get tax cuts and payments to help
  • 4 million households will get assistance over and above the tax cost to them. (20% extra)
  • 6 million households will be assisted to meet the average cost of the tax.
  • 8 million will get some form of assistance

Case studies

You can also access case study scenarios on the cleanerenergyfuture website that may also help you. The following case studies are profiled to help you:

  • Two adults both working, with 2 children
  • Aged pensioners – two elderly pensioners receiving full pension
  • Self-funded retirees
  • Disabilities and carers
  • Student assistance
  • Low income assistance[4]

Envirosafe Solutions supports the need for a green future. Change and evolution can sadly come at a cost. Righting the wrongs and ignorance of past environmentally harmful practices requires stringent measures now, to ensure safety for the future and for our children.

Support the green revolution. And use products that will help you to reduce your household’s carbon footprint. For more information call Envirosafe Solutions on 1300 889070

[1] http://www.thechronicle.com.au/…/2011/…single-wage-family-not-yet-convinced-of-benefit/

[2] http://www.cleanenergyfuture.gov.au/

[3] https://www.cleanenergyfuture.gov.au/helping-households/household-assistance-estimator/

[4] http://www.cleanerenergyfuture.gov.au/helping-households/

Green cleaning products key to workplace safety

A global framework for the classification and labelling of chemicals is being adopted in Australia. It will be phased-in from 2012 and will form part of health and safety protocols within Australian workplaces. Chemical cleaning products are associated with skin and respiratory irritation for workers in cleaning, mechanical, mining and healthcare sectors. In addition the transportation and disposal of these chemicals create significant environmental impacts. Today we look at reducing these risks through the use of low-toxicity, natural-based environmental cleaning products.

Cleaning products can cause skin, eye and respiratory irritation and are an important consideration in health and safety guidelines for Australian workplaces.

Workers in cleaning, healthcare and education sectors as well as mining, industrial and mechanical workplaces are exposed to toxic chemicals on a daily basis.

New labelling and safe handling guidelines are being adopted by SafeWork Australia, which will replace existing separate classifications for hazardous substances and dangerous goods.

The new model for workplace hazardous chemicals will utilise the Globally Harmonised System (GHS) of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, developed under the auspices of the United Nations. It will outline health and safety regulations and clear guidelines on correct labelling and material safety data sheets (MSDS). Its phased implementation will be rolled out from next year.

Health and environmental risks

Exposure to toxic cleaning products needs to be minimised to protect workers. According to the US EPA website – which promotes the use of eco-friendly cleaning products – the health and environmental risks from cleaning products include:

  • Contamination of wastewater through the rinsing and cleaning of sponges, storage containers containing residual product;
  • Risks to aquatic species and wildlife from wastewater contaminated with chemicals such as alkylphenol ethoxylates – a common surfactant in cleaners – which has been identified as an endocrine (hormone) disrupter;
  • Poor water quality caused by chemicals containing phosphorus or nitrogen;
  • Poor indoor air quality created by the release of volatile organic compounds (VOC) found in cleaning products.
  • Environmental risks associated with the transportation, storage and disposal of commercial cleaning products.

The US EPA states that actual risk from typical workplace exposure was uncertain but that: “Regardless of the expected risk levels… reducing the intrinsic hazard of a product is a desirable pollution prevention objective as part of decisions that also take into account other important product attributes”.

Benefits of ‘Buying Green’

Health and environmental concerns associated with workplace chemicals has led to the development of eco-friendly liquid products. Typical characteristics of environmentally friendly liquids are biodegradability, low toxicity and low volatile organic compounds (VOC) content.

Perth-based environmental cleaning products company Envirosafe Solutions has been supplying Australian workplaces with safe, effective and affordable eco-friendly liquid products for more than 20 years. Envirosafe Solutions’ Extreme Green cleaning alternatives, including its solvent-free degreaser, cater for the cleaning, industrial, mining, healthcare and government sectors. For more information phone 1300 88 90 70 or email info@evss.com.au.




Today’s wastewater tomorrow’s drinking water

An ambitious city-wide water recycling program is being developed for Sydney to combat water shortages. The project aims to reduce demands on drinking water supplies and represents a growing trend towards recycling wastewater for irrigating lawns, parks and vegetation and more contentiously, drinking. Seawater desalination has become another tool to secure water and a new plant will supply drinking water to the city of Adelaide. Today we look at different water initiatives and the role of eco-friendly liquid products in limiting toxins entering wastewater that could be tomorrow’s drinking water.

Sydney has unveiled an ambitious water recycling plan which it claims will see it become Australia’s first city to develop a city-wide recycled water network.

The City of Sydney council has appointed a consortium to develop models for the project, which aims to reduce demands on drinking water supplies. The planning group consists of researchers, engineers and consultants.

Lord mayor Clover Moore said the water plan, part of the global Green Revolution, would provide a model for other Australian cities. “In the longer term our drinking water supplies will come under increasing pressure from a growing population and climate change with hotter and dryer weather predicted over the coming decades.”

The recycled water project would supplement water supplied to apartments, commercial and institutional buildings, which account for 80 percent of water usage in the Sydney area. The water plan will also incorporate projects that reduce pollutants from entering waterways. Eco-friendly liquid products limit toxic chemicals from contaminating wastewater.

Saltwater to freshwater

Further South, a seawater desalination plant is being commissioned at Port Stanvac to supply drinking water to the city of Adelaide. The $1.83 billion project uses reverse osmosis to treat seawater and has been earmarked for completion by December 2012. The first drop of water should be produced by the end of July this year.

The South Australian Government expects capacity at the plant to grow to 100 billion litres by the end of 2012

Perth was the first Australian city to receive desalinated water for large-scale consumption after its Kwinana plant began pumping desalinated seawater in November of 2006. It supplies an estimated 17 percent of the city’s water needs. A seawater deslination plant is being built in Victoria to provide an estimated 150 billion litres of water by the end of this year.

Across Australia government and industry have invested heavily in the treatment of greywater, effluent, stormwater and seawater to secure water resources for the future. Water recycling has also been adopted across other parts of the globe, including Singapore, California, Florida, the United Arab Emirates and Israel.

Key to treating wastewater has been the issue of water quality and the contaminants regularly flushed into water systems, including debris, oils, and chemical pollutants.

Leading Perth-based environmental cleaning products company Envirosafe Solutions has been working with Australian businesses for more than 20 years providing biodegradable eco-friendly industrial liquids.

These products utilise natural cleaning agents, have a low-toxicity rating and are biodegradable. Envirosafe Solutions’ commitment to ecological sustainability supports industry and government efforts to reduce water contamination without sacrificing performance. Its range includes the mining and industrial environmentally friendly liquid Extreme Green Insect and Tar Remover, a fully biodegradable product which is effective even when heavily diluted. For more information phone 1300 88 90 70 or email info@evss.com.au.






Recycling wastewater combats water restrictions

New developments in regional and remote areas are utilising wastewater treatment systems to combat water restrictions and meet environmental guidelines. Local council regulations are increasingly stipulating the use of such systems for sewage and greywater for developments outside of common effluent schemes. The Australian Government has also launched a $200 million funding program to encourage industry to implement water recycling initiatives. Today we look at reclaiming and reusing wastewater and the role safe environmental cleaning products play in this process.

Parts of Western Australia experienced their driest winter on record in 2010 and ongoing water restrictions have highlighted the need for water conservation.

Despite floods and cyclones hammering Australia’s east coast in recent months permanent water restrictions also remain in place in Eastern states.

As the driest continent on Earth, Australia’s water resources and recycling initiatives have been high on the political agenda. The Federal Government unveiled a $200 million initiative in 2009 to fund stormwater harvesting and re-use projects. The funding was part of its $12.9 billion Water for the Future package.

Wastewater treatment systems offer solutions for commercial operations unable to tap into common effluent schemes or wanting to recycle water to irrigate lawns and gardens. They are being increasingly used by accommodation venues, function centres, mining camps, schools, factories and wineries, allowing operators to reclaim wastewater.

Wastewater treatment systems employ physical, biological and chemical processes to recycle rainwater, stormwater, greywater, blackwater (containing sewerage), groundwater and industrial water for irrigation of lawns and gardens as stipulated by local government.

New technologies are being developed to test the quality of treated greywater in light of the growing use of wastewater treatment systems. The CSIRO has been working to develop a national standard for treated greywater. This aims to iron out inconsistencies from separate state and territory legislation covering greywater collection, treatment and use. CSIRO Land and Water scientist Melissa Toifl said the protocol could be used to establish a national greywater treatment testing regime. “With this protocol we are anticipating a national approach in the way greywater treatment technologies are tested and regulated… (which could result in) increasing consumer adoption rates of greywater technologies.”

Combined septic and greywater treatment systems often employ aerobic treatment processes and require a delicate balance of bacterial flora. This can be upset by common cleaning chemicals. The use of environmental cleaning products is an important consideration for users of wastewater treatment systems.

Perth-based Envirosafe Solutions provides eco-friendly industrial liquids to industry and government sectors. Its products are low-toxic and biodegradable and include Extreme Green Solvent-Free Degreaser, Sanitiser/Mould Rid, Hard Water – Laundry Liquid, dishwashing liquid, anti-bacterial hand wash, dishwasher powder, disinfectant, dishwasher rinse aid, laundry powder and fabric conditioner.

Envirosafe Solutions’ Extreme Green Waste and Odour Treatment can be used in septic systems, porta-loos, animal enclosures and food preparation areas to eliminate odours and reduce sludge build-up. The Envirosafe Solutions range of laundry products have been specially designed for use in remote locations and are completely safe for hardwater and septic systems while delivering powerful results.

Australia’s scarce water resources offer a challenge for government and industry and wastewater recycling has increasingly been viewed as a partial solution to water restrictions. Envirosafe Solutions commitment to providing eco-friendly industrial liquids supports water recycling initiatives. For more information phone 1300 88 90 70 or email info@evss.com.au.






Best practice strategies key to mitigating mining risks

Energy production comes at a great cost to the environment and ultimately human life. BP’s  Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, New Zealand’s Pike River coal mine tragedy and Japan’s nuclear radiation problems are among the latest stark reminders of the risks involved. Yet global energy demands appear unstoppable. The need for best practice in such high-risk sectors is more apparent with each news headline. Today we look at best environmental practice for mining operations, including the use of safe environmental cleaning products such as Envirosafe Solutions Soil Wetta/Dust Suppressor to combat dust issues.

As one of the few developed nations dependent on mining for its economic stability Australia has been at the forefront of developing best environmental practice for mining.

It is not only the world’s leading coal exporter, but also exports its expertise in the areas of mining technology and environmental protection. The value of exports of high-technology mining products and services has been estimated at $2 billion a year. Mining and energy exports currently represent 37% of total domestic exports.

The wealth generated by Australia’s rich energy resources has historically been viewed as mitigating the considerable environmental costs of mining. It was not until the 1950s and 1960s that attitudes began to change and not until the 1990s that key measures were being taken to develop more sustainable mining practices. These included:

  • The publication of information booklets on Best Practice Environmental Management in Mining, produced by government body Environment Australia with the involvement of key stakeholders and experts.
  • The development of the Minerals Industry Code of Practice for Environmental Management, which outlines sustainable development, continual improvement, risk management, rehabilitation, environmental targets and reporting guidelines.

Best environmental practice guidelines cover every aspect of mine management including air emissions, noise and dust control, land rehabilitation, contamination, auditing and water management. It also addresses hazardous materials management, storage and disposal.

Letting the dust settle

The management of dust issues has been made easier by Envirosafe Solutions’ Extreme Green Soil Wetta/Dust Suppressor, designed specifically for Australian mining conditions. The product tackles problems associated with poor water absorption in soils and road bases which cost time, money and precious water resources.

In keeping with the Perth-based eco-friendly industrial liquid company’s commitment to the environment, the Soil Wetta/Dust Suppressor is safe to be used in tankers which also carry drinking water.

Envirosafe Solutions’ supplies a complete range of environmental liquid products for mining operations including its fuel conditioner, Extreme Green Diesel Bug Killer, which improves fuel efficiency and reduces emissions and kills diesel bug, helping reduce greenhouse gases and saving money. It also supplies solvent-free degreaser, radiator cleaner and rust converter to name but a few of the innovative products they supply.

Disasters in energy production are a timely reminder of the need to be vigilant in implementing best environmental practice. Leading Australian industrial liquid company Envirosafe Solutions has solutions tailor-made for the mining industry. For more information phone 1300 88 90 70 or email info@evss.com.au.





Hand soap chemical Triclosan under scrutiny in the US

Frequent hand-washing is an occupational hazard for those in childcare, health and hospitality sectors. These workers share a common complaint: They are forever wiping noses, changing dirty nappies, handling bodily fluids, using chemical cleaners or handling food. One common chemical in hand soaps, triclosan, has come under recent scrutiny. Today we look at the need for safe, gentle antibacterial hand wash products for workers in these critical industries.

US authorities have been reviewing the chemical triclosan – common in antibacterial hand soaps – because of links to hormone dysfunction and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

The product has come under close scrutiny by the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA). Australian authorities have currently ruled out any investigation into the chemical compound. Responding last year to the US review, the Australian National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme said its investigations had found triclosan to be safe in small concentrations.

Triclosan is commonly found in antibacterial hand cleaners, cosmetic products and even disposable nappies. The US EPA and FDA are researching the effects of the chemical to better understand its endocrine-related effects, toxicological effects, antimicrobial resistance and to determine safe levels of exposure. The US EPA claims: “Animal studies have shown that triclosan alters hormone regulation. However, data showing effects in animals don’t always predict effects in humans. Other studies in bacteria have raised the possibility that triclosan contributes to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics.”

Despite these concerns effective hand washing is critical to preventing the spread of germs and infection in hospitals, schools, childcare centres, and food and hospitality venues. Research has found:

  • The average person has between two and 10 million bacteria from their fingertips to elbow;
  • Damp hands spread 1000 times more germs than dry hands;
  • Germs can stay alive on hands for up to three hours.

Safe, gentle and effective antibacterial hand wash and industrial hand cleaner are essential products. Perth-based environmental cleaning products company Envirosafe Solutions has a range of hand cleaning products, all of which are triclosan-free. These include its:

  • Its Extreme green Anti-Bacterial Hand Wash: A perfume-free liquid soup which contains skin conditioning agents to guard against dermatitis and is highly-effective in killing germs;
  • Hands First antibacterial instant hand sanitiser: Alcohol-free and dries within 10 seconds. Unlike other hand gels, it will not irritate even the most sensitive skin types and has been designed with the food industry in mind, where hand sanitising is required up to 40 times a day;
  • Extreme Green Liquid Hand Soap: Lightly-perfumed and designed to leave hands soft and supple;
  • Extreme Green Industrial Hand Cleaner: Contains natural orange oil and polymer beads to remove oils, dirt, ink and grease without stripping hands of essential oils, ideally suited to farm and mechanical applications.

The constant demands of hand washing are a concern for Australian workers dealing with germs, chemicals, grease and biological hazards. Envirosafe Solutions range of hand cleaners – including its antibacterial hand wash – have been designed for frequent hand sanitisation. For more information phone 1300 88 90 70 or email info@evss.com.au.





Fuel treatment reduces black smoke and cuts emissions

Vehicle exhaust fumes pose serious health risks and are a major contributor to Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. Data collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics show fuel emissions have increased by nearly 30% during the past 20 years, and today account for more than 15% of Australia’s total greenhouse gases. The weight of health, environmental and cost pressures is turning attention toward innovative technology such as Envirosafe Solutions’ Diesel Bug Killer, aimed at improving fuel efficiency and reducing dangerous emissions.

While the diesel-thirsty transport, mining and construction sectors count the financial costs of high fuel prices, statistics show the environment is increasingly choking under exhaust fumes.

In its most comprehensive inventory of national greenhouse gas emissions, the ABS has found that between 1990 and 2008 emissions from Australia’s transport sector increased by 29%. In 2008 exhaust fumes accounted for 15% of Australia’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Of this, road transport accounted for 86%. ABS figures show that for every litre of diesel used, 2.7kg of carbon dioxide was released, compared to 2.3kg for a litre of petrol.

The race to develop alternate transport fuels could be the key to moving forward in the future. Second generation biofuels, from non-food matter including algaes, have generated considerable interest and offer the promise of a cleaner, more sustainable energy for the future.

Revolutionary fuel conditioner

Fuel additives have also been developed to produce cleaner fuel, increasing fuel efficiency and reducing dangerous exhaust fumes, which contribute to air pollution and health issues. Perth-based environmental cleaning products company Envirosafe Solutions has been supplying its revolutionary Extreme Green Diesel Bug Killer to councils, road transport and marine operators for years. The eco-friendly liquid product completely removes water – and dissolved oxygen – from fuel sources. This process suffocates microscopic contaminant Cladisporium Resinae (‘diesel bug’) and prevents slime from clogging fuel lines and filters and acid from corroding metal engine parts.

Unlike other fuel conditioners on the market, the Extreme Green Diesel Bug Killer does not contain hydrocarbons, acids or strong alkaline agents, as part of Envirosafe Solutions commitment to providing environmentally friendly liquids. It is suitable for cars, trucks, mining and earthmoving vehicles, trucks, buses, agricultural and marine equipment. Its proven benefits include:

  • Improving fuel efficiency;
  • Reducing maintenance issues and expensive downtime;
  • Reducing exhaust emissions;
  • Cleaning engine components;
  • Compatible with petrol, diesel, two stroke, gas oil and heating oil;
  • Economical and biodegradable;
  • Kills Diesel bug.

The way forward

Envirosafe Solutions director Murray Simon said new technologies were critical to supporting mining, construction and transport sectors reduce dangerous fuel emissions.

“Products such as the Extreme Green Diesel Bug Killer offers businesses cost savings by improving fuel efficiency and engine performance. This reduces consumption and produces cleaner emissions, which is critical as Australia moves to reduce its greenhouse emissions.”

Pollution from diesel exhausts is increasingly contributing to haze, smog and greenhouse gases. New technologies such as Envirosafe Solutions Diesel Bug Killer are helping combat the problem while offering cost savings to heavy fuel users including mining, construction and transport industries. For more information phone 1300 88 90 70 or email info@evss.com.au.











The wonders of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is more than just a funny-looking plant with spiky leaves. A whole lot more, in fact. If you’ve ever snapped one of those fat, meaty Aloe Vera leaves in half, you’ll have noticed that there’s a clear gel substance inside the plant. To the untrained eye, this gel may appear to be nothing more than gooey plant slime. What you are actually looking at, however, is one of the most dynamic and adaptable natural ingredients found anywhere on Earth.

Aloe vera is perhaps best known for its medicinal and cosmetic properties. The plant’s gel has a soothing and relieving effect on burns, insect bites and blisters. If you’ve ever burnt your finger on the stove and then rushed around frantically searching for the burn cream, you’ll be pleased to know that aloe vera gel is just as effective. On the cosmetic side of things, aloe vera has emerged as a major ingredient in skin care products in recent years. Aloe vera is highly effective at removing and clearing away dead skin cells, rejuvenating the skin and keeping it fresh and smooth.

But it doesn’t stop there, not even close. Studies have suggested there are 75 (!!) active ingredients in Aloe Vera. One of these is a nifty little compound named Saponins. These chemicals form a soapy lather when combined with water – making Aloe Vera the perfect base ingedient for detergents.2 People are quickly discovering that Aloe Vera is the ultimate substitute for many traditional – and hazardous – detergent ingredients. Did we mention that aloe vera is also a dietary supplement? Rich in vitamins B1, B2, B6, and C, as well as many important amino acids. Taken in capsules, aloe vera can aid blood and lymphatic circulation, facilitate digestion and even treat the symptoms of lock jaw and cold sores. Now how many products at your local chemist can do all of that? When you add all of this up, plus a whole lot more, you start to see the big picture: Aloe vera is one of nature’s greatest gifts to humankind.

At Envirosafe Solutions we’re big on natural effective products. To create our products, we take all the ingredients from the earth. So when they eventually return to the earth, that’s exactly where they belong. Aloe Vera is one of the many incredible organic ingredients that we use in our range. Discover for yourself the amazing alternatives that nature has to offer.