Working With the Laws of Nature, Not Against Them

When a river is dammed, the engineer is harnessing the power of water and turning it into mills and electricity and many other things. However,Working With the Laws of Nature, Not Against Them the gain from a dam can be several times undone by what the dam creates: soil erosion.

When farmers want their vegetables to be bigger and healthier, they target the pests which target the plants. They use pesticides and herbicides to wipe out the bugs, the larvae, and the weeds. This way, their crops become tall and huge and strong and healthy. However, in the long run, these pesticides are soaked into the soil, requiring better fertilization and more work than would have originally been required if the plants had been able to decay into natural soil and then grown again.

Sometimes, when we see a process of nature that works, we isolate this process and seek very hard to utilize its full potential, ignoring how other processes of nature are dependent upon this initial flow. There must be a better way to work with nature, but we often forget about the big picture in our hurry to utilize the best possible resources for the best possible reasons…or so we think.

Chemicals are made by isolating certain chemical compounds, combining them together to make new compounds, and then by mass distributing them. Some of these chemicals have far reaching negative effects upon eco systems, all of which support life, including ours.

It is necessary to produce chemicals which work WITH the earth, rather than AGAINST it. The solution is Envirosafe Solutions, a company which distributes environmentally friendly liquids, such as fuel conditioner and toilet bowl cleaner, to businesses, jobsites, offices and homes all over Australia. Our goal is to keep our planet and this country as safe and as sustainable as possible. Eco friendly industrial liquid of all types is available from us, including our hard water laundry liquid or our soil wetta. Work with the laws of nature, never against them. Call to order from Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Wilderness Design and Human Design

Human design is a far cry from the design of nature. Our creations are so unwieldy and awkward and almost dorky looking in comparison withWilderness Design and Human Design the majestic splendor that is the great outdoors. The very design and growth of trees inspires feelings of grandeur, and the shape of mountains inspires ambition.

Our product design when we were making our mineral deposit remover, glass cleaner, and rust converter all eco friendly was originally designed to just be eco friendly. However, greater emphasis needed to be put on the effectiveness of the chemicals, since many companies have engaged in greenwashing, which is where they try to sell ineffective products by passing them off as being safe for the earth. Our chemical solutions had to be just as good or better than their harsh, non-eco equivalents, and they had to be just as eco friendly.

From laundry powder to soil wetta, our products stand the test of time and reasonable storage conditions. In this sense, we are like nature. Trees, land, animals, and bugs all are extremely resilient to weather conditions, burdens placed on them by other wildlife, and by time itself. Over the years, many trees grow broader to accommodate the extra weight of the branches, in addition to their trunks marking the passing years. When water cannot go where it can easily flow, it twists and turns until it finds a way or carves even through stone to make a way for itself.

Nature endures. Envirosafe Solutions endures.

No matter what you are using on a regularly basis on your industrial worksite, whether it is rubber remover or rust remover, we have essentially designed for the future. In the future, we will need even greater sustainable living than we have now. In the future, we will want to bring eco friendly design to our most industrial jobsites. We will want to make things go smoothly and be more effective. That is where our eco friendly liquid products come in.

Human design will never equal wilderness design. It can, however, work in tandem with it. Together, we can bring nature design to our manmade products. Together, we can make eco friendly jobsites possible: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Too Much Information on the Information Highway

When surfing the internet or looking up something on a search engine, you are looking for clear, concise information. Without this Eco Eco FriendlyFriendlyinformation, you are likely to be bogged down by a bunch of sites which are not relevant to your search query or which give you a lot of extraneous information for which you are not particularly looking. This, of course, can add up to a colossal waste of your time.

The information highway has been said to have too much information on it.

The truth is, without the organizing algorithms so handily available in modern internet search engines, there are very few things which are available to be found with such accuracy and such rapidity.

In other words, there is not too much information on the information highway. Rather, you may not be able to find the specific information you are looking for without some attempt at organization, which, fortunately for many of us, is available through many of today’s search engines.

Organization comes in many forms and today we are looking toward ways to get things we want to accomplish done a lot faster than they were done in the past. We still want the effects and the results to be complete and unadulterated. We still want our efforts to count for something. However, we are in no position to discount the power of technology and research on our efforts to get everything accomplished as much and as fast as possible.

Chemical solutions count for a lot these days. They add up really quickly when you think about all the chemical solutions you already use on a daily basis. We here at Envirosafe Solutions are fairly confident that you already use dishwashing liquid and dishwasher rinse aid. You are very likely to already be using some type of industrial hand cleaner, particularly if your job involves getting dirty. If you drive a specific type of vehicle, then you may use diesel bug killer. It is almost guaranteed that you use toilet bowl cleaner, not just at home but as part of your business office maintenance. Luckily for you, Envirosafe Solutions provides all of these handy tools to you with the assurance that they are also safe for our planet: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Incandescent and Fluorescent Lights

Years ago, Australia decided to use fluorescent lighting nationwide to step up the energy efficiency of the country, thus eliminating Toilet Bowl Cleanermost incandescent bulbs. While the light found in incandescent bulbs is warm and luxurious, it can use a lot more energy and can use a lot more materials replacing the bulbs, thus affecting Australia’s eco friendly efforts in a double way. This is why countries like our focus so much on the little changes which each of us can particToilet Bowl Cleaneripate in and in which the numbers, added up, can translate to huge, historical changes.

Lighting is not the only way in which a million little changes have added up to a huge single change in energy consumption and eco friendly efficiency.

For many years, there have been great movements through the use of recycling. Many people have only contributed a little bit to this movement, but their combined efforts have made a tremendous difference. Envirosafe Solutions seeks to make sure that our contribution helps in larger ways, but in just as widespread of an impact as the lighting and recycling movements have had.

We provide many different types of chemical solutions for your industrial and home use, and we carry these chemicals with an added benefit. All of our products are eco friendly, some are even partly biodegradable, and many are completely septic safe. This is something which many companies may claim to have on this eco friendly industrial liquid, but we are one of the few businesses which have actually perfected the process and completed it.

Our solvent free degreaser, our radiator cleaner, and our dishwashing liquid are just some examples of how our products contribute in very real and solid ways to the economy as well as the ecology of our nation.

Every part of Australia is devoted to becoming as sustainable as possible and Envirosafe Solutions is doing our part to uphold this grand tradition. Look at the product pages of our dishwasher powder and our fuel conditioner and judge for yourself: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Don’t Over Water!

Don’t Over Water!One of the most common mistakes in gardening is over watering. This is really common, and most people have made this when starting out gardening, and many of them continue this mistake into their gardening careers. Over watering does two things both of which are extremely damaging to new growth of plants.

First, and most important of all, over watering results in plant suffocation. Contrary to popular naïve beliefs, roots need both water and air. When soil is broken up and loosened, it has air in it, and then the added water contributes to the mixture. But when you over water something, the air is pushed out until the roots suffocate from lack of air and die. Many withered plants in your garden can be from a lack of air or over watering. Solution: when reviving plants, do it slowly, so that plants come back little by little, rather than drowning a partially dehydrated plant in water.

Secondly, over watering compacts dirt together. As you know, mud is created when nothing but dirt and water are combined, and this takes the aeration out of soil. Little organisms like worms and ants and bacteria break down and form air pockets in the soil all on their own. However, mud only has dirt and water, and there is no place for organisms to live and thrive. Air is put back into mud over several decades, if allowed to stand unchanged beside soil with plants and growth in it, but over watering can create really adverse long term soil conditions.

Rubber remover, solvent free degreaser, rust converter and dishwasher rinse aid are all used to create different chemical reactions throughout your business operations. These chemical reactions are used to clean, disinfect, lubricate or otherwise add to your daily operation and company running. This is why Envirosafe Solutions created our environmentally friendly liquids. We know that eco friendly chemicals can combine to create very easy, effective and safe solutions, both for your worksite and for our planet. There is no reason to look any further for your business requirements. We are here for you. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

New Global Initiatives in Search of Alternative Energy

There was a time when it was said that we would never run out of fossil fuels. Now, we are saying that we will never run out of sun and wind, so we should Laundry Powderinvestment more alternative fuel money into those industries.

The truth is, there can be a limit to anything if it is not used properly. Even when planning to win new government sponsored contracts to install solar paneling and wind generators, small businesses can waste a great deal of time learning the ropes and understanding how to write government contracts.

Sometimes, it is so much easier to make a difference in ways that are simple and easy to implement. For example, Envirosafe Solution’s environmentally friendly liquids are just right for the small activist. Don’t depress yourself with large scale planning if you are unable to make that happen right away. Instead, maintain a steady and consistent flow of using eco friendly chemical solutions like ours.

You see, we value what can be done to save our earth, and this is no small task. It involves the concentrated effort and dedication of millions of people. Think how powerful you would feel to be a part of that movement…to show your support of saving our planet through eco friendly fuel conditioner, glue remover, and disinfectant. Scientists and researchers work on what pays, and if it pays to make products which are eco friendly, then more businesses will invest in this. Envirosafe Solutions’ whole purpose is to bring earth safe chemical solutions to your jobsite and your personal life and planning.

Now that global initiatives are concentrating on finding alternative energy, you can get back to concentrating on using eco friendly solutions for your chemical needs which is just a part of your regular business activities and day to day life. That is a big deal. While we may not all feel like our individual efforts make a difference, at least you can feel like you are a part of something which is greater and more powerful than you are, thus inspiring you to do more and think higher. To order our chemical solutions, call Envirosafe Solutions at: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Of Reindeers and Kangaroos: Both Wonders of Nature

Fabric ConditionerChange is an inevitable fact of life. Sometimes a change can have acatastrophic effect on our ecological structure. We know that life on earth evolved over billions of years. Life is precious; every species is precious. We are struck with awe and a twinge of sadness when at themuseum we see the skeleton of a pre-historic creature such as a dinosaur. Our appreciation forthe preservation of our environment grows, and we are thankful that today we have the green alternative.

‘Tis the season to be jolly! This conjures up the vision of Santa, in his red clothing and long, flowing white beard, together with his fleet of reindeers. Indeed, though reindeers are real creatures, they evoke a very special feeling in us: the Christmas cheer. Likewise, the kangaroo, one of the very fewmarsupials, is a very special and inspiring creature. The mother kangaroo carries heryoung one in her ownmarsupium. Our concern for these marvelous creatures leads us to put additional emphasis on green, eco-friendly solutions,both domestic and industrial. We want to use an environmentally friendly product such as the Extreme Green range of hand cleaners, kitchen products and laundry products.

By using eco-friendly solutions, we do not in any way sacrifice effectiveness. Today’s technology lets us have the best of both worlds:greenness and functionality. That eco-friendly products need to be less effective is a thing of the past. At Envirosafe Solutions we have clearly demonstrated the efficacy and rapid action of a wide range of industrial and domestic products. These green solutions do the job magnificently without having any adverse effect on the environment. Take for example, our unique and completely biodegradable rust converter and rust remover.

We have sung the Christmas carol ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’ since we first learned to talk. The magic is still there; it never wears off. Likewise, the kangaroo, unique to Australia, is a magical creature in its own right. We are often referred to as ‘skippy’s’. Indeed, we take great pride in being so called because we deeply love our very special native creature.

As our wants and needs grow, we turn more and more to path-breaking technology. To meet out our housing needs, we clear vast swathes of countryside to construct new homes. This does inevitably disturb the ecological balance. We are acutely aware of the destabilising effect of our human ventures, but this is an inevitable fact of life. However, we can contribute considerably to a safer and more stable ecology by using the green alternative, a green but effective solution. We can use green all-purpose glass cleaners, bath and tile cleaners, and the mag wheel cleaner, all biodegradable.

During this merry season, we can confidently enjoy the Christmas cheer, without any pangs of guilt. Our movement towards green technology ensures a better chance of the survival of both the reindeer and the kangaroo. That is why you should call Envirosafe Solutions on 1300 88 90 70 today.

A Fly in the Soup

Nothing kills an appetite faster than a fly in the soup. After thirty minutes of acute A Fly in the Soupanticipation, our mouths watering, and our stomachs growling, we are confounded when the delicious, beckoning soup has a fly floating in it. Tempers are likely to flare, and justifiably so. Ours because we have been served an extra, unwanted and unwarranted ingredient; that of the maitred’hôtel because not one of the staff had the wits enough to pluck out the floating insect.

In much the same way, we look forward with great expectation to novel products and services provided by a fast changing technology, only to be confounded by the ecological disaster they sometimes herald in. At Envirosafe Solutions, we are always mindful of the adverse effects of non-green technology. We have made our mark as one of Australia’s leading green-solution provider; our products ranging from Extreme Green cleaners to Extreme Green soil treatments.

There is no need to look over our shoulders with apprehension. The Extreme Green technology has been proven to be mostly biodegradable. That does not in any way detract from its undisputable efficacy. If there is a hazardous spill, our specially engineered absorbents and spill kits safely defuse the danger. Our range of green cleaners effortlessly and effectively cleans the windows, tiles and mag wheels. Our rust converter and rust remover are path-breaking. The list of our products is long. Rest assured that we have a green cleaning solution for just about any situation. Also, we are vigorously involved in creating new products—all green.

Coming back to the steaming bowl of soup, let us consider the scenario that the fly was never there in the soup, to begin with. Scrumptious! We wouldn’t hold back for even a moment; we would dive in and come up for air only when the soup was all gone. Likewise, knowing that our products are green and completely biodegradable, you need not flinch from using them to provide us a fast and effective solution.

We at Envirosafe Solutions provide ratings for all our products. We have put together a very clear, crisp product rating: a user-friendly ready reckoner. This simple and graphic ready reckoner lets you know the whole truth at a single glance. In this manner, we ensure that you can take a well-informed decision as to which Extreme Green product of ours best suits your needs.

Let us assure you that when it comes to green solutions, there are no flies on us. Not only do we provide a safe and effective solution, but we also enjoy doing so. We back our products with lots of love and support. So, quit worrying about the ‘fly’, and enjoy the benefits of our green products.

Stepping Outside of Expectations

Expectations are powerful motivators. If you expect great things from yourself, you are Fabric Conditionerhardly likely to allow yourself to be pulled down by small obstacles. If you expect mediocre performance from yourself, especially performance which has proven to be ineffective in the past, you see yourself as ineffective.

Our global ecology situation is one which we must all deal with in our own way. You cannot download a guide on being responsible and follow the steps exactly and expect to do well when it comes to your daily life. Every situation which involves being eco friendly requires that you tailor it specifically to your own needs. One of the best ways to remember this is to have confidence in the fact that you make such a positive difference in the lives of people around you. There may be people who are dependent upon you, people who are emotionally close to you, and people whose livelihoods depend upon your good judgment and wisdom. This is an ideal situation in which you must understand the value that you did add to the lives of others. If you cannot understand the worth of your own influence, then it will be much more difficult for you to understand how much you live up to low expectations, but do not set higher ones for yourself.

When someone is not challenged in their daily lives, they frequently find fault with their employees and family members, rather than rising to the occasion and bringing their best to a situation. You must remember to challenge yourself in your daily living, or your energy will only become lower with more time.

Eco friendly liquid products are developed in order to help you with setting high expectations for yourself. If you want to make an extreme green difference in your life, then you must be able to use proper leverage to get things done. If you take advantage of eco friendly rubber remover and mineral deposit remover, then you are doing two things at once: Using environmentally friendly liquids and getting your work done at the same time. We highly recommend our antibacterial hand wash. For more information, call Envirosafe Solutions today:(+61) 1300 88 90 70.

How Many Systems Operate Solely on Bio-fuel These Days?

Porta-Loo TreatmentThe question is being asked now that petroleum based fuels seem to be either waning from the supply of Western countries or are at risk from nations which may wish to keep their supply and not export it: How many systems operate solely on bio-fuel these days? That is an excellent question. For many people, a world which uses sustainable fuel is so far in the future that it does not seem possible. However, many businesses are springing up which are using nothing but eco friendly products. It is so important to remember that this is indeed possible, and that the reality of the entire planet operating on nothing but bio fuel is much closer than we think. In fact, it could even be less than ten years away. What will you do with this news?

Many farmers sell their grain and animal by products for use in food or machinery or technology. What if your garden or farm could produce enough fuel to last you several months out of the year? Grain and bio plants are not difficult to grow, and they are certainly cheap to buy in seed form. What would you do if you had the chance to grow your own food AND your own “petrol”? That is certainly an encouraging thought, and it certainly makes petroleum shortages seem not quite as scary. It will also have a really positive effect upon your wallet or purse.

At Envirosafe Solutions, we already believe in bringing green to many other chemical compounds. Our fuel conditioner and multi-purpose lubricant and radiator cleaner are all available to handle other chemical needs of your vehicle or industrial machinery. Our radiator coolant is also available for such purposes, if you should need that, too. At Envirosafe Solutions, we believe in bringing you every possible chemical product which can also be used as eco friendly industrial liquid, from our antibacterial hand wash to our rubber remover. Check out our website and notice the detailed information given for every single product on our site, including how septic safe it is and how biodegradable it is. This is information worth having. Call us today:(+61) 1300 88 90 70.

The Wayward Wind

The Wayward WindWind energy has been continually increased over time to become an almost all-encompassing factor of energy budget expenses, at least on the federal level of many countries. An Aug. 18-19th edition of the Wall Street Journal for 2012 pointed out how federal spending from the American point of view is sinking $2.18 into oil per wattage hour, with a lot of production coming out of that, and over $700.00 into wind energy per wattage hour. There is clearly a large difference in investment and actual output of wind energy resources. One of the problems is that the wind is not sustainable as a source of measurement, since one cannot determine when the wind will blow or how much it will blow. There is a limit to how much nature will actually cooperate with our measuring devices and therefore a limit to how much we can expect to receive or accurately predict the amount of power we plan on receiving.

Alternative energy sources, such as wind energy and solar power, are becoming less obsolete, but remain a high cost of energy source. While fossil fuels are both damaging and depleting, alternative energy is both effective and expensive. Who would pay for this type of energy when they absolutely do not have to, just to make the earth a cleaner place? That is, indeed, an expensive bill. Fortunately for technology and innovation, as well as competition, costs should lower as the sector becomes even more privatized and more available to the communities which it supports. After all, if everyone is producing wind energy, then wouldn’t the cost lower, just like it does with electricity, computers, smart phones, and television sets?

Envirosafe Solutions commits itself to another sector of the green industry. Our eco friendly liquid products, including solvent free degreaser, mould rid, hard water laundry liquid, and multi purpose lubricant, are cutting edge, highly effective, and safe for our earth. It is important to always keep the effectiveness of our products in mind as we move forward into the new age of green competition and reforms for our earth. For more information on what you can do to change to eco friendly habits in your company, call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

The Rise and Fall of Eco Incentives

Eco incentives are all the rage now, and everything that can be done to gain The Rise and Fall of Eco Incentivesthese government and agency sponsored incentives is being done to businesses from coast to coast. However, as with any financial trend, the economics of eco incentives rise and wane. For instance, at point gaining as much support from the government as possible was the thing to do. Eventually, businesses found that simply installing any old technique into their company would not work, and so this trend soon passed. After a period of associating eco incentives with “greenwashing,” businesses, out of desire for more money, soon adopted federally funded incentives which were more custom tailored to their specific needs. They are doing this, rather than simply haphazardly adopting practices which would bring them more tax incentives and so forth, but which cost them more money in the end, since the techniques are not customized to their needs.

The fluctuation of eco incentives shows that there is, indeed, a market for them, but that one must consider all angles before investing in them. Just as with the housing market, simply adding so-called value for the sake of doing so can be very hazardous. For example, in certain neighborhoods, an addition to a house which the neighborhood and similar properties does not support can actually lower value, or at least not bring a return on the investment.

By the same token, Envirosafe Solutions has tailored our Extreme Green range of eco friendly liquid products to fit as many business trend fluctuations as possible. Our sanitiser and radiator cleaner and insect and tar remover are all high quality products which will always have a market in the company world. Fuel conditioner, rust remover, and mineral deposit remover will always be necessary for industrial needs. Machinery, equipment, and office maintenance will still need to be kept up, no matter what type of market or climate we happen to be in at this second. This is one of the reasons why Envirosafe Solutions’ environmentally friendly liquids are so popular, and so frequently used by hundreds of businesses across Australia. For more information, call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

The Emotions of Green Movements

The Emotions of Green MovementsEco friendly endeavors, unfortunately, carry a lot of negative emotion with all of the positive progress. This is mostly due to the bitterness that some individuals feel over the fact that they have to clean up the planet, while other people do not seem to care whatsoever. This lack of balance over energy and time and effort spent on these types of projects cause resentment in some people and irritation in others. After all, if you do not care as much as others, should you be forced to? On the other hand, if the planet can be saved, shouldn’t we all participate?

The argument has validity on both sides, and that is because it is human nature to demand both individual choice and community involvement, and taking care of the planet borders on survivalist modes of operations. When humans stop thinking about preferences and start having to survive, their survivalist mentality demands participation from everyone, not just the few who are really active.

While green movements are indeed necessary for the survival of our planet, we absolutely must not turn this into a survivalist movement. That type of thinking brings about coping mechanisms and unnatural behavior. Rather, we should engage the public with the beauty and energy efficiency and cost effectiveness of the green movement. In other words, we really have to sell this, so stop bargaining and start selling!

Envirosafe Solutions brings about this appeal through our environmental cleaning products. We carry a range of top quality products, like marine glass cleaner, radiator cleaner, and dishwashing liquid. Our insect and tar remover and solvent free degreaser are top of the line. We specialize in highly effective business-to-business sales of industrial cleaning products which are also good and safe for our environment. You can even take advantage of this fact by advertising the green solutions which your business is taking on, and by seeing if there are any tax right offs for improving the earth friendly aspects of your business. Environmentally friendly liquids, especially eco friendly industrial liquid which are solid industrial strength solutions, are just what you need to stay on track. Call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Research and Wisdom

Wisdom is hard to come by if you’re a fool, and it is hard to not be a fool inResearch and Wisdom the eco friendly buzz around new products and rising start up businesses. Every customer who wishes to buy eco friendly products or services must carefully research every part of the product or process in order to even keep from being screwed over. Research has become a necessary part of doing business with eco friendly companies. For example, our environmentally friendly liquids, including our hard water laundry liquid, our marine glass cleaner, and our toilet bowl cleaner, all come with our 30 day money back guarantee. If they did not, then you would have to pay to do your research into our products, and that would be foolish business for both us and you. We value and want to take care of our customers, just as our customers take care of us.

Wisdom requires research in order to breathe, and it must be a certain quality of research. You cannot simply go listening to any old person and taking the advice of everyone you meet. You must be discerning about who you listen to, a moniker that Kevin Trudeau often uses. After all, if you are not discerning, then you are like chaff before the wind, being driven to and fro with no real direction or goals or solutions.

We believe in solutions at our company. Our Extreme Green range of products is meant to achieve the maximum protection of the earth, while delivering maximum effectiveness for your needs. Eco friendly industrial liquids like our rust converter are studied and developed in our own labs, because we want to show you how much we value your business and we believe in our ability to find these solutions while also supporting our mother earth. We believe in having the best of both worlds, rather than deciding between the two. If you want research, try our products and send them back if they are not effective. You’ll get a full return on your money or a replacement product. Like we said, we like taking care of our customers, because you guys take care of us. Call Envirosafe Solutions today for more information: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Professionalism and Green Ethics

Professionalism and Green EthicsGreen ethics are just as much a part of today’s business as business plans and meetings. In order to maintain a certain amount of professionalism, you must be willing to adapt to new and changing environments, specifically environments which call for the green technologies of today. One cannot simply stand by and ignore these changes which are coming upon us. We must prepare for the new world order, so to speak, which is developing and growing around us. Green technology is the rising new force of tomorrow, and sticking with old habits and former ways of doing things will not help. Even something as simple as eco friendly liquid products or environmentally friendly liquids are a part of this process.

Professionalism is taking on responsibility for the actions or lack of actions of your company. Each step is a deliberate process and a deliberate choice. Nothing is accidental or “just turned out that way.” Part of being professional is taking responsibility for this fact, and by anticipating and implementing green strategies which need to be given within your business. The key is in the details. Eco friendly liquids, such as glass cleaner and rubber remover, contribute to the health of the organization. Eco friendly industrial liquids, which are tough and yet sustainable, are part of this process.

Envirosafe Solutions can even help you out on that front. Our Extreme Green line, complete with diesel bug killer and toilet bowl cleaner and dishwasher powder, can really help to facilitate your steps into the eco friendly world. Our mineral deposit remover is part of the solution process, and we believe in implementing green strategies at every possible chance, replacing old outdate methods with some fresh sustainable ones. Our goal is to get green solutions, or our environmental cleaning products, out to all possible candidates and help to spread effective green cleaning all over the world. Our key word is “effective.” We can do nothing if our products do not work. Nobody wants to hear a greenwashing ad campaign. For more information about our eco friendly liquid products, visit our website or call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.