Ready to Quit

Ready to QuitOkay, you have started a business. You have your business plan thoroughly working, your workers are doing their jobs, and you are spending all of your waking hours on things which you used to not bother with, because your company is your new love child. It has all importance in your eyes, and you will do whatever it takes to keep it healthy and growing.

But, we know that all new businesses have several thresholds they must push through before they continue as companies for the long run. The money runs out, the management fails, someone is incompetent, and your carefully planned company comes crashing down.

You’re definitely ready to quit.

Don’t believe statistics at this point. Keep pushing, keep fighting, and understand that those who are willing to learn more, ask more questions, do more, and work harder are the ones who have companies which continue in the long run. That is especially true for eco friendly startups. You see, many entrepreneurs have high hopes of breaking through the fossil fuel barrier by bringing high quality eco sustainability to the marketplace. However, they don’t see the troubles ahead. First, they must make sure that their patents, government regulations, and all of their plans are not copied, already taken, and that they are legal. Then, they have to actually build a business, which is insanely hard for someone who doesn’t understand the logistics of their business skills and where they will need help.

The fact is that new businesses are very difficult to get going and keep going, but after a certain point, they just seem to take off. It requires time, focus, rampaging energy, and lots and lots of after-hours “corrections.” In the meantime, you can still make a difference, a few steps at a time, through the use of eco friendly liquid products by Envirosafe Solutions. We provide high quality rust converter, toilet bowl cleaner, and dishwasher powder, among other chemicals. We bring eco friendly industrial straight to your worksite, and help you to begin the process of making your new startup company completely and totally planet safe. And, we agree with you that there is no higher calling: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Productive Soil, Effective Plants

Productive Soil, Effective PlantsSoil is most productive when it encounters a wide variety of plant decomposition. This does not mean that your entire business landscape should be built upon compost. It does, however, mean that by allowing your plants to decompose and fertilize each other, you are creating a miniature eco system right there on your worksite.

When soil is over harvested, it ceases to be productive, because new dead material is not added to it on a regular basis. When you have productive soil, you have effective plants. But, when you have empty soil, your plants are small, barren, and scraggly, rather than big, thick, strong, and flexible.

The truth is that creating something similar to a forest environment is the best way to properly use your soil. If there is a great deal of plant decay which is aired out and protected from the sun by a canopy, and which is covered by a nice layer of soil covering, then you are looking at a situation where a soil is able to grow, further decompose, and turn into just regular dirt in order to accommodate the widest variety of plant life.

Contrary to popular opinion, while there are different soils which are ideal for different types of plants, the best soil for the widest variety of plants is your basic, plain, simple dirt. The “dirt” of the world has a great deal of value, for it neither has to be rich, nor a particularly extreme pH level in order to be effective for most plant life.

Therefore, if you are planning to set up a permaculture system, remember, use plain dirt as the main ingredient for all of your soil recipes.

In fact, using specialized soil in many ways is a lot like feeding ice cream to children for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The plants may really like it, but in the end, they will need a rest from all of the richness.

We provide eco friendly soil wetta, our specialized dust suppressor which enables soil to stay in one place and not erode with the weather before the seeds have taken root. We also provide a wide variety of other eco friendly liquid products. If you are in the market for environmentally friendly liquids, look us up: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Politics of Green

Politics of GreenPolitics gets heavily involved with two sides of human characteristics. The differences between conservative and liberal, right and left, and many other factors are all expressing different sides of the same exact coin. Unfortunately, many people choose one political leaning and then they tie themselves to whatever that leaning may actually be involved with. This means that right wing followers who support sustainability must, in their minds, take a stand against left wing eco friendly leanings. This is, of course, quite ridiculous, because we all have our own beliefs, preferences and view points, and our whole lives cannot be split into just two sections between which we must choose what we will follow.

How silly would it be if you had to choose between your children and then had to adopt support of whatever characteristics your favorite child without being allowed to see any benefit in the other children? How silly would it be for you to organize your life that way? Political leanings mean that people must make decisions like this and the result can be quite mixed up in meaning and original intention.

So, let’s look at things in a much simpler way. Do you think that making food a sustainable source would be a good idea? Do you believe in the idea that herding animals like cows and sheep so that they can breed and make more meat for us to eat is a positive idea? Do you think that, instead of only using the planet’s resources, we should also make sure that life cycles complete and become more resources for the future, for more people and on more land?

That is the question that we all must ask ourselves, rather than indulging in petty political debates about things about which we are only 80% in favor of in the first place! Sustainable gardening, crop planting, and forestry will matter to you, no matter which political candidate you support. Life is not played out in black and white, but rather in lots of brilliant and shaded color. If you care about animals but not plants, then find your renewable resources there and contribute to them. The chemical solutions which Envirosafe Solutions produces and distributes all over Australia, like our fuel conditioner or marine glass cleaner, are just another step in this process. We believe in the power of eco friendly radiator coolant, dishwasher powder, and green disinfectant. And everyone can use them, which is really important. To order products for your business, call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Perseverance and the Lone Mountain Climber

Perseverance and the Lone Mountain ClimberIf you are, in reality, a lone mountain climber, we strongly recommend that you tell the park rangers of your whereabouts so that your body can be recovered if you fall to your death. We’re just kidding, of course, but informing people of where you are going is still the smart thing to do if you are unwilling to bring a traveling companion along with you.

The purpose of a companion is distraction more than anything else. If they are keeping your mind from the climb, then you will reach the top much sooner than you anticipated and you will really enjoy the fellowship along the way. However, if you are looking for some solitude, climbing a mountain alone is extremely soul enriching.

Perseverance helps people to set goals and to achieve them, even though it may take a long time and they may encounter many obstacles along the way. Of course, perseverance doesn’t take the work out of work, but it does mean that the work involved doesn’t mean as much and is not as important as your end goal. In life, we all strive to gain perseverance so that our workload is lightened by our end goal, but not all of us are wise enough to form end goals.

Envirosafe Solutions has an end goal of making our eco friendly industrial liquid a replacement for all of the harsh, non-eco chemical products out there today. We want to show the people of Australia how much we mean business. We value our eco friendly products, from our multi-purpose lubricant to our fuel conditioner, and we respect businesses which use our products as part of their daily operations. You might be interested in our solvent free degreaser or our fabric conditioner, but whatever your reasons for ordering from us, you are supporting a decrease in water pollution and an increase in septic safety. All of these little actions and purchases add up in the end to a more wholesome world. We are persevering to the finish line and our end goal is worthy. If you use any comparable chemical products, considering switching them out with one of ours. Call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Making Your Campsite Biodegradable

Making Your Campsite BiodegradableLet’s say that you’re off on a nice, family holiday. Well, that’s kind of boring, so let’s change it to a romantic getaway into the wilds. Yes, that’s better. Now, let’s say that you and your frisky lover have set up camp in a nice, quiet, hidden area. It’s easy to see that the place is secluded and that animals are not very afraid of humans disturbing them, so a few furry creatures have cautiously crept forward to inspect the new visitors.

The grass is soft, the trees rustle in the wind, and your four-footed jungle companions are minding their own business now. It almost seems a shame to disturb the quiet and serene landscape with a camp fire and lots of camping equipment, complete with a tent. However, you and your sweetheart set up camp and soon have a nice, roaring fire crackling in the woods.

The truth is, it is easy to “camp out” It is far more difficult to remember to “uncamp” when you are done. Making your campsite biodegradable is easy, once you remember to do it. Pick up all of your non-biodegradable trash, allow organic vegetation to rot into the forest floor, relieve your bathroom needs in bushes at least fifty feet away from the campsite, and follow all park restrictions so that you don’t attract any unwanted animals.

When we here at Envirosafe Solutions were looking for eco friendly solutions to everyday tasks, we knew that it wouldn’t be easy to find real, active chemicals which were both safe for the planet and easily used as daily solutions in industrial worksites and home environments. We had our team of researchers work very hard to find a balance which satisfied both qualities and we succeeded. Our solvent free degreaser, our fuel conditioner, our rust converter and all of our other environmental cleaning products are at your disposal for when you decide to use them. Be sure and take advantage of our thirty day money back guarantee, too. Oh, and try our sanitiser! You’ll love what it does for your extremely dirty places. Call Envirosafe Solutions today to order from us: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Industrial Worksites and Reliance upon Petroleum Products

Industrial Worksites and Reliance upon Petroleum ProductsWhen you run or oversee an industrial worksite, there are naturally a LOT of petroleum based products at play. There are cleaning agents, lubricants, engine filters, all of this not to mention the fuel for all of your machinery. Of course, if you have access to eco friendly product solutions, then you don’t have to worry about the petroleum consequences of your worksite upon the earth. For example, marine glass cleaner, fuel conditioner, solvent free degreaser, and multi-purpose lubricant are all available through the website of Envirosafe Solutions.

We are proud to present our list of solutions for your worksite needs. Using petroleum based products is not only less safe for the environment and promotes use of petroleum based solutions by other distributors, but it also is very difficult if not impossible to break down in the earth once you are finished with it. This is a bit like being someone who collects stuff in their house, building it up over years with nary a clearing out, and who hogs their stuff until the day they die. These people are called “hoarders,” and rightly so.

Don’t rely upon petroleum products.

Seek other solutions.

Envirosafe Solutions provides business-to-business chemical solutions for your worksite needs. In addition to the above mentioned products, we also provide mould rid, hard water laundry liquid, dishwasher rinse aid, and radiator coolant. All of our products are designed to be tested in and included in all jobsites all over Australia. We have taken every care to ensure the quality and usability of our environmentally friendly liquids. For more information, select specific products on our website and read about them on their individual pages.

Now, you can have even better news. Our thirty day money back guarantee helps you to decide if you really went to use eco friendly industrial liquid on your worksite, whether they really will replace petroleum based counterparts, and you can exchange the containers for a refund, even if you have used all of the product up in making your decision. This ensures the safety of your investment. Check out how much better eco friendly solutions are than petroleum based solutions. Call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Hot Climates and New Sustainability

Hot Climates and New SustainabilityNew research and studies have shown that the climate change may not wipe out the human race, after all. (gasp!) Well, we’re blown away by that news. That was sarcasm. The truth is, if humans are given enough time to adapt, rather than it being a sudden and complete shifting of the entire planet, we are still pretty good at adapting.

Adaptation is one of the best ways to describe our human strengths. When discussing evolution, Charles Darwin did not necessarily support “survival of the fittest,” as if strength was the main factor. You see, being fit doesn’t necessarily mean being strong. It can have to do with adaptability.

Survival of the most adaptable is more like it.

There was a time when humans and giant reptiles, and we’re not even talking about dinosaurs here, lived in tandem with each other. We are talking about snakes the width of a large doorway the length of a small house. And, in this time period, the weather and all types of climate were twenty to thirty degrees hotter than they are now, even in the hottest locations on earth. This speaks to a time of adaptability which gives humans hope for sustainability and adaptability in the future.

Eco friendly liquid products can contribute to this overall adaptability. You see, chemicals expose our bodies to new chemical compounds to which we must become accustomed if we are to be around them all the time.

In the case of Envirosafe Solutions, we are exposing people to eco friendly, planet safe chemicals rather than the harsh types they have formerly been using. This helps the entire human race to “evolve” so to speak to using more eco friendly solutions which are gentler and safer and more biodegradable than the harsh chemicals they had been using before.

As for the hot climates, as long as we are still able to eat, sleep, and make love, there is not very much the human race cannot adapt to. In the meantime, check out our wonderful selection of chemical solutions, like our insect and tar remover, our marine glass cleaner, or our glue remover. Call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Happily Together

When individuals look for a soul mate, they generally look for people who share the same values as they do. Even if opposites attract, as long as there is not actual polarity in the opinions regarding moral issues, then the two people can pretty happily get along with each other.Happily Together

However, when such occasions arise when two people are on opposite sides of a very important view, then it helps to step back and assess the situation, together, from all sides. Now, we have been producing and distributing high quality eco friendly chemical solutions to businesses for some time now. Our environmental cleaning products are designed to eradicate dirt, grime, grease, and to lubricate and remove rust, all without being harmful to your septic system, the water supply systems, or the ocean, which will eventually be their end destination.

With all of the pharmaceuticals and other pollutants altering ocean life so much, it is especially important to be eco conscious of the fact that everyone must take responsibility for their own actions and for the chemical solutions they order from businesses like us. First, visit our website to make sure that our individual product pages have the information you need to make your decision. Then, when you are done with that, you can decide if our products really are eco friendly, if they really are non-pollutant, and if they really will satisfy the needs of your cleaning and maintenance crews. We even offer a thirty day money back guarantee to help with the process.

It is difficult to have an argument with your spouse about opposing viewpoints, but on our website, we think that we have delineated the facts of our eco friendly industrial liquid in a clear, non-judgmental manner, and we hope that you find it as illuminating as so many other people have found it. We provide many chemical solutions, including antibacterial hand wash, mineral deposit remover, and rust converter. Of course, our main objective is to produce a lot of chemicals which are safe for the planet, and in time, we think that we will achieve such a widespread distribution that eco friendly chemicals will be the only ones used in the marketplace: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Getting Your Hands Dirty in Company Finance

Getting Your Hands Dirty in Company FinanceWhen we talk about getting your hands dirty in finance, we are not referring to misuse of financial resources. We are talking about actually getting heavily involved with the accounting, finance, and bookkeeping parts of your company. It may mean that you will be learning and working below your pay level or below your authority level, but you must remember that money is the heart’s blood of your business and that if you don’t what’s going on in these parts of your business then you are living the primary care of your company to employees. And, furthermore, these employees are sure to not care about the company as much as you do. Therefore, take action now and get your hands dirty in your company finance. Be watchful, be aware, and listen eight times more than you talk. If there is anything going on, you want to know about it through your own observation, not learn about it after the corruption has slid by unnoticed while you were busy being authoritative.

The same rules apply to the eco friendly division of your company. There is no reason to even spend money on such a division unless it is doing its job. It should be aware of all of the environmentally friendly solutions being implemented in your business, from the air ducts to the chemical solutions used to clean, repair and maintain. Envirosafe Solutions provides eco friendly industrial liquid to a wide variety of business all over Australia. Our job is to bring earth safe glue remover, mineral deposit remover, and antibacterial hand wash to companies of all sizes and shapes in this great nation of ours. Dishwasher rinse aid, hard water laundry liquid, and diesel bug killer are all available, as well as many other products. You will just have to visit our website if you want to know more about the types of chemicals we provide. In the meantime, make sure that your eco department is fully aware of even the smallest change in eco friendly policies or practices within the company. We ask that your examine our individual product pages carefully to ascertain just what you want done and what type of chemical will be best for your business. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Food Waste, Animal Waste

Food Waste, Animal WasteMany people are of the opinion that various waste products have to be kept separate when they are being composted. This is absolutely not true. Whether you use animal dung or food scraps, both can be equally helpful in the composting pile that you have ready to spread over your garden, flowers, or crops.

Food waste and animal waste are absolutely interchangeable, and they both contribute different things to the compost pile. Food waste contributes vegetation of many different types (think about how much food is imported to your local store) which are then added to the local soil, which doesn’t move around a lot or bring in a wide variety of nutrients from outside sources.

Animal waste possesses more local organisms, vegetation and bacterial. Since animals eat other animals and local vegetation, their dung would naturally have more locally produced or grown products in it than grocery store food waste. By traveling through the animal’s digestive tract, the dung produced is already chemically broken down, which is not something that grocery store food scraps have when put in the compost pile.

The types of waste used together form a wide variety of nutrients and compostable factors in your compost or garden. Of course, many people bury the scraps in the ground, thinking that worms will compost them, and worms do, in fact contribute a great deal to compost fields run by local groups of gardeners. However, for individual lots, air circulation really helps the natural decaying process, so we recommend that, along with frequent turnings of the compost with a shovel or pitchfork.

In the meantime, you can contribute to the renewability of your planet by using environmental cleaning products when cleaning your home, office or worksite. Envirosafe Solutions provides disinfectant, dishwasher rinse aid, and radiator coolant, along with a wide variety of other chemicals to your workplace environment. We believe in the efficacy of our environmentally friendly liquids, and you will too once you’ve used them. All of our eco friendly liquid products come in both small and bulk amounts, so that you can decide what you’d like to purchase in the future in larger amounts. Call us for more information today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Fixed Income and Financial Composting

Fixed Income and Financial CompostingWhen you are on a fixed income through whatever reason it may be, you must learn how to make ends meet in a steady, dependable way. You must also learn how to compost your finances so that they reap the biggest crop for the smallest amount of effort or investment. This is done by bringing some intuition, some creative innovation, and some thinking outside of the box to the situation.

In fact, financial composting can be thought of as reinvestment. This form of getting the most money for your effort involves understanding how much you will invest in something and how much you can get out of it in the end. Buying a few dressed to sell online for a little more is great, as long as you already have a market in place for your dresses. Without the market, you are looking at an investment which may or may not yield your desired profits in the time allotted.

However, you can still do a lot with what you have, no matter the case. If you have sure reinvestments set up, you can buy a little, sell for a little more, work a little, get paid a little more, and gradually increase your income to the point where you are above starvation or survival modes.

This is true in business, as well.

When you are looking to achieve the most good for your prices, you can achieve it through the use of products from Envirosafe Solutions. Marine glass cleaner, sanitiser, dishwashing liquid, and every other conceivable eco friendly chemical solution is available through our website, for bulk or small purchases, and accompanied by our excellent customer service. If you visit the product pages of our website, you will be able to ascertain the septic safety and potential biodegradability of each product, too. Mineral deposit remover, dishwasher powder, and other chemicals are available through us, and they are all planet friendly. We love our customers so much that we want to develop long lasting relationships with our business-to-business customer base. Be sure and place a sample purchase order with us first, try out our products, and order more when you need them. Be sure and call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Fear of Judgment in Your Eco Living

Fear of Judgment in Your Eco LivingJudgment is something many of us avoid simply because we are not used to being around it all the time. In households and businesses where judgment is part of the survival process, it comes second nature to those people. However, in many cases, judgment is not tolerated nor understood by those involved, and so things are taken personally.

When you have decided to your part to help save the planet, you may have a fear of judgment in your eco living. In this case, remember to stay true to yourself. No one else is capable of being as true to you as you can be to yourself, even if they wanted to be. Remember that you are part of the solution for future progress, and that someday eco living will be as common as television and texting is today.

At Envirosafe Solutions, we provide dishwashing liquid, radiator cleaner, and mould rid, as well as a wide variety of other eco friendly liquid products. Our goal is to bring earth friendly solutions to the home, office, and industrial jobsite.

If you have a fear of judgment in your eco living, remember that we are all one in the end, and that your concern about the future is not fully complete. You see, if we are all one, one body and one energy, then your dream will spread throughout the earth, showing how much you care about the planet. Your example will affect the people around you, little by little, and they will begin to affect the people around them.

We provide many other chemical solutions than those listed above, such as fuel conditioner and radiator coolant. Our job is to distribute our high quality environmentally friendly liquids to as many people as possible. In this way, your spaces can stay clean and the planet can remain as safe and secure as possible.

Do not let your heart or your mind be troubled with fear of judgment. We are all judging others and are judged by others. These things never go away. All you can do now is to let it swiftly flow by you so that you are not controlling it and worrying about it anymore. And be sure to order from Envirosafe Solutions: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Eating the Whole Buffalo

Eating the Whole BuffaloMany people lament the waste that is the result of heavy industrialization. In the past, communities had coopers and tanners and wheelwrights and bakers, all of which provided proper food and materials for the community. These tradesmen had to be very economical with their resources, because their entire lives depended upon the ability to get and keep more resources.

Today, the lamentation continues over how much wood is wasted when trees are processed. We shake our heads with disgust when natural forests are dug up to put in a mine. Many things are going to waste, we say.

However, there is one area in which we are “eating the whole buffalo” as the Americans say.

Pigs are used immensely well. Boar hair is used to condition bread dough, certain bones and arteries are used for medical implants and devices which the human body will not be likely to reject, the skin is used in footballs (sometimes), the ears are used in dog chews, and there are many other types of uses which pigs have that humans have thought of. Now, that is truly awe inspiring. In fact, one woman wrote an entire book about one single pig and documented the use of every single tiny part of the animal, which industry it went to, and what it was used for in the consumer market.

Not only is that concept fascinating, but it is true. We really do make complete use out of certain animals. Even horses when they die are often put into dog food, which nice because we wouldn’t want to feed our dogs expensive meat.

When Envirosafe Solutions began our operations as an eco friendly industrial liquid distributor, we knew that our products had to serve double duty: cleaning and being safe for the environment. We hired a team of researchers to help us make products which were and still are safe for our beautiful earth and effective as can be for your purposes.

For more information about all of our products, like our soil wetta and our mineral deposit remover, please visit our website. Make note of the thirty day money back guarantee. After you have decided what you want to order, call our friendly staff today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Doing Business with the Government

Doing Business with the GovernmentDoing business with the government is a long, complicated process to set up, and requires a great deal of paperwork after you have set up government contracts and relations. Of course, there is a lot to be said for the money that government contracts bring in.

If your business has anything to do with eco friendly products or services, then you are in luck. The Australian government has developed worldwide reputation for valuing eco friendly business practices and for providing additional information and, in some cases, incentives for using these green practices.

Naturally, we here at Envirosafe Solutions benefit from our customers because we do not (yet) have a government contract. We make more than enough money providing eco friendly industrial liquid chemical solutions to business all over our great nation.

We provide environmentally safe rubber remover, dishwasher powder, rust converter, and multi-purpose lubricant. We believe in our ability to bring high quality chemicals to every worksite, whether it is in mining, in construction, in IT services, in office buildings, or on a farm. We believe in the ecologically sound principles upon which our company is founded and currently runs. We know what we’re doing in the private sector.

If you are able to get a government contract, then the revenue from such an operation would be so gratifying that you would be more than likely to attempt any endeavor asked you in order to retain the contract. Of course, if you have an eco friendly operation, you would want to keep your business as green as possible, and that is where we come in. Our environmentally friendly liquids, radiator coolant, mould rid, laundry powder, and disinfectant, etc. are part of a wide catalogue of eco friendly liquid products which your business and worksites can use on a regular basis to keep your company as green as possible.

Not that any of this is required to retain a government contract, but it sure does develop good habits and prepare your business for taking on even greater responsibility than you already have. This is a momentous occasion for you. All of your green liquid products would be considered eco friendly business purchases and maintenance. Call us today to place an order: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Dangerous Chemicals and The Weapon of Choice

Dangerous Chemicals and The Weapon of ChoiceWhen you think about dangerous chemicals, you probably think of big vats with “biohazard” and a skull with crossbones on them. Unfortunately, many chemicals which are marketed as safe are actually hazardous to skin contact. Everything is fine as long as you wear gloves and observe safety rules.

Why should it be so complicated?

It is because many non-eco friendly chemicals are not just harmful to the environment, but are also harmful to humans. It almost takes away the reason for having cleaning chemicals in the first place. The cleaning chemicals are sometimes just as harmful as the dirt!

The weapon of choice used by many chemicals is the corrosive chemical which erodes skin, flesh, oil, and does super hardcore degreasing of concrete floors. Unfortunately, there is a typical reaction to these types of chemicals, and over time it can seriously damage human skin and flesh.

All of this is not even mentioning the respiratory problems caused by breathing these harsh chemicals over a long period of time.

When we started developing our own line of environmental cleaning products, we paid attention to the message of human and respiratory erosion, to the breathing problems, and to the harmful effects to the environment. We made sure that our line of Extreme Green products was safe for the earth and much safer for humans than their counterparts.

We designed our soil wetta, our rust converter, and our fabric conditioner with love and care. We made sure that everyone could use and store our products safely and effectively, without the usual drama and extra precautions which were needed for their other products. Now, worksites, industrial sites, and offices can store our chemicals in a cool, dark, dry place without worrying about dangerous spills or what will happen if the stuff leaks in some way. Our products are safe and reliable and are packaged in a safe, secure manner.

Environmental cleaning products are part of the chemicals which are not dangerous, and they bring effective cleaning solutions to any jobsite. For more information, please feel free to contact Envirosafe Solutions through our website or over the phone. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.