Solar Powered Auto Vent Fan

Glue Remover,Rust ConverterToday, the world is in a period of transition, particularly between ecological solutions and previous methods of fuel and transportation. Hybrid vehicles may save on petrol, but are not necessarily more cost efficient. Eco friendly cars may use less petrol, thus helping the earth, but their production often requires materials to be shipped and transported from all parts of the world, which does not really reduce emissions a great deal. While the balance between eco and non-eco friendly methods seems to be shifting, it may only be changing shape, instead of increasing eco friendly practices. Car buyers want to save money, but they also want to help the environment and even now it still does not seem to be possible to do both at the same time.

This solar powered auto vent allows you to keep your interior cool while avoiding taking up extra battery power. Whether or not your vehicle is electric or rechargeable, this is certainly convenient to have. This is especially true for older models which are harmful for the environment and which are not very cost efficient either. A solar powered vent fan comes in handy when airflow is needed during hot summer days and either your car air conditioning system does not work or it takes up too much power from your vehicle. It saves you money, it saves you power which might otherwise be obtained from petrol based fuels, and it is convenient if you do not have a working cooling system in your car.

Solar powered radios, windshield wipers, and other functions are dependent upon the weather and cannot even be fully exploited during a hot cloudy day. A solar powered vent fan is really only useful when the day is especially sunny and uncomfortable. Solar power has certainly come a long way since the days of huge metallic semi-spheres performing the function of what today takes up just a small flat space on your roof.

Envirosafe Solutions also has come a long way in the invention and distribution of eco friendly chemical solutions for your home and workplace. Any jobsite will benefit from our heavy duty solvents and fuel treatments. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Rehabilitation of Local Eco Systems in Japan

Environmental Cleaning ProductsJapan is cleaning up their tsunami-ravage land, and part of this process is moving heavy materials and replanting the soil underneath. While many projects are supported by massive moving equipment which is pulled in to remove debris and clear the landscape from the piles of displaced wood and metal and homes and vehicles, other groups are doing this by hand. Unfortunately moving equipment is so heavy that it tends to tear up the ground and the result is soil displacement. After everything has been moved, it becomes necessary to rebuild the soil, which may take years to finish before local citizens are able to plant and make a living off of this soil and grow their own food. Either process takes a great deal of time, but in the long run, it may actually take longer to move the material with heavy equipment rather than by hand because of the long-term damage this does to the land and the long-term land reconstruction which is then required.

What about moving this material and debris more quickly? As with any human effort, the more willing helpers the faster the massive amounts of material will be moved and the land planted and seeded by hand and the soil restored to its former glory. This is only possible through huge efforts on the part of volunteers, and it will require more man hours and more human energy than otherwise. A solution may be to divide the land into dwelling places and agricultural areas, clearing away the habitable city ground with this highly effective and faster moving equipment, and then clearing potential farmland by hand so as to preserve as much of the quality and substance in the soil as possible before plants take root in it and hold it firmly to the ground.

Envirosafe Solutions supports all efforts rebuild our planet naturally, and we attempt to live this philosophy in the high quality of our products. Envirosafe Solutions offers eco friendly and renewable chemical solutions which solve your industrial and workplace needs. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Rebuilding Over-Consumed Land

Dust Suppressor, Extreme GreenLand stewardship means preserving local eco systems and water and nutrient sources while also leveraging the land’s resources for human benefit and for continued sustainability in the future. When land has been over consumed or over worked, then it becomes stale and stagnant, and loses its nutrients. When this occurs, grass roots and plant roots tend to become dislodged and easily washed or blown away. This is why crop rotation is so important. The land must be allowed to lie fallow periodically in order to regain some of those lost nutrients which crops take up. Even dirt needs to be fed and replenished on a regular basis. This goes to show that even inanimate, non-living things are actively a part of the life cycle.

When rebuilding over-consumed land, it becomes necessary to study why and how the land became so consumed in the first, and to realize what nutrients have been absent and for how long. This is a situation in which you have to steadily, over time, replenish plant growth, and replenish wildlife habitation, both of which are necessary in order to rebuild over consumed land. While this is taking place, things like spraying the ground with nutrients, rainfall, planting new native plants, and seeding the ground are all ways in which this rebuilding process can be hastened along. It is also necessary to move wildlife into the area, since their natural fertilization of the ground and stimulation of plant growth always rebuilds land and speeds up this process. It is necessary to keep an open mind when cultivating barren soil, since different ideas can sometimes be the one link that is missing from the process. Experimentation with sectioned off pieces of land is a good idea, along with thorough documentation of all the steps which were put into the soil preparation. However, just as important, one must document how the different sections of land vary inherently, by soil temperature, sunlight acquisition, pH balance, and so on.

Envirosafe Solutions commits to bringing soil regeneration and preparation into modern times through the use of eco friendly dust suppressant and our highly effective Soil Wetta product. Call us today for more information about our steps in creating and preserving an eco friendly earth: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Power and Pride

Glue Remover, Rust ConverterThere are times when being eco friendly has its down side. For one thing, not everyone supports a “green” lifestyle, and the followers thereof may be seen as picky, fussy, political, snobbish, or even weird. Even children who grew up in eco friendly families have sampled other lifestyles and have returned to it by choice, and not necessarily because of ease of living. Individuals who ride bicycles to work to save on petrol and pollution experience the best of both worlds. On one side, it is terribly inconvenient to do this and there is very little storage space for belongings, not to mention the fact that one cannot wear riding gear to work and therefore must change after arriving at work. On the other hand, one does not have to be concerned about auto insurance, petrol, traffic, clogged up highways, cars breaking down, and many other costs.

The yin and yang of power and pride is often exchanged between the ecological and non-ecological worlds. The subjects often turn political, and there are many prejudiced parties on both sides of the issue. The growth in eco friendly technology and endeavors helps to sway some, while at the same time it alienates others. This is not something which is likely to become less controversial within the next decade. At any point in time, humans are easily divided, supporting either side of an issue quite forcefully. Debates can occur in any pub, any living room and at any event over why someone’s opinion is right or wrong. So what does one do in these situations?

The truth is, environmentally friendly practices really do have a powerfully positive effect upon the earth and thousands of eco systems. Views which oppose this stem from desire for convenience, perception of convenience, or perception of authenticity. Putting others down for their beliefs is not authentic, but showing respect for their opinion and listening to them all the way through is very authentic and classy.

Eco friendly behavior begins with individual choices. That is why Envirosafe Solutions seeks to create as many earth friendly choices as possible, when we offer our line of fuel treatments, degreasers, and problem removers. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Pesticides and the Useful Honeybee

Fabric Conditioner, Laundry PowderPesticides help protect plants and agricultural fields from creatures which intend to eat them, scavenge among them, dig them up, or do any other damage. Pests include rabbits, gophers, squirrels, mites, caterpillars, larvae of various moths and flies, and many other bugs which eat and destroy plants all of the time. Pesticides are extraordinarily useful when dealing with these creatures, because you can protect entire farm crops from feeders, and you can keep your living (and the produce of others) safe until ready for harvesting. Unfortunately, pesticides also wipe out positive creatures, like ladybugs and honeybees, and the honeybee is especially being affected by pesticides.

Honeybees pollinate flowering plants by traveling back and forth between plants, carrying the flower pollen on the hairs of their back legs. They pollinate flowers naturally and automatically with their back legs while they are obtaining nectar from the flower. Different crops attract honeybees to various degrees, but the honeybee is necessary for plant pollination and for diversification. Honeybees strengthen any local eco system, because they contribute to the sustainability of the plant life in the area. When pesticides destroy both the positive and the negative critters, this can have a long-term detrimental effect on the eco system, especially in local farms where produce and local economies are sustained. Without the honeybee, the natural cycle of earth life is interrupted.

Ecologically speaking, the more organic, diversified and native local plants are, the better they survive and support surrounding eco systems. Agriculture, while following along those patterns generally, slightly imposes things upon the local eco system which were previously not there. This is, of course, necessary in order to maintain food production, but it is better to then retain all of the sustaining helpers, as well, such as the honeybee.

Envirosafe Solutions is committed to sustaining our environment through the use of industrial strength chemical solutions, which are also eco friendly and most of which are septic safe. Envirosafe Solutions continues this cycle with our eco friendly Soil Wetta and Dust Suppressant. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.