Green business choices reduce costs, boost market share

Extreme Green , Environmentally Friendly LiquidsGoing green and making sustainable business choices has become a public relations winner for big business. But is the corporate green revolution just another cost burden for the small retailer or service provider in Australia? Not according to environmental activist John Dee, who cites research showing sustainability can improve business performance.

Sustainable business decisions can reduce overheads, increase market share and attract high quality staff, according to a leading environmentalist.

Australian of the Year John Dee has pulled together research from Australia and internationally to argue the case for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to make green business choices (such as switching to environmental cleaning products).

He credits green decisions as reducing overheads by cutting electricity costs and waste. Sustainable organisations are also more attractive to employees, especially those with higher educations and greater social awareness.

Dee claims corporate sustainability allows business to reduce risks from resource price hikes and improve relationships with suppliers and customers. An improved public image gives green businesses an advantage in winning a greater market share.

The argument for business sustainability among SMEs has been made in Dee’s e-book Sustainable Growth, a free resource available on the Just Do Something website.

“SMEs that are proactive on environmental and social issues are attractive to larger companies that have a sustainable procurement policy. If your business is supplying larger companies then there is significant potential in this space to ‘go green’ and benefit through increased market share.”

Short-term cost cutting measures such as using poor quality goods or services could cost a business heavily in terms of its reputation.

“The 1990s (saw) companies exposed as using overseas suppliers who used child labour, cheap labour or unfair working practices. Knowing where the goods and services in your supply chain are coming from is vital if you want to minimise threats to your corporate reputation.”

A study of 800 Australian SMEs (Net Balance/Australian Fieldwork Solutions SME Sustainability Index) across 14 industries showed many companies were reluctant to embrace sustainability.

  • Six out of 10 SMEs did not consider energy efficiency a major concern when it came to saving money;
  • Only one in three SMEs were concerned about waste management;
  • Only 25 per cent of SMEs were concerned about reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Green business choices include reducing energy and resource consumption and switching to environmentally friendly products.

Australian eco-friendly industrial liquid company Envirosafe Solutions not only sells green products to Australian business but has embraced sustainability on a corporate level.

It uses its own environmentally friendly liquids (effective cleaners which are biodegradable, free of toxic chemicals, harsh solvents, strong acids and contain low or no phosphates).

Its commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions includes donating two per cent of profits to Carbon Neutral to offset its energy consumption.

Dee cites Global Footprint Network projections as showing that by 2035 and 2050 humankind will reach a point where it needs two planets to sustain it.

Businesses that fail to embrace sustainability are living on ‘borrowed credit’. For advice on eco-friendly liquid products or Envirosafe Solutions sustainable corporate policies contact 1300 88 90 70 or email


Buy green to cushion carbon tax costs

eco-friendly industrial liquids, Extreme GreenThe business community is bracing for the cost of next year’s $23 per tonne carbon tax. While households and larger polluters will receive financial assistance, small to medium business will not be cushioned against rising costs. Planning ahead, reducing energy use and buying green including environmental cleaning products will help soften the blow.

After much debate the carbon tax details have at last been revealed, giving business the opportunity to take steps to reduce its financial impact.

The latest advice from green business experts is to look beyond the cost of rising power bills and fuel prices.

A holistic policy based around buying green products (such as environmentally friendly liquids) and services will also reduce the impact of the carbon tax.

This corporate philosophy – dubbed sustainable procurement – has been adopted by larger organisations and government bodies but has not yet been embraced by the wider business community.

Green procurement expert and advocate Hugh Wareham has called for business to plan ahead, claiming sustainable purchasing will help avoid rising costs expected under the carbon price. Joining the green revolution will also provide a positive boost to corporate image and consumer confidence.

“The carbon price will impact prices across every sector of manufacturing and business, so companies should also expect increases in the cost of all their input goods and services,” he said in a column for industry news site Environmental Management News.

“While there are some tax breaks for small business, the majority of organisations will have no direct financial assistance to offset the impact of this new tax and will need to seek opportunities for minimising their costs.

“Green purchasing is a key way to reduce an organisation’s exposure to the hidden costs of the carbon price.”

Calculating greenhouse emissions

Greenhouse emissions resulting from the direct use of electricity, gas and fuel can be calculated by referring to fuel and utility bills for consumption rates. Online calculators, such as the Federal Government’s NGERS calculator can help convert energy consumption into emissions. Applying the $23 per tonne carbon emission price will show the increased cost of direct energy use.

This is only part of the picture. The cost of goods and services are also expected to rise as suppliers try to offset their own cost increases. In fact, a study by the National Institute of Economic and Industry Research found that half of all carbon consumed by Victorian households was embodied in goods and services.

Environmentally friendly products

The carbon tax may be a sound impetus for changing to green products and services, but the benefits do not end with financial savings.

Leading environmental cleaning products company Envirosafe Solutions has not only embraced sustainable procurement at a corporate level but has been proud to help industry avoid the environmental and health hazards posed by toxic chemicals.

Its Extreme Green range can be used to replace nearly all industrial and commercial cleaning products. Formulated to reduce toxic chemical build-up and soil and water contamination, these eco-friendly industrial liquids carry an independent safety rating for environmental, health, transport and safety purposes.

For the carbon tax to work people need to change their spending habits and use less energy. Green products such as Envirosafe Solution’s environmental cleaning products are a great way to join the green revolution. For more information contact 1300 88 90 70 or email


From biofuels to eco products – greener skies for aviation industry

Environmental Cleaning Products, Eco Friendly Industrial LiquidAustralia could develop an aviation biofuels industry that was both economically and environmentally sustainable according to a new report by the CSIRO. The study highlights new opportunities for the aviation industry to reduce fossil fuel reliance. Teamed with other environmental initiatives (such as eco-friendly industrial products) it promises a greener way to take to the skies.

An Australia-New Zealand aviation biofuels industry could cut greenhouse emissions by 17 per cent and reduce Australia’s aviation fuel imports by $2 billion over the next 20 years.

The new industry would also generate more than 12,000 jobs.

The CSIRO study paints a promising outlook for aviation at a time when air travel has come under increased scrutiny over carbon emissions. The green revolutionof tomorrow’s aviation industry incorporates new, more aerodynamic aircraft technology.

“This study (the Flight Path to sustainable Aviation) highlights promising options for the aviation industry,” CSIRO project leader and economist Paul Graham.“It also identifies the market, infrastructure and governance changes that will be required for success.

“Through the uptake of sustainable bio-derived jet fuel, together with next generation aircraft and engines, the industry can reduce both its emissions and its reliance on imported fossil fuel.”

While biofuels and aircraft design look set to shape the future of sustainable air-travel, simple changes today also promise to make an environmental difference.

Initiatives such as carbon offset flights have allowed air passengers to reduce their carbon footprint as they travel the globe.

By paying a voluntary charge when booking tickets, passengers on many of Australia’s airlines – including Qantas and Virgin – can contribute to carbon reduction schemes.

Airlines can also employ best environmental practice at airports and hangers to reduce environmental footprint.

A switch to environmental cleaning products can make a big difference to air, soil and water pollution, better protect equipment and improve safety for staff and passengers.

Eco-friendly industrial liquids are biodegradable, safe and minimise the build-up of residual toxicity, which contributes to corrosion on plant and equipment –a significant safety concern for those in charge of aircraft maintenance.

Harsh solvent-based cleaners or products containing fluoride or chlorine can be replaced by environmentally friendly cleaners to reduce environmental impacts.

Leading Australian supplier Envirosafe Solutions has products which can safely and effectively replace most traditional aircraft and airport cleaners.

Its range includes the fully biodegradable and non-toxic Extreme Green Insect and Tar Remover. Safe for use on all painted surfaces and plastic and rubber components, it should be applied diluted at 1:10 parts water and left for five minutes before being wiped off with a clean, dry cloth. It makes an economical all-purpose spray and wipe cleaner when diluted at 1:50 parts water.

Research into sustainable technology – including biofuels – and a simple switch to safe, biodegradable eco-products promises a greener future for Australia’s aviation industry. For advice on eco-friendly aviation liquids contact Envirosafe Solutions on 1300 88 90 70 or email


Russia and the Environment

Eco Friendly, Eco Friendly Liquid ProductsThe Green Movement in Russia is not the strongest. Corruption, big business and a devaluation of environmental concerns is the predominating approach to environmental issues.

The country faces serious ecological challenges and according to Alexei Yablokov, the problems “are exaggerated and exacerbated by state authorities that still view environmental cost as part and parcel of “the quest for economic gain.”  What is required, he maintains, “is a significant change in mindset towards the environment in both the Russian power-structures and the wider society in order to arrest the trend of environmental neglect” across the country.[1]

Experts in the country claim that 90,000 of Russia’s 180,000 per annum miscarriages are due to environmental causes and that the reason for a reduction in life expectancy over the past 20 years (Russia is the only developed nation in the world to have a declining life expectancy) is also in part due to environmental problems.

Other figures also reveal that approximately 60 million Russians live in areas of high-very high air pollution and that half the total population is negatively impacted by extremely high concentrations of solid particulate matter in the air.

Environmentally Unfriendly Technology

In other parts of the world, environmentally unfriendly technology is on the way out or challenged significantly by green groups, green politics and the mainstreaming of environmental issues. In Australia this is very much the case. The carbon tax, the focus on the environment, the approach of companies such as Envirosafe Solutions all indicate a transformative shift that augurs well for the future. But in Russia, the situation is still very different.

For example, “the dumping of inadequately treated industrial, agricultural and municipal waste and the uncontrolled flow of such polluted waters has led to widespread water pollution” and is still common practice.[2]

Over 8 years ago, BBC correspondent Steve Eke ran a story that outlined the disastrous environmental issues faced by Russia.[3] Even then, the situation was deemed to be getting worse, and little has been done in the interim years to alleviate the problem. Drinking water was unsafe in half the country’s regions in 2002, and today, this is still the case. Only 12-14% of Russia’s lakes and waterways are ecologically clean and the quality of the groundwater is also decreasing as the years go by.[4]

De-Environmentalism Policies

A policy of de-environmentalism underpins this poor environmental record.  Presidents Putin and Medvedev have continued a relentless drive towards natural resources exploration and development, without necessary environmental safeguards such as those in Australia, other areas of Europe and America.

Additionally, the following policy strategies have been implemented, which further weakens any legislative foundations for green change in the country:

  • Dissolution of the Russian EPA in 2000
  • De-strengthening of environmental protection legislation in forestry, water and urban planning sectors between 200 and 2006
  • De-strengthening of state environmental controls since the new millennium
  • Reduction in power of environmental impact assessments
  • Obstruction and disempowering of environmental non-government organisations since the new millennium
  • Reduced funding for environmental programs (since 1995.)[5]

Alexie Yalbakov states that strengthened legislation and the restoration of federal agencies that protect the environment is the only solution to this massive issue. Clean industry and energy practices need to be developed and initiated and introduced, so that Russia is once again on par with other western nations when it comes to addressing the important issue of the environment.

Envirosafe Solutions supports proactive green industry and business and believes real change is possible through a considered approach that is business and government based.

Join the green revolution and use Envirosafe Solutions Eco-friendly products. Telephone 1300 889070 for more information.


[2] ibid



[5] ibid

Laundry in remote Australia

Hard Water - Laundry Liquid, Porta-Loo TreatmentIt’s a completely different scenario. It’s a completely different set of factors and circumstances. Every aspect of life is different to that of urban and city dwellers, from social communication, levels of sociability and anonymity (and lack thereof,) isolation, climate, topography, culture and lifestyle and even laundry and cleaning.

For city dwellers the practice of doing the daily or weekly laundry amounts to turning on the taps, getting water from the city supply and pushing a button to get the washing machine to start and work through its load. It’s an easy, often “taken for granted” approach.

Simple and convenient.

But in remote areas it is a very different scenario.

Laundry in harsh conditions

One of the main problems with doing washing and laundry in remote Australia is the quality of the water. Unlike that sourced in the cities, most water used in remote areas is hard water – or water that is obtained from underground sources and from bores.

This type of water is particularly harsh on clothes because it contains mineral deposits that stay in the fabric. This causes them to fade, yellow and also to wear and tear. This consequently reduces clothing lifespan.[1]

According to the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, (that has produced sound academic research on the subject,) “there are three ways to help control water hardness when doing the laundry. These are:

  • Use adequate amounts of an appropriate detergent and water as hot as is recommended for the fabric
  • Install a water softening unit
  • Use a packaged water softener.[2]

Minerals in the water supply can adversely affect the laundry results in these areas. Calcium and magnesium are of particular concern, as are high concentrations of iron. The latter causes hard water staining and rust streaks which can ruin and destroy clothes.

Envirosafe Solutions has specifically designed a number of laundry products suitable for remote use and hard water. These products are especially tailored for the unique circumstances of hard water laundry us, and will deliver results on par with laundry results with soft water.

The Extreme Green Fabric Conditioner is a concentrate and softener used for final rinse cycles with hard water. It can also be used in soft water and is economical and phosphate free. It is best used in conjunction with the Extreme Green laundry products such as the Extreme Green Hard Water Laundry Liquid – Special Remote Area Formulation and the Extreme Green Hard water Laundry Powder.

They are boosted for optical brightness and extra grease removal and will not damage septic or sewage plant systems found at mine sites and in large scale agricultural areas.

For more information about these products please telephone Envirosafe Solutions 1300 889070



The Galapagos Islands

Eco Friendly, Eco Friendly Liquid ProductsToday, Envirosafe Solutions focuses on the amazing Galapagos Islands and hopes you will enjoy a brief spotlight on this amazing island grouping and all that it has to offer the world.

The Galapagos Islands are a famed island group. They lie around the equator in the Pacific Ocean approximately 1000km from continental Ecuador and South America.  They were the focus of Charles Darwin’s studies and Beagle Voyage and are famous for their rich and vast number of endemic species.

Distinct Island Grouping

The Galapagos group straddles the equator and its islands cover both the north and south hemisphere of the earth. There are 15 central islands as well as 3 smaller, along with approximately another 100 rocks and islets. The islands are actually located on the Nazca tectonic plate, resulting in considerable volcanic activity and hotspot activity. (Hotspot activity occurs “when the Earth’s crust is being melted from below by a mantle plume to create volcanoes.”)[1] It is noted for its incredible species diversity and its significant contribution to the understanding of species requirements, evolution and species origin, all of which have increasing significance in the current global environmental climate.

Charles Darwin Research Station

The importance of the research station cannot be underestimated. It is a biological research station populated constantly by international and Ecuadorian scientists who focus on scientific research and conservation.[2] Its team is over 100 strong and its main objectives are

  • “To provide knowledge and assistance through scientific research
  • Develop action to ensure the conservation of the environment
  • Develop action to ensure the biodiversity in the Galapagos Archipelago
  • To develop into one of the world’s leading research institutions dedicated to the conservation of the Galapagos Islands.”[3]

Current Research Projects

The Centre also focuses on a number of flagship research projects which are of vital significance to the planet. The three main flagship areas include:

  • Climate Change – which monitors climate change as it relates to the Galapagos and the wider planet
  • Human Footprints – analyses human impacts and policies and human behaviours upon the natural world
  • Project Floreana – focuses on the restoration of the Floreana Islands with the aim to develop a balance between ecosystems and the human inhabitants on the island.[4]

Envirosafe Solutions understands the unique historical and environmental role the Galapagos Islands plays in the current state of green concerns for the planet. This island group offers the world a unique opportunity to study the effects for human impact, global climate change and ecosystem delicacy and subtlety. Envirosafe Solutions also cares about the environment and produces safe environmentally friendly substances with a reduced impact and footprint. Please consider using environmentally safe and sound products in your business and home. For more information contact the sales staff at Envirosafe Solutions on 1300 809070





Tuna Threat

Extreme Green, Environmental Cleaning ProductsThe oceans were once thought of as vast and endless repositories of fish and food for human consumption. The bounty was plentiful and there for the taking, and mankind perceived the right and capacity to source all manner of seafood from the ocean’s currents and seas. But as conservation and green living has become a reality, so too has the realisation that our oceans are not an endless and unlimited source of food for us. They are finite reserves, carefully and sometimes precariously balanced, requiring forethought, management and even restrictions to ensure ongoing survival and viability.

Tuna is one such fish now considered under threat. Five out of eight of the world’s species of tuna are urgently in need of protection. Extinction is a real possibility and Australia’s Southern Bluefin Tuna is one of those most endangered.[1] The statistics are delivered in the Red List of Threatened Species which was produced by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

These IUCN Red List assessments and statistics were developed in consultation with many international scientists from Fisheries Management Organisations, international conservation organisations and also government agencies, universities, independent fisheries research institutions and other bodies.

On the 11th July 2011, the IUCN released its findings with the following being placed in the Near Threatened IUCN or Threatened Categories:

  • Southern Bluefin Tuna
  • Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
  • Bigeye Tuna
  • Yellowfin Tuna
  • Albacore

Many of these species have exceedingly high economic value and the information may assist governments to develop appropriate fisheries management strategies to monitor and safeguard against their extinction.

Dr. Bruce Collette who is the current Chair of the IUCN Species survival commission’s (SSC) Tuna and Billfish Specialist Group has said that “this is the first time that fishery scientists and ichthyologists and conservationists have come together to jointly produce an assessment of the threats facing a commercially important group of fishes.”[2]

Australia’s Southern Bluefin

Dr Kent Carpenter from the IUCN’s Marine Biodiversity Unit has stated that “all 3 of the Southern Bluefin Tuna species are susceptible to collapse under continued excessive fishing pressure.”  He has also made it very clear the Australian Southern Bluefin has already crashed in numbers, with very little hope or possibility of it recovering. The IUCN maintains these species must be managed appropriately and that a shutdown or wind down of the fisheries stocks until a point in time when they are rebuilt somewhat, would be the best strategy in the immediate term.

Even if legal fishing of the tuna was suspended for a period of time, the problem of escalated illegal fishing of these species would be another concern that would require overseeing. Management of the problem needs to encompass both legal and illegal fishing of the threatened tuna species.

Envirosafe Solutions has long supported a healthy and responsible attitude to our oceans and waterways, and that is why its products are phosphate reduced and have a low impact on water quality. Call Envirosafe Solutions and talk to a sales representative about economically viable and environmentally sustainable cleaning and liquid products that will not hurt our precious oceans and marine life. Envirosafe Solutions 1300 889070.



Triabunna Mill sale goes ahead

Eco Friendly, Eco Friendly Liquid Products, Extreme GreenThe Triabunna Pulp Mill sale has gone ahead. But not to the Aprin Company, as was expected! The mill, situated on Tasmania’s east coast, has been a stalwart of the Gunns timber company for many years. It has been purchased by the new wave of green business people currently making their presence felt on the Australian corporate scene.

Gunns Limited is possibly the largest and one of the oldest Australian timber companies with a $600 million turnover and over 900 sq km of eucalypt plantations. According to Wikipedia, it is also Tasmania’s largest landowner and by far “the largest export woodchip operation in The Southern Hemisphere.”[1] It has had a difficult profile over recent years because of its destruction of old growth forests in Tasmania. Environmentalists have attacked and criticised the company for its continued native forest wood chipping enterprises which have decimated areas of Tasmanian old growth forest.

Triabunna Sale

The Triabunna mill sale is an exciting prospect for environmentalists, who view the purchase as a symbolic and necessary shift in the battle between the timber industry and green groups in the apple state. The new owners have declared the mill will continue to operate for the short to medium term, (the next few years) to ensure job and town security. But the long term plans are already causing a stir as there will be a transition and conversion of the site into an eco resort. One of the new owners stated “we don’t want to see people thrown out of work but we also probably see more clearly the need for a restructuring in the forest industries generally and for people to open their minds about new ways of making a living in that part of Tasmania.[2]

The Australian newspaper also reported that “with new ownership of the mill comes immense power: its closure would, according to the state government and the industry, bring logging of native forests in southern Tasmania to a standstill.”[3]

The Buyers

The two buyers who comprise the main duo of the consortium are Jan Cameron and Graeme Wood. Cameron, originally a New Zealander is one of Australia’s wealthiest women, and made her money with the Kathmandu chain of clothing and camping supplies. She lives a reclusive life in Tasmania and in the past 4 years has donated approximately $30 million to charity. She is a committed and humble philanthropist and environmentalist – down to earth and considerably low-key, who tends her free range chickens daily. Graeme Wood is the owner of the online tourist accommodation “wotif” site and is also a committed environmentalist who donated over $1 million to the Greens before the last federal election.

Gunns had initially been negotiating with the logging company Aprin, in a deal which would have secured the timber industry in Tasmania for many years to come. Aprin owners Ron and Brendon O’Connor – a father and son team who see Tasmania’s future linked with ongoing logging and timber production, have been bitterly disappointed by the sale to Cameron and Wood, and believe the sale to the green entrepreneurs will also spell the death of the Tasmanian Forest Peace Plan that is currently underway.

Envirosafe Solutions director Murray Simon has stated the Triabunna Mill sale is an exciting step in the right direction for green business and industry in Australia. “When business leaders such as Cameron and Wood move forward with sustainable ideas and practices that can also ensure job security for a region, the future looks bright,” he said. He also added the move gave smaller and less robust companies a sense that sustainability and new modes of doing business are a viable economic reality that can be embraced.

Envirosafe Solutions believes new direction and economically sustainable approach to business can also be profitable and productive. The Extreme Green range of eco-friendly products are developed with the environment in mind. Call the team now to purchase, on 1300 889070.



[3] Ibid

The Heating Earth

Solvent-Free Degreaser, Sanitiser, Mould RidGround Zero on Global Warming1

Global warming is the continuous rise in the average sea, surface and atmospheric temperatures around the Earth. This increase in average temperatures began in the last 50 years and coincided with the industrial revolution and increasing consumption of fossil fuel by people on Earth. Our use of CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon) in aerosol sprays, refrigerators etc. further exasperated the problem by blowing a hole in the protective ozone layer allowing harmful radiation to penetrate all the way to the Earth.2 While it may at times seem like a script for a Sci-fi movie, the situation is a stark reality facing humanity in 2011.

Valuable Time Lost in Proving Humans were Responsible for Global Warming

Any child will confirm that if we sit in a car with doors and windows closed and one of us starts smoking, then the interior is going to get pretty uncomfortable very soon.

When scientists first presented the data and proof that the Earth was heating up, governments around the world scrambled to debunk the suggestion that industries and our appetite for consumption was somehow fuelling global warming3. In fact this state of denial derailed the Word’s first convention on global warming and the scientists lost valuable time in proving that global warming is not a myth or imagination by half crazed scientists crying wolf because the temperature on their thermometers jumped a notch higher.

Instead of asking the scientists to begin planning a strategy on how to turn off or reduce the heat that was causing global warming, the governments asked the scientists to prove that humans were responsible for global warming. By the time scientists proved their theory, and a new convention on global warming was agreed to, a few more years of valuable time was lost4 and the average global temperatures went a notch higher. Governments waited but global warming did not5.

While we waxed on eloquently about how to tackle global warming, the magnificent glaciers began to melt and sea levels rose slightly but high enough to permanently inundate certain low lying regions in the world6. For the first time there was tangible loss – people lost homes and property to global warming and yet, our penchant for procrastination did not stop.

Too little too late

The next convention on global warming set targets for the reduction of green house gases and stipulated the setting up of a global fund for research on alternate fuels. This effort was doomed to fail because the developing countries had just begun their industrial revolution and the developed countries were asking them to stop without offering any viable alternative that would secure and fuel growth in the developing countries without the accompanying pollution and its effects on global warming7. Of course there is also the fact that there wasn’t and still isn’t a real cost-effective viable alternative to fossil fuels8.

Meanwhile the Earth is slowly and inexorably moving towards a future in which humans and animals will not be able to step into the open without an air conditioner strapped on to their back. Will plant life still be there? Will the Earth even look the same? While we might not be able to reverse global warming – at least not yet, we might at least stop it from spiralling out of control by adopting a pro-Earth lifestyle and the time to do it is now, today. Tomorrow or 2012 might just be too late.

Envirosafe Solutions has developed a range of quality Extreme Green products that fit in with the pro-Earth lifestyle of this new era. For more information on these exceptional products, telephone Envirosafe Solutions on 1300 889070










New Green Techniques in Agriculture

Today, Envirosafe Solutions looks at some of the new techniques in green agriculture that are being developed and adopted in Australia.

Solvent-Free Degreaser, Sanitiser, Mould RidWhenever we refer to agriculture, we always think about large scale harvesters, massive use of fertilizers, large scale irrigation, aerial crop dusting, etc. Well, all that has changed with the introduction of Regenerative Agriculture in New South Wales, Australia. 1 This new approach to agriculture is gaining significant momentum and is now considered a hallmark of green agricultural practices amongst those “in the know” when it comes to developing sustainable agriculture techniques.

Regenerative Agriculture

These days it is fashionable to talk about the need for new techniques in agriculture and how there is need for agriculture to be pro-earth and not against the natural ecosystems. 2 We hear how new techniques in agriculture should maintain and even improve the soil structure, enhance biodiversity, maintain water resources, maintain the levels of soil organic matter, etc. Regenerative agriculture, the latest of new techniques in agriculture does all that and more.

Until recently scientists and farmers took these set of requirements to be a pipe dream until, a few innovative and observant farmers from the Central West of New South Wales decided to study how Mother Nature managed its affairs and mimic it to whatever extent possible.

The Theory on Regenerative Agriculture

After studying how nature managed green cover, a handful of Aussie farmers came up with new techniques in agriculture which they called ‘pasture cropping’.3 Principal amongst these were two farmers Colin Seis and Darryl Cluff. These new techniques in agriculture were christened Cluff and Seis pasture cropping technique. The farmers observed that the native Australian grasses (C4) grew only in warm season whereas the Australian winter cereals (C3) grew only in the winter season. Further, they calculated that if they seeded the pasture land with winter cereals (C3) it would be ready for harvesting by summer and the same land could then grow the native grass which is eaten by the cattle. So they hypothesised that they could do cattle farming as well as agricultural farming on the same land. This is something that was never done before. Effectively, new techniques in agriculture were being created.

Problems associated with standard agricultural practices4

Normally, preparation of land for agriculture involved the removal of all existing vegetation from the land to be cultivated. This resulted in barren land both before and after cultivation. Barren land resulted in soil erosion and also between seasons the land would be taken over by unpalatable grasses or weeds resulting in rapid nutrient decline. Fertilisers only provided temporary relief. In the long term the soil always degraded.

The Birriwa-Gulgong district in Central West of New South Wales receives an average of around 600 mm of annual rainfall. 5 Those who remember it, in 1995 there was an 18-month drought. During this period Darryl Cluff seeded oat crop in an area normally covered with native red grass. Tests indicated that the subsoil moisture level was zero. Conventional logic indicated that the oat crop would not survive but not only did it survive, it flourished and new techniques in agriculture locally called the ‘Cluff and Seis pasture cropping technique’ were born.6 The winter season saw crops being planted and the summer season was for native Australian grass which was used to feed the cattle. Soil testing indicated that the soil did not degrade and also the biodiversity was maintained.

Envirosafe Solutions supports developments and adoption of regenerative agriculture practices. And the Envirosafe Solutions Extreme Green range also fits in with this approach. With a lower environmental impact and a greater respect for the Australian ecosystem, these products can make a considerable difference to your carbon footprint. For more information please call Envirosafe Solutions on 1300 889070.


1.  Regenerative agriculture explained:

2.  Pro-Earth agriculture:

3.  Pasture cropping explained:

4.  Problems associated with standard agricultural practices:

5.  Gulgong, New South Wales:,_New_South_Wales

6.  Upcoming courses on pasture cropping:

Land Clearing

Soil Wetta, Dust Suppressor, Insect & Tar RemoverOnce upon a time it was possible. Once upon a time, a landowner – whether a small suburban household owner, or a larger scale landowner on rural acreage – had the right to more or less do as he/she pleased on owned land. But the issue of lad clearing in the global warming era is no longer that simple. As governments, corporations and the international community become more aware of global warming and the need for trees to capture and store carbon, so too does the need to police and oversee what we actually carry out on our land.

The Queensland Department of Environmental Management currently states that “the clearing of native vegetation is regulated by the Vegetation Management Act 199. This Act sets down the rules and regulations that guide what clearing can be done, and how it must be done to meet the requirements of the law.”[1] Various vegetation guidelines and clearing guidelines exist and landholders are also required to apply for permits in many instances to safeguard against illegal clearing and stripping of the land.

Stiff Penalties

The area of Longreach in Queensland has been the site of a recent legal battle over land clearing. This case has impacted notions of individual property rights and ownership and has called into question what it actually means to “own” land in the current environmental climate.

Between 2004-2008 landowning couple Walter and Annette Cooper systematically cleared approximately 431 hectares of vegetation from their land at their property at Tanamera, west of Longreach. They did so without a permit. Some sources have stated “the couple were using the cleared vegetation to feed stock during the drought.”[2] They were recently fined $50,000 and were also ordered to “pay more than $28,000 in costs to the Department of Environment and Resource Management.”[3] This brings the total fine amount to close to $80,000.

Rachel Nolan, Qld Minister for Natural Resources has said that “the Qld Government introduced tough new vegetation management laws to protect endangered wildlife and ensure important vegetation is protected.” She also maintains that “the scientists assessing the areas found the clearing could impact on flora including landscape fragmentation, loss of habitat and possibly lead to the introduction and spread of exotic plant and animal species.”[4]

The clearing was not reported at the time and the landowners did not follow the legal chain of command required in Queensland for land clearing. They did not apply for permits or contact the Department of Environment and Resource Management. Rather, the cleared land was discovered through a routine assessment of satellite imagery by the Queensland Governments Statewide Landcover and Trees Study.

Independent Federal MP Bob Katter has gone on record to state the fine amount is excessive and ludicrous.

Given the current global environmental crisis, Envirosafe Solutions understands and supports the need for tighter government regulation regarding deforestation and land clearing. Envirosafe Solutions is at the forefront of driving industry and business change regarding green procedures and processes.

Join The Green Revolution. Purchase Envirosafe Solutions eco-friendly products. Call them now on 1300 889070.



[3] Ibid


Green wine!

Envirosafe Solutions keeps a careful eye out for those businesses and organisations and concerns that are forging new environmentally friendly practices in production, development and business modelling. Today, the focus is on one very forward thinking winery that is making a real mark on the Australian wine market and wine industry.

Eco Friendly, Eco Friendly Liquid Products, Extreme GreenThere’s nothing like a glass of good red with a meal.

But green wine?

Well…it’s not really green, but it is organic and environmentally sound. One winery is producing quality wine the eco-friendly way, and proving that quality production, an organic approach, and great wine can and do go together.

Tamburlaine Winery is Australia’s largest producer of organic wines and is situated in the Pokolbin district of the Hunter Valley in NSW as well as Orange on the Central Tablelands of NSW. James Halliday, one of Australia’s leading wine authorities, has bestowed it with a five star rating, indicating that quality and environmentally sound practices are now established hallmarks of great wine production.[1]

The Organic Approach

The organic approach to wine making means that the wine is produced without any synthetic herbicides, pesticides, fungicides or artificial fertilisers. Sulphur dioxide is used carefully in the process, and traditionally used wine additives “which are residual in the end product” are excluded.[2]

This approach has benefits across the board and Tamburlaine Wines lists a number of key advantages to organic farming methods for grape vine growing.

  • It leads to sustainability by optimising humus in the soil
  • The vines are supported and sustained by the natural fertility of the soil as opposed to synthetic fertilising products
  • Significantly minimises need for irrigation as increased humus leads to increased water retention
  • Eliminates harmful effects of farm chemicals on surrounding areas
  • Eliminates possible wine toxins for the consumer
  • Promotes and maintains healthy vineyard ecosystem.[3]

A Formal Environmental Management System

The Australian Government’s Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities states that an EMS “is a tool for managing the impacts of an organisation’s activities on the environment. It provides a structured approach to planning and implementing environmental protection measures.”[4]

Tamburlaine Winery developed and implemented a formal EMS in 2003, and this is now the underpinning foundation of their business system and their decision-making. It includes such practices as

  • Sustainable farming practices
  • Water management strategies
  • Solid waste management
  • Energy efficiency
  • Environmental purchasing

Envirosafe Solutions supports the kinds of approach put forward by businesses and concerns such as Tamburlaine Winery. It strongly supports and promotes the need for environmental purchasing and believes smart business sources and utilises materials and products that are less damaging to the environment. Envirosafe Solutions believes a greener alternative can always be adopted, even in areas where there is an historical reliance on high toxicity products and materials. Products such as biodegradable cleaning liquids which are healthier for soil and land and water, and safer alternatives for harsher products are available from Envirosafe Solutions.

The Extreme Green team at Envirosafe Solutions may be able provide you with safer alternatives to the products you are currently using.

To find out more about the many products that are produced and supplied by Envirosafe Solutions, telephone 1300 889070





A Bit About Bats

Every so often Envirosafe Solutions likes to take a look at the fauna of the world and how our animal friends are impacted by climate change and a denuding earth. Today, we focus on the beautiful and often much maligned bat.

Eco Friendly, Eco Friendly Liquid Products, Extreme GreenHow many of us think about bats when we think of “conservation”? Say the word “conservation” and our kids will rattle out the names of large exotic and magnificent animals such as the Tiger, Lion, Hypo, Panther, and so on.

In our often blinkered approach to supporting conservation it is often the smaller animals that are denied our love and support. Visit any fund raising event for animal habitat conservation and you will notice the absence of bats, dragon flies, owls and even butterflies in the glossy and otherwise informative leaflets. The fruit bats (Pteropus bats) are one such mammal that has been left out of most conservation projects. 1 These cute little birdlike mammals fly in the night, have their fill and return to their roosting spots before day break. They usually stay away from humans (not surprising considering the racket we tend to make). Unfortunately, this aloofness keeps them out of our sight, out of our mind and might I add, out of most conservation projects.

Luxury and conservation don’t mix. Our hunger for wood and rate of consumption has fuelled deforestation at an alarming rate especially in the rain forest regions of Amazon and the Pacific region. 2 Today we no longer see men chopping down trees using a pickaxe or a saw. The process of cutting down trees is so mechanized and speeded up that a visit to a tree cutting site would fill us with dread and a sense of the disaster that we are helping create.3 Forests with their fruit bearing trees are the prime source of food for fruit bats. When trees are chopped down there is nothing left to bind and hold the soil together. Movement of heavy tree cutting equipment further damages the soil and ensures no large trees ever grow there again. Unfortunately, forest mitigation, logging and conservation don’t mix – not because they can’t but simply because we don’t have the will to enforce laws to make it so. 4 A single large fruit bearing tree can aid conservation and provide enough food for hundreds of bats. Take away a hundred trees a day and the math reaches frightening proportions – especially when you consider that large scale unsupervised and often un-licensed tree cutting has been going on for many years now. 5

Some conservationists (instigated by logging companies?) have been blaming hunting and cyclones for the decimation of the bat population and failure of bat conservation attempts. However, men have been hunting bats for many hundreds of years and cyclones have been displaying their awesome destructive power even before the bats came into existence on this earth. The fact is, the bat population has been declining for the past decade and this coincides with the arrival of massive automated logging machinery and the large scale deforestation that followed.

Bats are part of the eco-chain and ecosystem. They help in pollinating flowers as well as carrying seeds to other locations and help spread the coverage of fruit bearing trees. Any school going child will tell you that if you break any part of the eco-chain the entire ecosystem will collapse. 6

Envirosafe Solutions urges you to consider the smaller and less prominent fauna on our planet. These animals form a vital part of our ecosystems and our food chains and are as needing and deserving of our understanding and support as the grand lion, the leopard, the white panda and the orang-utan. Use your liquid products wisely and consider using greener alternatives that respect our denuding earth. For more information on quality Extreme Green products please call Envirosafe Solutions on 1300 889070.


1. Wikipedia on Pteropus bats:

2.  Illegal logging in Asia-Pacific region:

3.  Mechanised logging. This location has good content, pictures and links for more information:

4.  Forrest mitigation explained:

5. Effects of deforestation: The site is poorly designed but the article is great:

6.  Bats and the ecosystem:

What exactly is a community garden?

Eco Friendly Liquid Products, Environmental Cleaning ProductsCommunity gardens are simple, communal places where people like you and me can get together and come together to make new friends, dig in the soil, plant vegies and flowers and other plants and enjoy nature and a bit of hard work.

These gardens have sprung up all over Australia over the past few years. And one can surmise they have their origins in the humble British and European rail side plots, where urbanised families would go to spend some time at their “allotments” to commune with nature away from housing estates, citified streets with no gardens and high-rise apartments where the prospect of growing vegetables is a dream.

With concerns about the environment, the cost of living and the need to “get back to the land” to save the planet, communities have banded together to form their own garden areas, many of which also send a clear subtext message to politicians that the voters of Australia place green concerns and pursuits at the very forefront of their lives and values.[1]

A Movement

Sustainable Illawarra defines community gardens as something “more than simply growing food. It is also a way to grow a sense of place and community. The number of community gardens in Australia is increasing, and what started as isolated examples of urban food production in the late1970’s has now blossomed into a movement promoting nutritional health through growing, sharing and eating of fresh, locally grown food.”[2]

Doctor Bruce Judd and Doctor Rob Samuels from the University of NSW from the AHURI (Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute) Research Centre even revealed a link between community gardens on nine public estates, and a relationship with an effective reduction in crime rates.[3] The study noted that social interventions such as the development of community gardens in crime hotspots, was very effective in controlling crime levels.

As the community garden becomes more popular, it becomes more and more accepted as an important part of community life. World famous Australian chef Stephanie Alexander has even developed a community garden project involving schools and school children. She believes that her Kitchen Garden Foundation has the potential to help nurture healthier and greener and more communal attitudes to food and food cultivation by children, that will last a lifetime and lead to greater wellbeing and respect for the environment. [4] This is a view also shared by the United Kingdom’s most famous television chef, Jamie Oliver.[5]

If you believe in the need for more information on greener, communal attitudes that help to shape a healthy Australia, you may also be interested in the Envirosafe Solutions approach to eco-friendly products. For more information on their range phone 1300 889070.






UN survey on business and climate change

Marine Glass Cleaner, Radiator CleanerBusiness and organisations are most often portrayed in the media as somewhat resistant to the shift toward a sustainable future that addresses climate change and its all encompassing problems. Time and again these groups are presented as resistant to climate change and all it entails, and are viewed as the “enemy” of “greenies.”

But is this really the case?

There are many businesses and organisations as well as industry groups who are embracing the challenges and the changes that are required. For example, businesses such as Envirosafe Solutions are actively embracing the need for change, and utilising new green ethics and approaches that are good for the planet and good for business.

And recent research conducted by the United Nations Environment Programme indicates that many businesses are not the “enemy” of sustainable practices, but are in fact seeing the new world of climate change and all it entails as a business opportunity that can be embraced and utilised in the form of a win-win situation.[1]

The report, titled “Adapting for a Green Economy: Companies, Communities and Climate Change” stated that businesses that respond to climate changes with community needs in mind can gain a competitive edge. Businesses that respond to climate change in ways that undermine communities’ efforts to adapt may face reputational and brand risks, and they may even lose their ability to operate in certain locations.”[2]

It also states that an approach by business that is responsible and strategic can in fact:

  • Avoid costs
  • Manage liabilities
  • Build resilience
  • Expand market share
  • Access new opportunities
  • Build corporate reputation
  • Exercise good corporate citizenship.

The report also advises that traditional business approaches may well now be insufficient, and companies will want to:

  • “connect climate adaptation and resilience to the culture of the corporation/company
  • Assimilate adaptations into central business strategies
  • Match their business objectives with new approaches
  • Team up with in-house and external decision-makers
  • Develop and grow a portfolio of goods and services that are truly green and climate-resilient[3]

Many businesses in Australia have already adopted and incorporated many of these suggestions and guidelines into their business approach and ethos. Envirosafe Solutions is one such Australian owned and environmentally sound business that places these ideas at the forefront of its approach. If you would like to find out more about Envirosafe Solutions’ approach to green business practices please view the website in more detail. And if you would like more information on the Envirosafe Solutions Extreme Green Range of quality products, please telephone a friendly member of the sales team on 1300 889070.


[2] http://www/

[3] ibid