
Solvent free degreaser and glue remover are some of the more hardcore products people buy to clean up the messiest messes. Of course, these have Diesel Bug Killerto be very high strength. They have to fulfill their purpose, and you shouldn’t have to use a lot of it for it to work.

Naturally, this is a system of defiance against the dirt, grime, grease or glue which may infest your workspace. Naturally, you will want to bring this defiance to your own space and make it work for you.

When we developed our marine glass cleaner and our hard water laundry liquid, we found that a lot of our success was due to the fact that we were trying to work WITH nature, rather than against it. Of course, there is a lot of controversy due to some companies engaging in “greenwashing” techniques which bring down the quality of products and services which are supposed to help you, and instead either hinder you or are really not safe for the environment.

The whole scenario is based upon a mindset of greed with no focus on quality and establishing a future reputation for the company.

We don’t have this mindset.

We believe in investing in our own future, and so therefore we made our toilet bowl cleaner, disinfectant, and all of our other products with the same level of quality which you would expect from a large name brand. We are focused on bringing our vision to the whole of Australia, and then to the world beyond. Our efforts are focused on our own business marketplace first, though.

Defy the daily tasks which you have before you. Defy the inevitable pollution that your other chemicals bring to your workplace. Instead, use our eco friendly industrial liquid, try it out for yourself first, and then bring it right into your own home. There is a mindset of success and peaceful progress in our business. We don’t mind working hard for the future reputation of our own business. So buy from us today. There are many different chemical solutions available to you, and all of them bring defiance to the regular workplace and machinery problems which your maintenance staff faces every day: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Creation working with Destruction

Eco Friendly Liquid ProductsYou have seen plenty of inspirational action movies which feature major compounds of good versus evil. Good themes and characters are always in favor of growth, organic methods, and freedom, while evil themes and characters are always veered toward destruction and chaos and controlling methods. Of course, anyone who has ever seen their favorite superhero battle their favorite villain can tell you that it is always good to have aspects of both.

The truth is that this applies in all aspects of life.

Being fired from your job can be seen as bad, unless you can see into the future and you know that it is because you will get a job with three times as much pay and only half the time spent on it. Many people would consider that to be the best option, but not very many people feel comfortable in leaving their current job unless they have the second job solidified. And since that is something which is not easily done in real life, getting fired from your job can be seen as a good thing, rather than some sort of huge catastrophe.

Of course, it is important to understand how human nature works. If you are comfortable with risk, it does not mean that you will stay comfortable if you push it to the point of recklessness.

If Batman and the Riddler had it out on your front porch, you may be cheering for the “good” guy to win, but if you like aspects of the Riddler, too, then wouldn’t it be better to have a single person with both sides of the equation?

Since destructive and “evil” energy is so misunderstood these days, it is important to remember that, in nature, winter is always a part of the seasonal change. Winter is always there, no matter what.

Envirosafe Solutions provides you with eco friendly industrial liquid which wipes out the problem of grease, dirt, stains, bugs, debris and film or crusting. All of our products are designed to help you successfully eradicate or destroy elements of maintenance you do not want on your equipment and worksite. On the other side of the spectrum, our chemicals also protect our green, growing earth. Call us today to order: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Company Green: Overruling Business Policies

If you have just entered ownership of a company or if your control over the company has changed over time, you may find yourself wishing to doEco Friendly away with old or outdated practices and company policies. Of course, you should always check with your legal department before attempting to do anything like change your business policies. In addition to that, if you are looking to change things in favor of eco friendly situations, you may wish to hire some eco-knowledgeable lawyers to advise you on that, as well.

Moreover, if you find yourself becoming overwhelmed with the rewriting of company rules and regulations, then you might wish to find yourself an alternative system or to consult with someone who does that for a living.

Make sure that, no matter who you consult with, you have plenty of references to back up their case history and their experience in this matter. Always be thorough and extremely exacting in your standards and in the standards you expect from consultants you employ.

Now, there are some things which you will not need a change in company policy in order to implement. For example, your janitorial staff can begin purchasing environmental cleaning products, like those from Envirosafe Solutions, when they begin to order their next round of chemical solutions. Your cleaning staff can make sure that their glass cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, and disinfectant all come from Envirosafe Solutions and are therefore eco friendly and safe for the earth.

If your environmental attorneys can find a way to include these purchases under some sort of eco initiation performed by the government, then so much the better. Make sure that they have examined every way in which that can occur. Your money should be retained as much as possible.

In the meantime, don’t worry about the changes to the staff when you overrule former business policies. Many people can adapt to new things, as long as they don’t have to keep changing things every single week. Be consistent and dependable, and keep any eye out for the sustainability of our planet. That is, after all, the responsible thing to do. Call us today for more information: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Working with Pests, Not against Them

Working with Pests, Not against ThemWhen you are attempting to get rid of pests in your garden or field, remember that for every problem a pest brings, they also bring a solution to another pest or another issue. If you can leverage these pests in your own favor, then you do just about anything in the garden that you can possible dream of.

Eco friendly liquid products are similar to the above statement. If you can clean and degrease your worksites without causing heavy erosion and corrosive effects, then you can do just about any type of maintenance on the jobsite without any concern for what may happen. There are a lot of problems which just need simple maintenance to keep them up, but in the past, due to the corrosive effects of the substances, it is impractical to keep applying more chemicals to the problem.

Today, Envirosafe Solutions brings eco friendly industrial liquid into the picture, and we produce large quantities of high quality chemical solutions, which can be used for daily maintenance, if need be. Our products are high effective, so you will not need to use large quantities of them, but after every cleaning, you will not have high corrosive effects like you can have with other companies’ chemicals.

The same thing applies to pest control. If you get rid of the pest altogether, then you have rid yourself of the solution they brought to the scene, as well. When your plants can develop strong and healthy in spite of the pests, then you are looking at a crop which will be sown again bigger and better than ever each year. However, if you continue to use high amounts of pest control and simply buy new seed each year, then you are depriving yourself of natural antibodies which the plants will grow stronger and stronger every year.

Now that is something to consider, my friend.

We carry both toilet bowl cleaner and sanitiser, both rubber remover and solvent free degreaser. Our goals are to help you achieve the best of both world, chemical and organic. We would be honored to be your chemical solution distributor. For more information, call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Water Filters of Every Kind

Water Filters of Every KindWater filters are everywhere. They are in our homes, in our offices, attached to our water coolers, attached to our office water dispensers, attached to our kitchen faucets, free standing on every countertop, and distributed in one form or another to every third world country.

Of course, everyone wants to drink clean, unadulterated water, but this is not always possible. Tap water is often from lakes and rivers and contains things like fish urine and other natural pollutants which give it a distinct taste.

Water filters of every kind are distributed all over the world, but many people do not understand that they are not just a luxury or something fun to have sitting beside your office water supply. Many people in first world countries do not understand what a luxury fresh, clean water really is to the rest of the world. Men and women and children must all have access to clean drinking water, not to mention water that is suitable for baths and for washing their clothes. Many nations do not have such a luxury and, if they do, they do not have enough of it.

In our world, today, we live at the top of the food chain and at the top of the quality of lifestyles available to humans worldwide. Our lives are easier, simpler, and more efficient. We can accomplish six times more than the rest of the world, based purely upon our technological advances and innovative uses of our resources. Yes, we have earned the right to be where our society is today.

However, not everyone can do this. We maintain our responsible use of the world’s resources by continuing our lifestyles of chemical solutions, but by using eco friendly liquid products when the need arises. That way, we are not just making the world safe for us, but also for everyone else. It is part of social responsibility, another trait of a person who has character. When asked what your company does for the earth, you can honestly say, “We use eco friendly industrial liquid in our cleaning and maintenance.” And, it would be the truth. To order, call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Train Up A Child

Train Up A Child“Train up a child in the way that he should go, and he will not depart there from.” This is, of course, an old Biblical verse which many parents prescribe to. However, whether you are a Bible follower or not, there is a great deal of wisdom in this statement and you may find it to be valuable in things besides morality.

For instance, showing your children just how taking care of the earth should look like can be one of the foundational teachings you give them. There is nothing better than helping your offspring to understand just how much they can influence the world around them just by their presence and how much of their own behavior is reflected in the sustainability of the world. There is a lot to be desired in the way that many people take careless attention to their children and then complain that their offspring didn’t turn out right.

However, if your kid knows a lot about the way in which the earth can be made more sustainable, they are not only less likely to be neglected by you, because your whole family understands personal responsibility, but they are less likely to turn around and then neglect their own family and friends. This is one of the foundational principles in how the world is run and how everyone influences everyone else in the long run.

When you are purchasing chemicals from us, remember to take a few of them home from work with you and show them to your kids. Show them how using environmental cleaning products can get both cleaning done and can also slow down the leaking of harsh chemicals back into the environment. Show them how diesel bug killer, glue remover, and marine glass cleaner can all be used in regular daily maintenance, and how you can reduce the pollution that you leave behind when you are going about your daily activities. Bring them to work with you and show them how these same chemical solutions are used in bulk in the workplace environment. The use of eco friendly liquid products can absolutely be used in the training up of your children. And we are always here to help educate the next generation: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

The Truth about Watering Your Grass

The Truth about Watering Your GrassModern wisdom dictates that we water our grass at nighttime, so that there is a minimum of evaporation during the heat of the day. The truth about watering your grass is that you can do it even better, without needing to water it every day, by using basic principles of nature.

In order to retain soil, the earth on your land must be held down, both by soil covering (like grass) and ground covering (like bushes and trees). If you accomplish both of these principles, then whatever rain the land receives is soaked into the ground AND held there, rather than running off, evaporating, or quickly using up the resources of the grass roots.

The truth about watering your grass is that there needs to be more than grass there. You need to be able to accomplish a wide variety of water retention, and that means that wide open spaces need to be broken up with some sort of addition vegetation, on top of the grass. It is recommended to plant this additional vegetation with trees in between hills and valleys, shrubbery on top of hills, and long grasses and wild rice or something to soak up the water which inevitably collects in the valleys. This is not only functional, but it creates a more even top to the landscape in otherwise very rolling hills. Then, when people set out on food to explore the land, the ground level itself will dip and rise according to its nature, but this won’t be immediately apparent.

Watering your grass also means that you must take care of whatever soil is there, even if it is not covered by grass. For that reason, we recommend Soil Wetta, our dust suppressor, from Envirosafe Solutions, a company built upon the principles of eco friendly liquid products. In addition to basic chemical products which service agricultural needs, we provide a wide array of other environmentally friendly liquids, like our marine glass cleaner, antibacterial hand wash, and rubber remover. If your worksite demands a lot of friction, we recommend our multi-purpose lubricant for that. Really, there is very little that we can’t provide to your jobsite. Be sure and check out our website or call us here at Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

The Science of Pasturing

The Science of Pasturing

In one of the more famous TED Talks (speeches given on technology and innovation in the world), one of the speakers discussed the science of pasturing and how we can grow grass in the desert by proper pasturing of animals.

Cows and other edible creatures were originally wild in herds. They would eat the grass, but would not overgraze it, since that would use up their food supply. Also, when they defecated, this would fertilize the grass, but they obviously wouldn’t defecate on grass they were about to eat.

For this reason, it has been found that if animals can be pastured properly over a given expanse of land, rivers will flow and grass will grow back where before it had been dried up with exposed dirt.

Today, pasturing can really be well done as long as people have knowledge of it.

That’s the key, isn’t it?

When you have knowledge of something, you can make educated decisions about it. When you don’t, then you are looking at walking around in the dark, like you are blind or something. Who would choose that, when they can simply educate themselves about the different types of information and investments to be made out there?

Envirosafe Solutions encourages you to use your smart brain to understand why our eco friendly liquid products are the best around. From antibacterial hand wash to multi-purpose lubricant, and from fuel conditioner to rubber remover, Envirosafe Solutions provides businesses all over Australia with the means to keep their worksite clean and degreased and their offices sanitized…all while aiding mother earth in the quest to renew sustainability planet wide.

Well, you may not have herds of cattle or sheep to tend, but you can still become knowledgeable on the solutions around us which really do bring us hope and make a difference. For more information, visit our website to learn about each individual product and to assess which needs you have which you may desire to switch over to eco friendly solutions. Whatever you decide, we are always here to answer your questions and to help you determine the greatest needs you have for environmental cleaning products. Call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Sustainable Advertising

Sustainable AdvertisingWhen you hear the words “sustainable advertising,” you most likely think of things like email marketing or website optimization, but you are probably pretty sure that it cannot involve paper products or anything made from wood.

The truth is, however, being eco friendly does not mean that you have to give up paper products or even reduce them that much. You can achieve the same result with 100% recycled paper which, when used, can be re-recycled, thus avoiding any tree usage whatsoever.

In addition to that, forestry demands that trees only be chopped down only above a certain point, so that the tree can re-grow the part which is harvested for wood products, anyway. This means that, even if you use wood products, as long as the company is using safe and renewable forestry techniques, you are not killing any trees, either. You are merely using the harvested portion of the tree, while the remainder of it is allowed to re-grow and to be harvested.

In fact, during the hunter-gatherer periods of human history, many forestry techniques were done this way. Villages only used the parts of the tree that they absolutely needed and used the above mentioned forestry technique to retain the trees, while also being assured of wood products in the future for building, coopering, and a wide variety of other woodworking necessities, particularly when towns started being built and communities began to organize together.

Hunter gatherer societies did not necessarily move all the time. For meat, they could have raised herds of animals, and for gathering, they could have eaten meat from nut trees, many of which heavily sustained early man. That is why the oak tree symbol has had such significance over the age of mankind. Today, we see it as a symbol of tradition or unity, but in reality, early humans used it as a main source of food.

Envirosafe Solutions seeks to bring environmental cleaning products to the forefront of the eco friendly industries. Our eco friendly sanitiser, mould rid, and hard water laundry liquid are all a part of living a sustainable life, keeping your business eco friendly, and preserving the earth in the best possible way. To order our extreme green line of products, call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Solar Paneling and Design

Solar Paneling and DesignSolar panels are part of how companies and homes maintain their energy resources without taking it out of the environment. Solar energy allows homes and businesses to use light from the sun to create electricity. It is a powerful, yet simple, process and many people have a knack for creating and installing their own, homemade solar panels.

Of course, design wise, solar paneling can appear rather garish. There is something to be said for aesthetic appeal, and many people find it to be much easier to stick with the nicer roofs which they already have, and just pay extra for electricity.

Naturally, this is also a good way to bring eco friendly practices into your home, office, and worksite, but again, when people look at your buildings, you want them to see a strong, confident enterprise, not something which resembles a ship’s replicator from Star Trek.

Well, we have a partial solution for you. First of all, you can always pay more for solar paneling which is designed to be aesthetically pleasing. It will cost more in money, but you will still be doing the environment a favor. However, our main concentration is on how you can make a planetary difference through the use of eco friendly chemical products.

We all use the bathroom. Therefore, we need toilet bowl cleaner in our businesses. We all walk on floors. Therefore, we need solvent free degreaser and rubber remover on our jobsites. There are so many reasons to use our environmentally friendly liquids rather than the harsh, non-intelligent chemicals you have been using all this time. You will be able to maintain the design of your business, as it is, without having to install anything or move anything around. Our products are safer to store and safer for employees to handle. We provide a much wider variety of chemicals than most chemical companies, including dust suppressor, porta-loo treatment, and industrial hand cleaner. We take responsibility for the efficacy of our products by offering a money back guarantee.

These are just a few of the reasons why it is better to order from us than to go to cheaper (and cheaper quality) chemical companies. We can give you what you really need: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Ready to Quit

Ready to QuitOkay, you have started a business. You have your business plan thoroughly working, your workers are doing their jobs, and you are spending all of your waking hours on things which you used to not bother with, because your company is your new love child. It has all importance in your eyes, and you will do whatever it takes to keep it healthy and growing.

But, we know that all new businesses have several thresholds they must push through before they continue as companies for the long run. The money runs out, the management fails, someone is incompetent, and your carefully planned company comes crashing down.

You’re definitely ready to quit.

Don’t believe statistics at this point. Keep pushing, keep fighting, and understand that those who are willing to learn more, ask more questions, do more, and work harder are the ones who have companies which continue in the long run. That is especially true for eco friendly startups. You see, many entrepreneurs have high hopes of breaking through the fossil fuel barrier by bringing high quality eco sustainability to the marketplace. However, they don’t see the troubles ahead. First, they must make sure that their patents, government regulations, and all of their plans are not copied, already taken, and that they are legal. Then, they have to actually build a business, which is insanely hard for someone who doesn’t understand the logistics of their business skills and where they will need help.

The fact is that new businesses are very difficult to get going and keep going, but after a certain point, they just seem to take off. It requires time, focus, rampaging energy, and lots and lots of after-hours “corrections.” In the meantime, you can still make a difference, a few steps at a time, through the use of eco friendly liquid products by Envirosafe Solutions. We provide high quality rust converter, toilet bowl cleaner, and dishwasher powder, among other chemicals. We bring eco friendly industrial straight to your worksite, and help you to begin the process of making your new startup company completely and totally planet safe. And, we agree with you that there is no higher calling: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Productive Soil, Effective Plants

Productive Soil, Effective PlantsSoil is most productive when it encounters a wide variety of plant decomposition. This does not mean that your entire business landscape should be built upon compost. It does, however, mean that by allowing your plants to decompose and fertilize each other, you are creating a miniature eco system right there on your worksite.

When soil is over harvested, it ceases to be productive, because new dead material is not added to it on a regular basis. When you have productive soil, you have effective plants. But, when you have empty soil, your plants are small, barren, and scraggly, rather than big, thick, strong, and flexible.

The truth is that creating something similar to a forest environment is the best way to properly use your soil. If there is a great deal of plant decay which is aired out and protected from the sun by a canopy, and which is covered by a nice layer of soil covering, then you are looking at a situation where a soil is able to grow, further decompose, and turn into just regular dirt in order to accommodate the widest variety of plant life.

Contrary to popular opinion, while there are different soils which are ideal for different types of plants, the best soil for the widest variety of plants is your basic, plain, simple dirt. The “dirt” of the world has a great deal of value, for it neither has to be rich, nor a particularly extreme pH level in order to be effective for most plant life.

Therefore, if you are planning to set up a permaculture system, remember, use plain dirt as the main ingredient for all of your soil recipes.

In fact, using specialized soil in many ways is a lot like feeding ice cream to children for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The plants may really like it, but in the end, they will need a rest from all of the richness.

We provide eco friendly soil wetta, our specialized dust suppressor which enables soil to stay in one place and not erode with the weather before the seeds have taken root. We also provide a wide variety of other eco friendly liquid products. If you are in the market for environmentally friendly liquids, look us up: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Politics of Green

Politics of GreenPolitics gets heavily involved with two sides of human characteristics. The differences between conservative and liberal, right and left, and many other factors are all expressing different sides of the same exact coin. Unfortunately, many people choose one political leaning and then they tie themselves to whatever that leaning may actually be involved with. This means that right wing followers who support sustainability must, in their minds, take a stand against left wing eco friendly leanings. This is, of course, quite ridiculous, because we all have our own beliefs, preferences and view points, and our whole lives cannot be split into just two sections between which we must choose what we will follow.

How silly would it be if you had to choose between your children and then had to adopt support of whatever characteristics your favorite child without being allowed to see any benefit in the other children? How silly would it be for you to organize your life that way? Political leanings mean that people must make decisions like this and the result can be quite mixed up in meaning and original intention.

So, let’s look at things in a much simpler way. Do you think that making food a sustainable source would be a good idea? Do you believe in the idea that herding animals like cows and sheep so that they can breed and make more meat for us to eat is a positive idea? Do you think that, instead of only using the planet’s resources, we should also make sure that life cycles complete and become more resources for the future, for more people and on more land?

That is the question that we all must ask ourselves, rather than indulging in petty political debates about things about which we are only 80% in favor of in the first place! Sustainable gardening, crop planting, and forestry will matter to you, no matter which political candidate you support. Life is not played out in black and white, but rather in lots of brilliant and shaded color. If you care about animals but not plants, then find your renewable resources there and contribute to them. The chemical solutions which Envirosafe Solutions produces and distributes all over Australia, like our fuel conditioner or marine glass cleaner, are just another step in this process. We believe in the power of eco friendly radiator coolant, dishwasher powder, and green disinfectant. And everyone can use them, which is really important. To order products for your business, call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Perseverance and the Lone Mountain Climber

Perseverance and the Lone Mountain ClimberIf you are, in reality, a lone mountain climber, we strongly recommend that you tell the park rangers of your whereabouts so that your body can be recovered if you fall to your death. We’re just kidding, of course, but informing people of where you are going is still the smart thing to do if you are unwilling to bring a traveling companion along with you.

The purpose of a companion is distraction more than anything else. If they are keeping your mind from the climb, then you will reach the top much sooner than you anticipated and you will really enjoy the fellowship along the way. However, if you are looking for some solitude, climbing a mountain alone is extremely soul enriching.

Perseverance helps people to set goals and to achieve them, even though it may take a long time and they may encounter many obstacles along the way. Of course, perseverance doesn’t take the work out of work, but it does mean that the work involved doesn’t mean as much and is not as important as your end goal. In life, we all strive to gain perseverance so that our workload is lightened by our end goal, but not all of us are wise enough to form end goals.

Envirosafe Solutions has an end goal of making our eco friendly industrial liquid a replacement for all of the harsh, non-eco chemical products out there today. We want to show the people of Australia how much we mean business. We value our eco friendly products, from our multi-purpose lubricant to our fuel conditioner, and we respect businesses which use our products as part of their daily operations. You might be interested in our solvent free degreaser or our fabric conditioner, but whatever your reasons for ordering from us, you are supporting a decrease in water pollution and an increase in septic safety. All of these little actions and purchases add up in the end to a more wholesome world. We are persevering to the finish line and our end goal is worthy. If you use any comparable chemical products, considering switching them out with one of ours. Call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Making Your Campsite Biodegradable

Making Your Campsite BiodegradableLet’s say that you’re off on a nice, family holiday. Well, that’s kind of boring, so let’s change it to a romantic getaway into the wilds. Yes, that’s better. Now, let’s say that you and your frisky lover have set up camp in a nice, quiet, hidden area. It’s easy to see that the place is secluded and that animals are not very afraid of humans disturbing them, so a few furry creatures have cautiously crept forward to inspect the new visitors.

The grass is soft, the trees rustle in the wind, and your four-footed jungle companions are minding their own business now. It almost seems a shame to disturb the quiet and serene landscape with a camp fire and lots of camping equipment, complete with a tent. However, you and your sweetheart set up camp and soon have a nice, roaring fire crackling in the woods.

The truth is, it is easy to “camp out” It is far more difficult to remember to “uncamp” when you are done. Making your campsite biodegradable is easy, once you remember to do it. Pick up all of your non-biodegradable trash, allow organic vegetation to rot into the forest floor, relieve your bathroom needs in bushes at least fifty feet away from the campsite, and follow all park restrictions so that you don’t attract any unwanted animals.

When we here at Envirosafe Solutions were looking for eco friendly solutions to everyday tasks, we knew that it wouldn’t be easy to find real, active chemicals which were both safe for the planet and easily used as daily solutions in industrial worksites and home environments. We had our team of researchers work very hard to find a balance which satisfied both qualities and we succeeded. Our solvent free degreaser, our fuel conditioner, our rust converter and all of our other environmental cleaning products are at your disposal for when you decide to use them. Be sure and take advantage of our thirty day money back guarantee, too. Oh, and try our sanitiser! You’ll love what it does for your extremely dirty places. Call Envirosafe Solutions today to order from us: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.