Bleach freight spill highlights chemicals risk

Eco Friendly, Dishwashing Liquid, Anti-Bacterial Hand WashA recent spill from a 25,000 litre freight train containing the non-environmentally friendly liquid household bleach sodium hypochlorite forced the closure of a railway station north of Sydney. It highlighted the risk posed by the transportation of chemicals.

Emergency services were called to Morisset station north of Sydney after track workers noticed a liquid chemical leaking from a private freight train.

The spill from the tanker, carrying sodium hypochlorite, on November 19, 2011 caused delays for commuters and forced the station to shut down while emergency workers contained the leak.

Sodium hypochlorite is bleach found in common non-environmental cleaning products including laundry liquid and disinfectant. While considered safe to use in low concentrations, it is a strong oxidizer and can cause burns when in direct contact with skin or eyes.

When combined with organic chemicals including surfactants and fragrances found in non-eco-friendly liquid cleaning products it can react to produce chlorinated volatile organic compounds. If inhaled these vapours can be extremely toxic (which is why bleaching products should never be mixed with cleaning agents).

While the railway chemical spill was contained within hours, it raised concern about the safe transport and storage of chemical products, including eco-friendly industrial liquids.

Perth-based company Envirosafe Solutions has been an industry leader in developing clear hazard ratings designed to improve safe handling and transport of industrial liquids.

While its products are low-toxic and free of traditional harsh cleaning agents, director Murray Simon said it was important that hazard information was clearly displayed.

“We have had each of our products independently tested and labelled with health, environment, transportation and storage hazard ratings,” Mr Simon said.

“In addition we have recently taken the decision to include a Greywater and Septic Safe rating on our labels to make choosing the right product for your business even easier.

“It’s our belief that both traditional cleaning products and eco-friendly industrial liquids should carry clear, independent ratings so that operators know the risks involved in handling and storing these products.”

According to the Federal Government’s chemical accreditation guidelines released this year (RTC3705A) the risks posed by transport and storing chemicals include:

  • Potential risk to worker’s health during transport due to spillage, accident or poisoning;
  • Public health risk through possible cross-contamination of produce and damage to the environment through leakage and chemicals flowing into drains, water sources or horticultural land.

It is recommended workers handling chemical products familiarise themselves with Material Safety Data Sheets and take precautions against direct skin contact, inhalation of fumes and ingestion.

Chemical spills such as the freight train leak north of Sydney demonstrate the risks posed by the transportation of common products, including fertilisers, pesticides and other hazardous liquids. Contact Envirosafe Solutions for information on low-toxic cleaning products and industrial liquids by calling 1300 88 90 70 or email


Mining bosses admit carbon price is ‘necessary’

Disinfectant, Eco Friendly, Dishwashing Liquid, Anti-Bacterial Hand WashThe mining sector may have opposed the $23 per tonne carbon tax set for July next year but some of its key players have indicated in-principle support for carbon pricing. Adopting an environmentally friendly policy that’s liquid and open to reform is a positive sign from an industry historically driven by profits at all cost.

BHPBilliton’s chairman Jac Nasser has told shareholders that a carbon price was necessary.

His frank comments were made at the mining giant’s annual meeting in November, 2011.

While they are not an admission of support for the Federal Government’s carbon tax (a form of carbon pricing) his comments are a positive sign for the green revolution.

“We have held the view for some time that to effectively address climate change, some kind of carbon price is necessary,” Mr Nasser said.

“But we can’t talk about the future tax liabilities because we would have to consider 50 other things like commodity prices and exchange rates.”

The mining sector has taken steps to improve its extreme green credentials, adopting best practice standards including switching to environmental cleaning products to reduce soil and water contamination.

Rio Tinto

BHP has not been alone in its support of carbon pricing.

Fellow mining giant Rio Tinto has also expressed concern about climate change and indicated support for a price on carbon to encourage the development of low-emissions technology.

Rio Tinto’s energy chief Doug Ritchie has said climate change “represents uncertainty and potential volatility to the mining industry”.

Rio Tinto ranks alongside Xstrata and BHP Billiton as Australia’s largest coal producers.

Clear policy

Despite giving in-principle support for climate change action, Australia’s mining sector has largely opposed the carbon tax bill which was passed in September.

The Mineral Council of Australia has argued that a lack of clear policy was creating investment uncertainty.

“The lack of clarity on whether Australia will be taking on a five, 15 or even 25 per cent emissions reduction target by 2020 (against 2000 levels) will create significant uncertainty about the level of the carbon price once the ‘fixed’ price phase ends.”

Environmental concerns

The impact of mining on the environment continues to dominate headlines. Coal seam gas mining has become extremely contentious in NSW and Queensland. Critics claim the process of fracking (forcing air, sand and chemicals deep underground to release trapped gas) is far from eco-friendly. Industrial liquid waste is a key concern.

While mining techniques and environmental protection may be an uncomfortable mix, in-principle support for carbon pricing and recognition of climate change by global mining giants are encouraging signs.

Environmental cleaning products company Envirosafe Solutions is working with the mining sector to reduce the exposure of mining sites to toxic chemicals. By switching to eco-friendly liquid products remote sites can safeguard against soil and water contamination without compromising on results. For more information on Envirosafe Solutions’Extreme Green product range contact 1300 88 90 70 or email


Steps to Initiate Alternative Fuels for Our Clean Planet

Laundry Powder, Dishwasher Rinse Aid, Fabric Conditioner, Dishwasher PowderEnvironmentally speaking, alternative fuels would be part of a greater movement to use biodegradable and sustainable products all over our beautiful green earth. Experimenting with and developing alternative fuel prototypes is part of global effort and scientists are employed in just about every nation, working on making their countries more sustainable. Even so, their efforts are not always recognized until someone else, who has power, authority and a solid reputation, begins to use their alternative fuel prototypes in real engines under real life circumstances.

In America, the U.S. Navy is sailing a Spruance-class destroyer along the California coast, using a 50-50 blend of petroleum based fuel and alternative sustainable oil. This is a positive move in favor of environmental protection for several reasons.

First, military forces from developed nations worldwide already have access to technology which the civilian world catches up on in about five to eight years time. Military structures are designed to use the latest technology and they tend to lead the trend in any new effort to make our lives more enjoyable or easier. Implementing alternative fuel may be the beginning of widespread alternative fuel development and petrol prices which are unbelievably low and cost effective.

Second, militaries worldwide implement new systems and practices which are now in use today. For example, the idea of workplace drug testing would have been highly controversial in private market thirty years, when military forces began using them, but are available today in many forms and to all types of businesses. Clearly, our efforts to keep our earth healthy and safe are bettered by the example set by any military force which uses alternative fuel. The American Navy has set a goal of using completely “green” alternative fuel in all of their sailing vessels by 2016. Envirosafe Solutions applauds all use of alternative fuel in our support of a better planet.

Alternative fuels are just one part of keeping our planet sustainable. Envirosafe Solutions offers fuel treatments, corrosion treatments, radiator liquids, and heavy duty solvents, all of which are environmentally safe and biodegradable. Our business is to keep our planet clean and your business clean: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Carpenter, Margrette. “Alternative Fuel To Be Tested With Navy Equipment And Vehicles – Demo Part Of The Great Green Fleet | Soldier Finance.” Soldier Finance | American Military News And Financial Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2011.

Is Unemployment Affecting the Transportation Industry?

Dishwashing Liquid, Eco Friendly, Environmental Cleaning ProductsThe transportation industry, both trucking and railroads, is changing with the economy and with shipping needs. In America, managing director of Nicolaus & Co. John G. Larkin, who has more than twenty years of experience in the transportation and civil engineering industries, was interviewed by the senior editor of DC Velocity, Mark B. Solomon. Larkin was asked about changes in shipping volumes, how carriers can make their changing needs more known to shippers and receivers, and what changes he has seen in the transportation industry, due to the economy as well as simply watching it for nearly three decades.

Because of the downturn in the U.S. economy during recent years, shipping volumes have fluctuated, but have remained relatively steady even during the past four years. Solomon cited one of the large problems not being driver recruitment, but driver retention, the most recent data showing turnover rates as high as 90 percent. Larkin responded that drivers need to be paid more, carriers need to keep trucks on the road more consistently, and that drivers need to get home more frequently. The need of companies to remain under the hours-of-service regulations means that some drivers are being pushed too hard while others are not being put on the road. Consistency is key in this situation and the carriers need to keep trucks rolling on a regular basis, so that both hours-of-service regulations and carrier goals are being fulfilled.

The transportation industry deals with many different specialized teams and operations working together, and it is important to have and maintain a cohesive plan in order to stay inside the law while also getting the maximum productivity out of trucking and railroad commissions. One of the things that the transportation industry must consider is keeping its carbon footprint as small as possible, and that requires some innovative thinking. Eco friendly fuels, fuel treatments, and degreasers are all examples of how this industry can improve its environmental support, as well as its customer base.

Envirosafe Solutions offers high quality, money back guaranteed degreasers, fuel treatments, sanitizers, lubricants and radiator liquids. Call us today to find out more: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Flooding Affects Bangkok Airport

Fuel Conditioner, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Dishwashing LiquidRecently, flooding shut down the Don Muang airport in Bangkok, Thailand, backing up confused waiting flight passengers who did not know that the airport had been shut down, and continuing a threat which has covered approximately one third of Thailand’s land area. Bangkok holds over nine million people residential neighborhoods bordering the north side of Bangkok are already under water. The panic and distrust in the government’s efforts to keep everyone safe is mounting. This will be a hard blow for both government responsibilities and commercial aviation trading with the Don Muang airport in Thailand.

When flooding continually increases over time, the borders of the floods coming further in each year and lasting longer, then it is the result of two possible causes: the land is becoming fully submerged on a permanent basis, or the land is shifting and achieving buoyancy over a period of twenty or thirty years. The latter is especially probable when large portions of the population and imported weight shift over time on a small island or lightly connected land base. Imported weight is added industrial size materials (and of course, added population) brought into the country.

Another theory ventured by a few forward thinking environmentalists is that flooding and desert conditions exist as part of a stabilizing mechanism performed by nature itself in the global macro eco system. In either scenario, it is necessary to use man’s superior research skills to find ways to have the lifestyles we wish to have and also maintain a balance of our precious eco systems.

It is necessary to be environmentally friendly in every part of our lives, not just normally measured areas. This includes lifestyle choices, such as eco friendly bio fuels, 100% recyclable material, reused wood for construction and design, environmentally friendly cleaning products, and sustainable resources. These lifestyle choices affect both macro eco systems and mass weight redistribution on land.

We do not always believe that we have a measurable effect on the weather or storm conditions or self sufficient shifting in nature. Theories have been posed by research scientists that we may have an impact on nature, and therefore can in some ways control it. Perhaps this is not true. Perhaps we should control what we know we can, and leave nature to fend for herself.

In either circumstance, we know for a fact that we have control over environmentally friendly cleaning products and methods in our homes and businesses. To find out more about how we’re able to help, call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

“Thai floods shut down Bangkok’s 2nd airport – CBS News.” Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News – CBS News. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2011.

Eliminate Battery Waste

Eco Friendly, Environmental Cleaning ProductsEvery day, thousands upon thousands of batteries are thrown away because they do not have any other use once they are used up. This may seem like a small number to you, since you probably only throw away batteries only once or twice a month. However, since each person, no matter what their age or social position, tends to go through batteries on a regular basis, it is important to understand the possible repercussions of not recycling them or not having a “next life” for them after they are used up. The company Earth Cell is trying to put an end to this environmental waste and sells their batteries with a prepaid “mailer” in which you can put used batteries until it is all filled up and then mail it back to their company. If the batteries can be recharged, they are and then resold. If not, they are systematically dismantled and recycled to make new batteries from the same company, Earth Cell.

This project is reminiscent of many economical and environmentally friendly ideas which have been tested and used only a slight amount in previous years, and that includes basic recycling practices, which not everyone cares enough about to continue and promote. Granted, our earth is becoming more environmentally aware, but we need to remember that even simple steps such as basic recycling is not that important to some people and that making it easier to sort, practice and use recycling or “upcycling” (where products are refurbished and made into other products, such as turning an old, unusable quilt into pot holders and perhaps even placemats at the dinner table, depending upon the size of the usable material). Let’s face it: we live in a society of immediacy and we are used to getting what we want, when we want it, how we want it. These are reasonable expectations to have during times of high technological innovation, but recycling should take on the Zeitgeist (the spirit of the times) and should be made more readily available for those who wish to employ it. This is why Earth Cell’s prepaid mailer is excellent for eco friendly individuals who would like to give back to the planet.

Envirosafe Solutions also gives back to the planet by offering cleaning liquids, disinfectants, kitchen products and laundry products, all of which are highly effective and completely biodegradable, easy to use and environmentally safe. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Canadian Mining Encounters Mexican Protest

Laundry Powder, Dust Suppressor, Fuel ConditionerWhat do you do when a site rich for mining is in the same location as endangered and religious-based eco systems for local wildlife and indigenous tribes? That’s a tough question, one which is faced by First Majestic Silver Corp., a Canadian mining company looking to mine the area of Wixariko, Mexico for rich quantities of silver and gold. This question is neatly balanced between Canadian interests in the mining potential of the lustrous area and the religious, cultural, and monetary interests of the local populace of Wixarika, or the Huicholes as they are best known. Both sides of the issue are complex and in need of further investigation. Sustainable and eco friendly facets are also a consideration, since this area is an endangered ecological system.

First Majestic Silver Corp. has already been granted six thousand hectares, most of which lies within this reserve, for twenty-two mining concession give to them. The mining company would provide jobs for local residents, something which is sorely needed since only a few sources of income are available in the area, including tourism, which would be negatively affected by the mining operations. First Majestic Silver Corp. is offering large concessions to the Wixarika, including seven hundred and sixty one hectares of land set aside for their sacred springs and willingness to completely give up access to Cerro Quemado mountain. An old former mine which was in operation several decades in the past will be reactivated, and as much of the old traditions observed, as possible. Juan Carlos Gonzalez is manager of the Minera Real Bonanza, which is a subsidiary of First Majestic, handling operation on the Real de Catorce project. He emphasizes that he wishes to run a sustainable, eco friendly management of the mining in that area with as little impact to the local people as possible.

The Huicholes have put their foot down, saying that this is non-negotiable. They cite the Mexican President’s promise to protect their cultural and religious areas. Their sacred sites include Wirikuta, a place of regular pilgrimage for the Wixarika, which they believe to be the birthplace of the sun. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) declared in 1998 that Wirikuta is one of the world’s fourteen natural sacred sites which needed to be protected. The matter is being investigated by James Anaya, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Issues.

For more information on environmentally friendly mining practices, including industrial cleaning products, contact Envirosafe Solutions at: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

“Battle for ‘birthplace of the sun’ in Mexico – Features – Al Jazeera English.” AJE – Al Jazeera English. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2011.

Can A Company Be ‘Guaranteed Green’?

Dishwasher Rinse Aid, Fabric Conditioner, Laundry Powder“There’s no such thing as a sure thing.” This is often quoted by the cynical and the skeptical, and most people do not go so far as to believe in absolutes, like a guarantee. We are all aware of human nature and the potential for messing up the best laid plans. Some of us are naturally hopeful and some of us are naturally doubtful, but none of us ever really believe in human perfection…at least, not in this life. So can a company be completely environmentally friendly? Can an eco friendly business actually guarantee the economics of their product or service?

The answer is: No. Due to our all-too-apparent human fallibility, no company can make such a guarantee and follow through with perfect exactitude. At Envirosafe Solutions, we offer environmentally safe cleaning solvents and products for your corporate and industrial needs. We have a solid reputation and a long line of satisfied customers. However, we do not claim to be infallible. We do offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee, though. You must have used less than 1/10th of the total product and you must write to us with a reason for return within 30 days of the date of sale. We will pay the shipping to send you replacement products, but you must pay the return shipping for unused product, unless it is actually defective.

How is Envirosafe Solutions able to make such a guarantee, when anyone could return our products after using a small portion of them? We are so confident in the effectiveness of our eco friendly Extreme Green cleaning solutions, that we know that you will be a lifelong customer of ours. Alright, alright, we have given you a Money Back Guarantee, but what about our example? Do we actually use our own products in our own business?

You bet. We only use our eco friendly liquid products in our company. You can come by our offices and see for yourself. We are Unit 12 of 3 King Edward Road in Osborne Park, Western Australia. We would love to see you! If you do not fancy a drive to our physical location, give us a call at: (+61) 1300 88 90 70. If you are trying to make your company more eco friendly, the easiest way is to begin using our Extreme Green cleaning products in the care and maintenance of your worksite.

Biodegradable Solvents Are Safe to Store

Rust Remover, Radiator Coolant,Dishwasher Rinse AidWhether you own a large manufacturing plant or are looking to degrease your home garage, you will need a heavy duty solvent which can clean up petroleum based products, such as diesel, petrol and kerosene, and any type of engine oil, such as transmission oil, hydraulic oil, antifreeze and motor oil. Unfortunately, in the case of large chemical storage, petro solvents can be highly dangerous and corrosive. Transportation could fix this problem by only delivering the solvent when necessary, but this can become expensive and you may need to clean up toxic spills right away. Storage of petro solvents can be both expensive and hazardous, since the caustic chemicals will cause damage to health if spilled. It is recommended to use our eco-friendly Extreme Green Heavy Duty Alkaline Cleaner and Degreaser to solve this problem.

Our heavy duty degreaser is designed to be non-toxic and safe because it lacks dangerous petro solvents or corrosive acids. This makes our products safe to use, easy to store for long periods of time, and if an accident occurs, our cleaner/degreaser will not be hazardous to your employees’ health. On-the-job accidents and chemical spills can cost your company a great deal in liability, but this cleaner willreduce injuries and legal repercussions because it is safe both for the environment and for humans.

Because our Heavy Duty Alkaline Cleaner and Degreaser is water based, it will not leave a film on applied surfaces and will quickly and completely wash off by spraying your floors, walls or equipment down. This makes our degreaser great for oil and petrol workshops, auto repair shops, decorative brick paving, concrete sidewalks and even bathroom areas. Heavy duty machinery will require daily or weekly maintenance, especially in the mining industry, and our eco-friendly solvent will remain safe in closed spaces where clean breathing is vital. You can buy it in a variety of amounts, from single use or test run sizes to bulk liquid amounts. Click here for direct ordering information.

In large manufacturing and distributing companies, it is necessary to store many chemicals for operation onsite and in bulk amount due to daily consumption. Cleaning is necessary to keep expensive equipment and work spaces in good order. Envirosafe Solutions offers a wide variety of cleaning products which are environmentally safe, highly effective and which cut down on the waste produced by your individual organization. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70

Are ‘Green’ Products Just As Effective As More Hazardous Materials?

Rust Converter, Dishwasher Powder, DisinfectantWe live in a world in which we are able to get the job done right the first time and there are few exceptions which will justify not doing so. Our chemical products, whether they are toothpaste, dishwashing liquid or drain cleaner, must be up to the task, or the brand itself can lose all credibility overnight. At Envirosafe Solutions, we absolutely must guarantee that our eco friendly products are as effective, if not more so, as petro solvent and dangerously acidic chemicals. Our brand must support this goal or we would go out of business.

At Envirosafe Solutions, our Extreme Green products are designed by specialized scientists who seek to make biodegradable solvents and cleaners which are just as reliable as their toxic alternatives. We offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee on all of our products if for any reason a product delivered to you is in any way defective. Our heavy duty glass cleaners are great for the hospitality industry, whereas our Graffiti Remover is perfect for cleaning up leftover paint from finished construction sites. Industrial solutions in bulk amounts are ideal for factory maintenance, and our Dust Suppressant is perfect for the agricultural industry.

Whether you use our environmentally safe products in your own household or for daily heavy machinerymaintenance, our cleaning solutions are here to reduce hazardous waste, control bio waste spills, and to continue to help your company be as ‘green’ as possible. Cleaning staff do not have to hold their breath or wear masks while using most of our products and accidental product spillage is not cause for concern. You see, our reputation is at stake, and in business, perception equals reality. If our customers were not happy with our products, then we would not be able to remain in business. Fortunately, our eco friendly solvents, degreasers, glass cleaners and rust removers are just as effective as their non-green counterparts. In this way, you can achieve results, reduce human health hazards, reduce company liability, and safely store our products for long periods of time without worrying about corrosion or dangerous caustics. This is especially helpful in closed spaces where your cleaning staff would otherwise be breathing in toxic fumes.

At Envirosafe Solutions, our testimonials speak for themselves. Large industrial organizations and small private businesses alike recommend our products and feel better handling a safer, biodegradable material. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Tuna brand dumps harmful fishing techniques

Eco Friendly, Environmental Cleaning Products, Marine Glass CleanerA major Australian tuna brand has pledged to discontinue fishing methods that threaten species including dolphins, sharks, rays and turtles. The use of Fish Aggregation Devices will be dropped by 2015 in a move that has been applauded as environmentally-friendly. Liquid waste, pollution and fishing have threatened many marine stocks.

Canned tuna brand Greenseashas announced it will stop using Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs) with its purse seine net fishing operations by 2015.

The company has urged its competitors to follow suit in this eco-friendly industrial move.

The use of FADs and seine net fishing has caused widespread death of endangered marine species and has been condemned by green revolution proponents Greenpeace.

The extreme green move by Greenseas is an important step forward for the industry. Eight out of 10 Australian canned tuna brands, including John West, Woolworths and Coles, use the controversial techniques.

“It’s a big decision, it’s a bold one for us and it’s an important one for the business, but we feel’ it’s the most important thing we can do to ensure sustainable canned tune in Australia in years to come,” Heinz Australia corporate affairs manager Jessica Ramsden has said.

“There are very few canned tuna brands in the world that have made this commitment.”

Tuna brand Safcol has been an industry leader in the green revolution under way in the fishing industry. It has taken the eco-friendly decision to improve its products’ environmental rating by dropping seine net fishing and the use of FADs and relying solely on pole and lien caught tuna.

Seine net fishing

Seine net fishing involves setting a large circular ‘wall’ of net around fish then pursing the bottom together to capture them.

Environmental activities Greenpeace says the technique is suitable for large single-species school of fish including herring or mackerel.

It has been critical of this technique for catching tuna as it involves a large bycatch of threatened species as well as putting increased pressure on already depleted tuna stocks.

“Australian brands can make these changes (in fishing techniques) and Greenseas is demonstrating that. We would like the rest of the industry in Australia to follow suit as the whole UK market has done,” Greenpeace oceans campaigner Nathaniel Pelle said.

Marine pollution

Fish stocks including tuna are being threatened by overfishing and increased marine pollution. Chemicals from non-eco-friendly industrial liquids and waste debris from construction, boating, mining and other activities have created a toxic environment for much marine life.

Making the switch from traditional office and workshop cleaners to environmental cleaning products can significantly reduce the impact of your business on the marine environment.

Leading suppliers of eco-friendly liquid products, Envirosafe Solutions, has an extensive range of non-toxic, biodegradable and high-performing products suited to a wide variety of businesses.

To join the green revolution and support a healthier future for our oceans and marine life, contact Envirosafe Solutions’ on 1300 88 90 70 or email


Swan River under pressure from stormwater pollution

Dishwasher Powder, Disinfectant, Rust RemoverDishwasher Rinse Aid, Fabric Conditioner, Laundry Powder, Dust SuppressorAustralia’s iconic river systems, including Perth’s Swan River, are not only a popular tourism drawcard but provide a haven for wildlife and a precious source of drinking water.Pollution remains a major threat to keeping our waterways eco-friendly. Industrial liquid waste swept into rivers from stormwater catchments pose one of the greatest threats.

Harmful bacteria contaminating Perth’s Swan River in August this year forced prompted a public warning to avoid popular water sports.

The West Australian Department of health issued the warning to river users after discovering high levels of a bacterium called enterococcus.

The antibiotic-resistant strain posed significant health risks to recreational users, ranging from meningitis, to gastrointestinal, respiratory and skin infections.

The bacterial outbreak also threatened the Swan River’s image as environmentally-friendly. Liquids from wastewater run-off and faecal matter from warm-blooded animals were considered to be the most likely causes of the contamination.

Popular water sport areas including Garvey Park, Cracknell Park and Belmont Park were contaminated. Officials warned against swimming near any stormwater drains, particularly after heavy rainfalls as non-eco-friendly liquid products would be most concentrated in these areas.

River history

Despite historical and ongoing threats to their ecology, Australia’s river systems have proven remarkably resilient. The construction of dams has allowed river communities to benefit from a reliable water source but has been met with concern by green revolution proponents by limiting natural flooding and drought periods.

As recently as the 1970s the mud flats along the Swan River were used as rubbish tips by local councils and non-eco-friendly liquid waste from industrial and agricultural sources leached toxins into the river.

Nutrients from farming activities and improper disposal of non-environmental cleaning products high in phosphates contribute to algal blooms in warmer months.

Protecting the Swan River

The Swan River Trust has designed a Healthy Rivers program to improve water quality within the Swan and Canning rivers by:

  • Reducing nutrients and other contaminants;
  • Minimising sediment loads entering the rivers;
  • Increasing oxygen levels in the rivers; and
  • Protecting and rehabilitating foreshores.

These goals were identified as part of the Swan Canning Clean-up Program, which found chemicals from non-eco-friendly industrial liquids were a major concern.

“Chemicals have the potential to harm people and the environment if not managed correctly. Chemical blending can pose a threat to the quality of water resources through inappropriate storage, handling and disposal of the chemicals.”

Leading Perth-based environmental cleaning products company Envirosafe Solutions has worked with the industrial sector to encourage the correct use, handling and transportation of chemicals.

As part of its commitment to the best-practice handling of workplace chemicals, its Extreme Green range is clearly marked with an independent hazard rating on product labels.

This industry-leading measure has been designed to support businesses in adopting safe-handling practices.

The proper use, storage, transportation and disposal of chemicals help safeguard vulnerable river systems including Perth’s Swan River. Switching from toxic chemicals to environmental cleaning products is a simple step toward better water quality – for more information contact Envirosafe Solutions’ on 1300 88 90 70 or email


Renewable energy agency to promote sustainable future

Fuel Conditioner, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Rust ConverterA new funding body will be established to support renewable energy technology in Australia. The initiative is another step away from fossil-fuel dependence but the challenge of keeping sustainable energy production competitive is extreme. Green solutions – including an unusual eco-friendly liquid air product – offer exciting new possibilities.

The production of renewable energy in Australia will be streamlined by the creation of a new government body.

Legislation to create the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has been passed through parliament with the support of the Opposition and the Greens.

The agency will be charged with the responsibility of supporting and funding solar, wind, biomass, ocean and geothermal projects to make Australia’s future energy production more environmentally-friendly. (Liquid fuels made from biomass are seen as a key to the green revolution transforming the nation’s transport sector).

ARENA will begin its role from July 1, 2012, and will be responsible for more than $3 billion in Federal Government funding. Of this $1.5 has been committed to existing projects.

Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Minister Greg Combet has said ARENA would be instrumental in driving down the cost of renewable energy.

“ARENA will consolidate and build on the good work undertaken to date by the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET), the Australian Solar Institute (ASI) and the Australian Centre for Renewable Energy (ACRE),” MrCombet said.

ARENA will oversee:

  • Financial assistance for research, development, demonstration, deployment and commercialisation of renewable energy and related technologies;
  • Skills development across the renewable energy industry;
  • Information sharing and collaboration.

New technologies

The cost of renewable energy generation has historically been prohibitive but new technologies and increased production is expected to support this extreme green sector.

A recent example of the ingenuity within the renewable resource comes from Britain – the creation of environmentally friendly liquid air! Britain’s Highview Power Storage has developed a unique way to store the energy created by wind and sunlight: Liquid air.

The CryoEnergy System uses excess air to run refrigeration units that cool air to a point where it liquefies. During high-demand periods on the grid the air can be warmed to become gas, which is used to spin a turbine to create electricity.

Similar storage principals are seen in pumped hydro-electric systems (where excess power is used to pump water to a higher point. When released water spins turbines to create energy).

Renewable future

Streamlining funding and development of the renewable energy sector is another step toward a future no longer dependent on fossil fuels.

Environmental cleaning products company Envirosafe Solutions has been working with Australia’s industrial sectors to reduce environmental impacts through the use of eco-friendly liquid products. Its Extreme Green range includes fuel treatments (such as its top performing Diesel Bug Killer), workshop cleaning products and laundry and kitchen alternatives.

For more information contact Envirosafe Solutions’ on 1300 88 90 70 or email


$500 million rights issue to help uranium miner safeguard Kakadu

Dishwashing Liquid, Glass cleaner, Fuel Conditioner, Toilet Bowl CleanerSince the discovery of uranium at Kakadu in the early 1950s, mining nearthe World Heritage-listed site has been controversial. The Ranger uranium mine has been under pressure to make its operations more environmentally-friendly. Liquid wastewater contamination fears from its pits this month prompted Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) to unveil a $500 million rights issue.

Major uranium minor ERA hopes a $500 million rights issue this month will help solve wastewater issues that have hampered its operations.

Heavy rains which deluged north Australia early this year flooded the pits at ERA’s Ranger mine, prompting fears contaminated wastewater could spill into the surrounding World Heritage-listed national park, which includes tropical wetlands.

ERA announced that about $270 million of the rights issue would fund an expansion of wastewater treatment at Ranger, including a brine concentrator to convert wastewater into an environmentally-friendly liquid. The remaining funds would be used for further exploration around the mine, which is surrounded by the Kakadu National Park.

“ERA takes water management very seriously,” ERA chief executive Rob Atkinson has said.

“This capital allows ERA to progress the implementation of our water management strategy, which includes construction of a brine concentrator and other initiatives, in as timely a manner as possible.”

On average the Ranger mine supplies about 10 per cent of the world’s uranium, but has been plagued by more than 150 leaks, spills and licence breaches since opening in 1981.

Proponents of the green revolution have argued that mining was not compatible with the national park. Mining companies have been compelled to develop extreme green guidelines for mining and exploration, including minimising water and soil contamination, dust suppression and chemical reduction through the use of eco-friendly industrial liquids.

Kakadu mining history

The first uranium was discovered in Kakadu at Coronation Hill in 1944 and small-scale mining commenced in the mid-1950s.

During the 1970s new deposits were discovered but it was not until 1980 that the Ranger Uranium Mine was completed. The mine site and nearby Jabiluka township were excluded from the Kakadu National Park when it was established in 1981.

Cultural and environmental concerns

UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee announced in 1998 that it proposed to list Kakadu National Park as ‘in danger’ due to uranium mining. Lobbying by the Federal Government – which claimed other listed areas were also adjacent to mining – meant this tag was not adopted.

Mining benefits

Australia possesses 24 per cent of the world’s uranium deposits and uranium sales between 2000 and 2005 alone generated $2.1 billion for the economy.

Energy Resources of Australia – which is partly owned by Rio Tinto – pays 4.25 per cent of its gross sales revenue plus an annual land rent to the Federal Government, which is distributed to Aboriginal groups in the Top End. Since 1980 more than $200 million in royalties have been paid.

The proposed expansion of wastewater treatment capabilities at Ranger highlights efforts by the mining industry to minimisethe environmental cost of tapping into Australia’s underground resources. Environmental cleaning products company Envirosafe Solutions has been proud to support best environmental practice at mine sites by supplying low-toxic, eco-friendly industrial products. For more information about Envirosafe Solutions and its range of eco-friendly liquid products contact 1300 88 90 70 or email


Farmers want chemicals used in coal seam gas mining made public

Rust Converter, Dishwasher Powder, DisinfectantFears over groundwater contamination have prompted a peak NSW farming body to call for a public register of chemicals used during coal seam gas mining. Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, forces a chemical cocktail deep underground to release methane gas. Critics of this newer resource claim it is far from eco-friendly. Industrial liquid waste is a key concern.

The coal seam gas industry has been called on to disclose on a public register the chemicals used in fracking.

The NSW Farmers’ Association has made a submission to a State parliamentary inquiry challenging the industry to provide proof that any non-eco-friendly liquid products used during fracking will not damage agricultural water supplies.

It has also called for improved rights for landholders over coal seam gas drilling, including the right to stop mining companies from entering private land.

The agricultural lobby group’s concerns have drawn attention to the chemicals used during coal seam gas mining and whether the process is environmentally friendly. Liquid pumped from gas seams after fracking is (known as ‘produced’ or ‘associated’ water) is generally saline and must be correctly disposed of.

According to national lobby group Lock the Gate Alliance this ‘produced’ water is not an environmentally-friendly liquid. Products found include carcinogens, heavy metals, radionuclides and chemicals used in drilling and fracking.

The Lock the Gate Alliance has published a list of chemicals it claims are used during fracking, including:

  • Propanol, a solvent used in the pharmaceutical industry;
  • Butoxyethanol, a surfactant used to reduce surface tension;
  • Acetic Acid, used as a pH buffer;
  • Acrylic copolymer, a lubricant used by the building industry;
  • Ammonium persulfate, used as an oxidizer;
  • Boric Acid;
  • Hydrochloric Acid;
  • Methanol, used to aid gas flow.

The NSW Farmers’ Association has said its submission, which was made public in September, represents the concerns of the majority of the State’s food producers.

“In NSW at the moment fracking can actually be approved as part of a general work program at the beginning of a project and with some projects (in Queensland) you have thousands and thousands of wells,” association president Fiona Simson has said.

“We think there should be separate information for each well head, with a date that fracking happens and the exact chemicals they use each time. Why not have it all on the public record so people can see what activities are going on? Then, if something happens to the water in a particular space, it will be easier to show the cause.”

The body representing the coal seam gas industry is the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association. It said the creation of a register of non-environmentally friendly liquids used during fracking would have to be a government responsibility but that the sector would comply with any reporting requirements.

It has argued that changes to the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 would set a “difficult precedent for the whole resource sector” and that to date agreements with landholders had been successfully reached.

The threat of groundwater contamination as a result of fracking is a concern for food production in Australia. Leading environmental cleaning products company Envirosafe Solutions supports increased transparency and accountability regarding the use of non-environmentally friendly liquid chemicals. For more information on eco-friendly liquid products suitable for the mining and agricultural sectors contact Envirosafe Solutions on 1300 88 90 70 or email

