Sustainable Travel – Using Green Products to Attract the Eco-Tourist

Sustainable travel using green products to attract the Eco-tourist is big news in the travel industry. Recent studies show that more and more tourists Sustainable Travel – Using Green Products to Attract the Eco-Touristare drawn to tourism destinations– including hotels, conference centers, and more – that use green products and promote the environment.

The Green Consumer

Consumers are going green in their homes and their offices. They purchase green cleaning products to protect their health and to aid the environment. Naturally, these same consumers will look to sustainable travel when leaving home for business and pleasure.

Reports show that travelers who are environmentally aware actively take the environment into consideration when they travel. These same consumers are more likely to pay higher prices for green products and accommodations that are green.

Sustainable Travel

What is sustainable travel? This form of Eco-tourism is designed to make a positive impact on the environment.

Australia is one of the world’s leading destinations for green consumers. In fact, the travel industry is one of the largest in the country. As the tourism industry in Australia continues to grow it has become of primary importance to stress the use of green products.

According to Craig Brock, a consumer advocate, consumers are increasingly demanding products that are green. This carries over to the travel industry which includes travelers and the businesses accommodating the travelers. As the number of travelers who use green cleaning products in the home increases, the need for green cleaning in hotels and other travel related industries will need to increase also. Travelers will look for accommodations that support their beliefs and practice the same methods they use at home. The Eco-tourist does not want to enjoy the benefits of green living at home only to forfeit them when they travel.


Green cleaning and environmental understanding is extremely important when tourists choose their accommodations. Hotels can benefit from this mindset by implementing green cleaning and other Eco-friendly measures to attract tourists.

To attract Eco-tourism hotels can:

• Use green cleaning products throughout the hotel. Harsh chemicals containing toxins such as chlorine bleach and ammonia should be avoided. During a study there was one particularly dangerous toxin, 2-butoxyethanol, found in over 140 cleaning products that are commonly used in homes and hotels. Other chemicals and compounds to stay away from include petroleum based cleaners and cleaners containing fragrances.

Pesticides, paint, and other cleaning agents all come in environmentally friendly forms.

• Conserve water by using low flow shower heads in guest rooms. Install low flow toilets throughout the property. Sink aerators will also reduce water waste.

• Use energy efficient light bulbs, such as LED lighting, in halls, the lobby, and guest rooms. Timers can be placed on lights to further conserve energy.

• Instruct housekeeping that when a guest room is empty, the service workers should adjust the air and heat, in addition to the lights, accordingly.

• Implement a site-wide recycling program.

• Use green products throughout the hotel. This can include guest soaps and shampoos.

• Install energy efficient appliances.

With the implementation of green cleaning and other Eco-friendly measures the tourism industry will continue to prosper. Sustainable travel and Eco-tourism are on the rise and you can be prepared by implementing green products in your establishment.

Eco-tourists set high standards for cleaning in their dedication to environmental sustainability and green living. Envirosafe Solutions ( offers a full range of commercial cleaning products that are safe and able to meet the most discriminating Eco-traveler requirements.


[1] Cleaning with Toxins Isn’t Really Cleaning. (n.d.). Retrieved from Sydney Morning Herald:

[1] 2-Butoxyethanol. (n.d.). Retrieved from National Industrial Chemicals Notifications and Assessment Scheme:

Earthwell Festival

Earthwell FestivalThis year, the third annual Earth well Festival will occur in Heber, UT, and this is certainly an exciting event. Over three thousand artists and entrepreneurs and creative geniuses will get together, along with live music and plenty of food, to engage in an event which is both culturally diverse and ecologically sound. The event is designed to educate the public on Eco friendly ways of living, changing their lives, and using creative solutions. From composting to wind energy, and from bio fuels to reclaimed materials, Earth well Festival is intended to serve sort of as a public free for all, where individuals can pick up information for their daily lives, and companies can both advertise Eco solutions which they offer and find out ways to make their businesses run a little greener in the future. While people are making a difference to their local environment, they are building a bigger and better future.

Earth well Festival is designed to offer a new experience for those who do not know enough about Eco friendly solutions and new ways of getting old practices done. It is not meant to support “greenwashing” or anything like that, as booths which are low quality will simply not be visited as much by the public. This is also a good way to include demonstrations, so that others can see real life solutions being put into practice, without having to buy products in packaging, without knowing or seeing how effective it can be. Now, the only problem with attending or having a booth at the site might include expensive fuel to arrive there, but there are likely to be bio fuel alternatives and perhaps some additive demonstrations while you are there, so there is no need to lose heart. The experience will still give you more solutions and information than it can possibly take away from you.

In the meantime, Envirosafe Solutions offers year round chemical solutions, like disinfectants and lubricants, that are also Eco friendly and effective. For more information about our shipment of products to your area, call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Do You Have to be Left to be Eco Friendly?

These days, it is difficult to show any sort of interest in the environment without being labeled as “left” or “liberal” or some other terminology which isDo You Have to be Left to be Eco Friendly? clearly based in politics. Politically, environmentalists push to help with Eco friendly efforts worldwide, but this does not have to be a political subject, and in many cases it is simply about conservation, self sufficiency, and renewability. If these factors are not in some way a part of your Eco friendly efforts, then perhaps it is political for you. However, if they are, then your interest in preserving our beautiful earth is a personal one. It does not matter which road you take, politically or otherwise, as long as the end goal is the same: conservation and sustainability of our earth and her resources.

Envirosafe Solutions has combined Eco friendly goals with daily industrial chemical needs, producing some of the finest quality of chemical solutions available on the market today. From our waste odour removal kits to our heavy duty solvents, our chemical solutions cover a wide variety of problems on the jobsite, in the office, as well as in your home. Our goal is to continue providing daily convenience to manufacturing and other types of businesses, while also remaining septic safe (check our product labeling for each product’s septic safety awareness), Eco friendly, and biodegradable (check for amount of biodegradability in each product). Everything is listed under each product information page on our website.

As for the political movement, it is not necessary to be “left” or any similar terminology to share in the concern for our planet’s safety and health. Nobody will remove you from an Eco friendly organization based upon your political beliefs. Businesses, having found a greener alternative to their previous practices, should research and seek out better products to fulfill their needs. This is precisely where Envirosafe Solutions enters the picture. Our goal is to enable you to continue your normal lifestyle and company practices, only this time using high effective and Eco friendly chemical solutions. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

Eco Friendly Air Conditioning Alternatives

Air conditioning during the summer months can be costly and can be extremely ineffective energy-wise. In other words, it is a need which seems toEco Friendly Air Conditioning Alternatives only consume and never give back. Unfortunately, many individuals would rather simply go out and buy an energy burning air conditioner rather than slow down and think a little bit more in depth about ways to conserve money and energy in the summertime, rather than simply saving up more money for a higher energy bill. You know, the same thing applies for heating in the winter months. It is far better to insulate your home and office in order to cut down on these extreme costs and energy uses during the hottest and coldest months of the year, than to keep swinging back and forth between the two extremes and correcting for such.

The first thing you should remember is that if your home is well insulated all year round, it lose less heat in the winter and lose less cooling in the summer. It is important to not just stop up holes in your wall and floor, but to actually invest a little time and effort into learning about home repair and maintenance and invest a little skill into successfully and fully insulating your home. This is not just a technique which works in moderate climates and areas which lack severe weather, but it is useful in extremely warm and in extremely cold climates.

The second and last thing you should remember is that understanding how air movement and shade can work to your advantage can cost you hundreds and even thousands of dollars per year in heating and cooling costs. For example, air flow through your house in the summertime, combined with partial or full shade from nearby trees can really make a big difference in how cool your home is without air conditioning. Open windows in opposite ends of your home to achieve this beneficial air flow.

Envirosafe Solutions offers Eco friendly chemical solutions for your home, office and worksite, so check out our website or give us a call today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.