Four Ways to Save Your Vehicle While Driving

Auto care involves a lot more than just petrol and oil. It involves maintenance, and this involves care and a variety of auto liquids to help out withFour Ways to Save Your Vehicle While Driving this. Try our multiple environmentally friendly liquids, including our radiator cleaner, our insect and tar remover, and our fuel conditioner. Envirosafe Solutions also offers a variety of other co friendly liquids and chemical solutions for your industry.

Conserve your fuel efficiency. This is a really critical step, since many auto owners only take the minimum care of their vehicle possible. This is unfortunate, because like households, companies and jobsite, if you do not manage your resources properly, you are likely to lose them. Keep your vehicle well drained, properly cooled, regularly change out its oil and petrol, and always check your transmission and brake fluids. Proper maintenance is necessary in order to increase and conserve fuel efficiency.

Keep your auto clean and sparkling. This is not just about external cleanliness, but also carpeting, upholstery, in the trunk, and under the hood. This helps you to identify any problems with the transmission or anywhere else when they first occur. If things are cluttered and dirty, you are less likely to notice when sounds begin to change.

Take more time and drive slower. This conserves fuel, and that conserves mileage. Drive slower, and watch your mileage more carefully. Often, the amount of time you take will actually determine how fast your vehicle burns through fuel.

Drive more smoothly. This is one of the best ways to conserve fuel and to wear on your vehicle to the least possible extent. Driving smoothly means speeding up and slowing down gradually, over some distance, rather than jerking the vehicle down to or up from a stopping position. It means taking more time to do this, as well, but that also means that it will wear on your vehicle the least.

Envirosafe Solutions offers Eco friendly liquids and we would like to serve your company or your industrial site in the best way possible. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

The Benefits of Eco Friendly Car Ownership

Dishwasher Powder, Disinfectant, Rust RemoverAccording to a study done by MSN Autos, consumers are not really aware of the actual fuel saving capabilities of eco friendly cars, particularly hybrids. For example, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) estimates fuel efficiency for these vehicles, but that is not always what occurs in real life, especially after a certain amount of wear and tear. Since hybrid and eco friendly cars can be very expensive, it is always an excellent idea to do your research well if you wish to buy a car which is geared toward reducing carbon fuel emission on our planet. Your aims may be worthy, but if they break the bank, then it may be time to examine some additional strategies for reducing fuel emissions.

Purchase eco friendly fuel products.

In areas where this is available, green fuel products such as Envirosafe Solution’s Extreme Green Fuel Conditioner may be the answer to part of your problem. You see, little things such as inefficient combustion and corrosion and clogging can really reduce the fuel efficiency of your vehicle, no matter what type of vehicle you drive. When you purchase green products which are specifically designed to increase the smoothness and slow down the burning power of your engine, then even the most petrol-guzzling of engines can be improved.

Exercise common sense…and make it a habit

Smoothness in driving is one of the best ways to reduce unnecessary fuel burning. For example, if you are constantly stopping and starting, with even small jolts on the accelerator and brake, then this burns far more fuel than if you can easily (and habitually) anticipate when you will be stopping or slowing down, and gently ease into a gliding stop. Also, when you start back up, it helps to time your advances in such a way that you can accelerate slowly, burning far less fuel than if you accelerate quickly or unevenly.

Take main roads

In the spirit of the previous paragraph, it is best to take more heavily traveled roads and main highways which are less likely to have a lot of starts and stops. This allows you to burn fuel more slowly. It is also easier on your vehicle as a whole, which allows you to keep it in better condition.

We live in a petroleum-based world which must change in order to maintain our current standard of living while also becoming fuel efficient, cost effective, and while protecting our environment. Envirosafe Solutions offers a wide variety of eco friendly service products, including Diesel Bug Killer and our Extreme Green Fuel Conditioner. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70
